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Topics - Pikkuhevari

Pages: [1]
Random / [QUESTION]  WHy i cannot found belf structures?
« on: October 19, 2013, 11:24:04 pm »
Hei, i dont found Blood elf Structures  by modelwiever why? :/

Heya, now when I am bit more skilled i move up... So here is my new project maybe to maruum If steff accept it.

Battle of four island
Here is my painted "concept"

Idea is Here is 4 islands Where are flags  your need control these flags (Or any other object) To get a points and make way for your team to win. (Only reflection and scale of the style of play) If you have any tips on how I could get this to work.

Here are Horde and Alliance Basement both of these basements have Boats to horde and alliance have their owns. When game Start these Boats move to island and battle begins. Or something like that.

(Or that water is acid... Or lava when players touch it these lose 3-7% their base hear per second.

Development and Presentation / [PROJECT]  Yoysha, The lost moon.
« on: March 24, 2013, 04:44:56 pm »
Hey! this is my little project. New expansion.
Lore: Coming soon..
New planet to explore!
New achievements, raid zones, and instances!
New battlegrounds!
New factions!
Thousand new monster,quest,and much more!
Maybe guild house system!
New capital city!

Yes, I am just beginner at this all like c++ and model editing. But this project is my dream... and i try just do my dream. I think i become need a lot of help with this, i hope you are ready to help me in my dream.

/off Small Request... Can somebody create for me portal like that one in blasted land where your need walk to go outland. And go back azerot for outland. I hope colors would be blue,red,green lighting blue. or if you think some better colors use them. I hope this is not much asked. But it help me a lot.

-Thanks for help!

Heya, what i need for Build my own map someting same style as "maruum" have.

What programs etc.


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