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Topics - Kranimal

Pages: 1 [2]
Random / Now this looks cool for only $99 a year
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:21:28 pm »
haven't looked into it to hard but for only $99 a year from what I can tell at this point this is very awesome...
It is basically what you all are doing here just you can't use any assets from other titles just would have to create your own. With as much time that is spent on the emulation part I could see this being a rather decent alternative... anyway just that it was cool and wanted to share it here =D

what you all think :)?

I have been trying and trying....... and TRYING.... to port the models (wmo) over to wotlk for a few weeks now and even had to wipe my computer once and re-download all the wotlk editing stuff and what not from getting a bad download.

All I need is a exporter to .obj or some other format that blender can read (wow model viewer does not work for wmo) and Machinima Studio cost money (which I would buy it but been reading ALOT of bad things about the dev so afraid to spend the money on it to begin with).

Anthony's Toolbox everything works fine except the .wmo files crash noggit so can use everything but the .wmo.

So how are people porting them or even extracting them for that matter? much help would be greatly appreciated as I am tired of wasting my time trying to get the .wmo files extracted (I can convert them once extracted just getting them extracted is what is really just starting to get to me, my whole project is on hold till I can figure this out).

I am to the point where I wouldn't even mind begging for it lol

FuTa / [Solved] Alpha Map Importing
« on: June 29, 2014, 09:03:00 am »
For some reason with the 2.0 and the Futa from tutorial can import the alphamaps just fine but for some reason I can see outline in the textures for each chunk of the ADT for the alpha map I imported. Is there a work around for this?

It is similar to when you have the lines on then edit a blizzard adt how it shows that way just instead of seeing the adt borders I am seeing all the borders for each chunk in the adt.

this a known issue or am I doing something wrong when I create the alphamap in gimp?

Here is a quick video to show what I mean


Level Design / [Question] Regarding yiasdx map editor
« on: June 27, 2014, 10:54:05 pm »
I was just curious to how good this program is compared to noggit, also pros and cons of it like

yiasdx is better at this while noggit is better at this... anything like that or if it is even usable at this point before I even try and go to download everything for wow modding all over again lol.

Was wanting to try it out but don't know if it is even worth the effort

Random / [Neverwinter] The Foundry?
« on: June 27, 2014, 05:40:03 am »
I was bored and just started going around and looking at the mmorpg sites which I have not done in a long time to be honest. (Ok so a VERY LONG time)

I came across Neverwinter on Arc Games and saw something called The Foundry. Dug a little deeper and as I was reading it pretty much gives you everything the developers use to create the world except it is part of the game. You make your own maps/quests and what have you and other players can then go and play/review it.

I was thinking to myself (isn't that what I am trying to do with wow atm?) lol....

I am downloading it right now just for that sole reason of being able to make my own content but I also wanted to ask if anybody here has ever used/played it before that could give a little idea about it?

Cause from what I can tell that is just bloody awesome in my book.

Resources and Tools / [Question] about AllOcean3.0
« on: June 15, 2014, 11:41:15 pm »
I love this tool cause of what it does

"Fills the ADT with ocean 3.* style where no terrain is above 0."

What I am asking is what numbers do I have to change to make that height different in the code to fill to 125 instead of 0, this would REALLY make my life a lot easier lol. Would I have to recompile it also or does the .exe read from the .cpp

Here is the code:

Code: [Select]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define DESCRIPTION "Fills the ADT with ocean 3.* style where no terrain is above 0."
#define ARGUMENTS "<map filename> [<depthfactor>]"

#define USAGE( minimumArguments, argc, argv )
if( argc < minimumArguments + 1 )
printf( "  %sn", argv[0] );
printf( "    " DESCRIPTION "nn" );
printf( "    Usage: "%s " ARGUMENTS ""n", argv[0] );
printf( "    Built at: " __DATE__ "n" );
return -1;

struct MCIN
unsigned int Offset;
unsigned int Size;
unsigned int Temp1;
unsigned int Temp2;

struct MCVT
float row0[9];
float null0[8];
float row1[9];
float null1[8];
float row2[9];
float null2[8];
float row3[9];
float null3[8];
float row4[9];
float null4[8];
float row5[9];
float null5[8];
float row6[9];
float null6[8];
float row7[9];
float null7[8];
float row8[9];

MCIN *Positions;
MCVT * HeightMap;
float * basez;

