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Topics - Ascathos

Pages: 1 [2]
Hello all,

I've been working recently on trying to remove glows and particles on weapons without removing the particle texture altogether (which would basically remove it from any other model using it as well). This, however, is met with several issues regarding finding the source.

I've come as far as identifying the source in the model itself; the effects created by the dbc are merely regular effects "similar to enchanting" and lead me to believe that they are not the initial source. This is further strengthened by the fact that the effects are mostly irrelevant to the textures - you can have any texture on a weapon you want, but the particle remains.

Looking further into the material, the weapon consists out of the
- initial model file (like .m2)
- a .skin (I assume it fixates and defines how a texture is run on a model, but I can not edit it for some reason)
- the .textures as .blps
-> the looks
-> blps of the effects

My previous search ended rather... exhausting.
- the particle editor on here (the one working for 3.x and using command lines) is not working for me at all.
- the blender Plugin for m2i (export/import) is not loading up in Blender 2.6 (I loaded an old version and tried adding it. Not even installing it worked)
- Milkshape 3d does not have a working m2 importer
- MDLvis is too old and can't load the m2s up
- 3ds Max on a legal way either costs way too much or has a weird policy for students, same for Maya
- MyWarcratModelEditor is not working with m2
- The PyModelEditor on here isn't working for me either, may it be that I do it wrong or not.

So I ask, is there any other possibilty ? Or am I doing it completely wrong ?
My goal: I try to remove glowing particles (like from ItemObjectcomponentsweaponsword_1h_sunwell_d_02.m2) from a model (this case m2) without having to remove the texture altogether, having it be missing on several other files as well.

Noggit / Noggit saves broken ADTs
« on: May 07, 2012, 06:37:18 pm »

I recently downloaded the newest Noggit Version. The programm itself is working flawless; I know it's limits by heart and can roughly tell how much I have left or how much I can sitll do. However, after edited some parts of an area (which would result in an ADT), save it (tried it with both, saving it by a single file or saving it with "save all") and tried to read it in Tallis or anything else, I can not read and thus "convert" them into MPQable adts. I checked Noggit's set up and even let it run by .conf - still no effect. It states something about "not being able to save it properly", but it saves it anyway. Anyone able to hand me more on it ? It does not matter what I do - simply changing a slight thing, like painting one spot in a different texture makes the newly created ADT useless.

I searched around on the forums, but I couldn't find anything to it; maybe I missed something ?

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