FILE *Input;
char *File;

float fabs ( float a )
float temp = a * a;
temp = sqrt( a );
return temp;      

float getHeightValue2(int i)
if (i<8) return *basez + HeightMap->null0[i%8];
else if(i<16) return *basez + HeightMap->null1[i%8];
else if(i<24) return *basez + HeightMap->null2[i%8];
else if(i<32) return *basez + HeightMap->null3[i%8];
else if(i<40) return *basez + HeightMap->null4[i%8];
else if(i<48) return *basez + HeightMap->null5[i%8];
else if(i<56) return *basez + HeightMap->null6[i%8];
else if(i<64) return *basez + HeightMap->null7[i%8];

return *basez;

float getHeightValue(int i)
if (i<9) return *basez + HeightMap->row0[i%9];
else if(i<18) return *basez + HeightMap->row1[i%9];
else if(i<27) return *basez + HeightMap->row2[i%9];
else if(i<36) return *basez + HeightMap->row3[i%9];
else if(i<45) return *basez + HeightMap->row4[i%9];
else if(i<54) return *basez + HeightMap->row5[i%9];
else if(i<63) return *basez + HeightMap->row6[i%9];
else if(i<72) return *basez + HeightMap->row7[i%9];
else if(i<81) return *basez + HeightMap->row8[i%9];

return *basez;

float valueormax(float value, float max)
if(value < max) return value;
else return max;

unsigned int FileSize;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
USAGE( 1, argc, argv );

int depth = 1;

unsigned int *TInt;
unsigned char *TChar;
unsigned short *TShort;

if( argc == 3 )
depth = atoi(argv[2]);

Input = fopen( argv[1], "rb+" );
fseek( Input, 0, SEEK_END );
FileSize = ftell( Input );
File = new char[ FileSize + 0xC00 + 0x81 * 256 + 0x8 ];           // And new chunk.
fseek( Input, 0, SEEK_SET );
fread( File, 1, FileSize, Input );
fclose( Input );

Positions = (MCIN *)( File + 0x5C );

// header content is at 0x14, water is at header+0x28
TInt = (unsigned int *)( File + 0x14 + 0x28 );
*TInt = FileSize - 0x14;

// write chunk:
TChar = (unsigned char *)( File + FileSize ); // magix
*TChar = 'O'; TChar++; *TChar = '2'; TChar++;
*TChar = 'H'; TChar++; *TChar = 'M';

TInt = (unsigned int *)( File + FileSize + 0x4 ); // size
*TInt = 0xC00 + 0x81 * 256;

for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
// delete MCLQ
TInt = (unsigned int *)( File + Positions[i].Offset + 0x08 );
*TInt = *TInt & ~(28); // b11100 = x1C = 28
        TInt = (unsigned int *)( File + Positions[i].Offset + 0x68 );
*TInt = 0;
TInt = (unsigned int *)( File + Positions[i].Offset + 0x6C );
*TInt = 0;

int address = 0xC00 + i * 0x81;

// the info - array

TInt = (unsigned int *)( File + FileSize + 0x8 + i*0xC );
/* 0x000 */ *TInt = address; TInt++;
/* 0x004 */ *TInt = 1; TInt++;
/* 0x008 */ *TInt = address + 0x18;

// the data

TShort = (unsigned short *)( File + FileSize + 0x8 + address );
/* 0xC00 */ *TShort = 2; TShort++;
/* 0xC02 */ *TShort = 2;
TInt = (unsigned int *)( File + FileSize + 0x8 + address + 0x4 );
/* 0xC04 */ *TInt = 0; TInt++;
/* 0xC08 */ *TInt = 0; TInt++;
TChar = (unsigned char *)( File + FileSize + 0x8 + address + 0xC );
/* 0xC0C */ *TChar = 0; TChar++; *TChar = 0; TChar++;
/* 0xC0E */ *TChar = 8; TChar++; *TChar = 8;
TInt = (unsigned int *)( File + FileSize + 0x8 + address + 0x10 );
/* 0xC10 */ *TInt = address + 0x28; TInt++;
/* 0xC14 */ *TInt = address + 0x30; TInt++;
/* 0xC18 */ *TInt = 0; TInt++;
/* 0xC1C */ *TInt = 0; TInt++;
/* 0xC20 */ *TInt = 0; TInt++;
/* 0xC24 */ *TInt = 0; TInt++;
/* 0xC28 */ *TInt = 0; TInt++;
/* 0xC2C */ *TInt = 0;

// and the information we gain from seeing the heightmap.

HeightMap = (MCVT *)( File + Positions[i].Offset + 0x8 + 128 + 0x8 );
basez = (float*)( File + Positions[i].Offset + 0x78 );

TChar = (unsigned char *)( File + FileSize + 0x8 + address + 0x30 );
unsigned char * mask_byte = (unsigned char*)( File + FileSize + 0x8 + address + 0x18 );
unsigned char * mask_byte2 = (unsigned char*)( File + FileSize + 0x8 + address + 0x28 );

for( int j = 0; j < 9*9; j++)
int baselevel = 0;
float trans = baselevel - getHeightValue(j);

if( trans < 0 ) trans = 0;
else if(trans > 255) trans = 255;

/* 0xC30 + j */ *TChar = (unsigned char)trans;

for( int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
for( int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
int baselevel = 0;
float trans = baselevel - getHeightValue2(j*8+k);

// *   *   // j*8 + k, j*8 + 1 + k
   //    +     // j*8 + k
// *   *   // (j+1)*8 + k, (j+1)*8 + 1 + k

if((baselevel - getHeightValue2(j*8+k)) >= baselevel
                 || (baselevel - getHeightValue(j*8+k)) >= baselevel
                 || (baselevel - getHeightValue(j*8+k+1)) >= baselevel
                 || (baselevel - getHeightValue((j+1)*8+k)) >= baselevel
                 || (baselevel - getHeightValue((j+1)*8+k+1)) >= baselevel  )
*mask_byte = *mask_byte | ( 1 << (k % 8) );
*mask_byte2 = *mask_byte2 | ( 1 << (k % 8) );

Input = fopen( argv[1], "wb" );
fwrite( File, 1, FileSize + 0xC00 + 0x81 * 256 + 0x8, Input );
fclose( Input );

delete File;

Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated lol

Resources and Tools / Heightmap Injection from Taliis works
« on: June 15, 2014, 07:09:53 am »
Not the import height map but the Inject Heightmap in the replacement tools from the edit window when you open and adt file.

Granted you can only import the heightmap from another adt you have opened in Taliis but figured that might help whoever might be trying to create something to import heightmaps. Take a peek at the code and what nowm though I would share :).

Miscellaneous / Out of plain curiousness!!
« on: June 14, 2014, 03:21:15 am »
Could a wow 3.3.5a repack work with a Panda Land client if you replaced all the adt files with ones from wotlk and dbc and such that the repack would use but left all the other stuff there like art resourcers and what not?

cause if memory serves me, aren't all the panda land file paths still the same as they were in wotlk (not counting the newer stuff added since the)?

what do you think (would enable being able to use everything (graphics upgrades and what not without having to port them to wotlk)

and wouldn't break the emulator cause it would still be a 3.3.5a (since it is the most stable)

I went thru a couple of different tutorials on area ID's and such for custom maps and I completed 1 area ID for my custom map. Able to bring it up in-game and The Map ID, Zone ID, and Area ID all showed up just fine when I typed in .gps.

Now the problem I am having is when I do another zone that is child to that one, example below:

Map.dbc 1000 is Arcana and it is linked to 5000 in the Areatable.dbc
Areatable.dbc 5000 is called Coltaria, and this is where everything works fine, this next part is what breaks the relationship that's is going on atm.

Areatable.dbc 5001 (Kingston) who's Parent is 5000 is breaking the relationship. (Is it cause the map.dbc isn't linked to it like in 5000?

any help would be much appreciated.

Incase your not clear what I am trying to say I have uploaded my DBC files for you to download and check out to maybe see what I am doing wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated here as I am getting very frustrated with this lol.

(trying to get it so I properly have my mapid, zone ID and area id when I type .gps ingame (the names still show up but when I make the child it breaks it)

EDIT: Figured out what the issue was, I was using Talis to do it and it didn't work, I went and used MyDBC Editor doing the exact samething I did in Talis and it worked perfectly.... So I think Talis might have been screwing something up. For future ref. anybody doing this I would use MyDBC Editor for it not Talis (at least that what happened to me :).

Cheers =D

Hey hey all, just wanted to share what I have been working on and the plans for it here on modcraft. It would be great to get some honest opinions of my area as honesty is what makes things improve.

Just to share in the video I say I have figured out the area tables but I am back to square one on that as it is still showing "unknown" for area and zone :(. I really have no clue what I am doin wrong so if you have any ideas to where an up to date tut is I would be very appreciated.

Anyway here is the vid and some commentary with it and let me know what you all think =D.


incase you can't see in HD (first time posting a video in a LONNGGGG Time lol.

Level Design / [Solved] How to copy the games ADT's?
« on: May 13, 2014, 09:28:36 pm »
Here is what I am trying to do which leads to what I am needing help with

1. Copy a certain section of Eastern Kingdoms (say Westfall up at the top where the mine is)
2. Create a new map with those copied Adt's so I have a clone of it and rename it something like (Westfall Rift One)
3. Do all the hoopla stuff you need to do to load it up in Noggit to put up an impassable area where I don't want people to go and to also edit want I want to edit.
4. Create the patch and what not and change the DBC file in the emulator so I can load it into the game and go there.
5. Walla, I have a copy of that section of westfall to create my custom content onto.

Just for reference I am doing a Mod of sorts called "The Time Keepers" hence the reason I am needing to copy different maps and edit them (cause you are jumping around in time but in general the maps would be the same), hence the reason I need to copy them.

Any help would be VERY much appreciate lol

This is for 3.3.5a for those wondering

Resources and Tools / [QUESTION] .wmo viewer?
« on: October 10, 2012, 07:40:13 pm »
I am looking for a .wmo viewer (Buildings) that doesn't crash on me but also has the path so I can import into noggit. I have tried a few applications including Wow Model Viewer but it crashes on me everytime (When loading .wmo files). So at this point in time I can't find buildings or the path for them to be able to make say a town or anything of the sort. I can only edit the ground and import objects (Plants, Trees etc.. etc..) but I need buildings lol.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated :)

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