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Messages - natrist

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Bump to the top!

Resources and Tools / Re: [C++] LightAdder
« on: March 20, 2014, 02:54:39 pm »
I have noticed that the lighting disappears if you get the camera away from the light source.
Is this caused by a bug in your application or the game client itself?

Recruitment / Re: [PROJECT] Skarn - The Home of Quality WoW Modding
« on: March 13, 2014, 06:19:29 am »
This project is very nice and the people working on it are both talented and dedicated.
I have seen some of the best creations I have ever seen since I started working in the World of Warcraft emulation scene, three years ago.

Looking forward to see more frequent updates on the project progress.

This is pretty cool. Too bad I can't get a single shit of what's going on because of all that rusty Russian.

Random / Re: Successfully Decompiled wow 3.3.5a
« on: March 05, 2014, 08:43:45 pm »
Dude can I get access to this I want to make a GM client?

Miscellaneous / Re: [3.3.5a] Implementing new console commands
« on: March 22, 2013, 05:31:31 am »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
You can attach files, i.e. screenshots.

Thanks for the info. The initial post has been updated.

Miscellaneous / [3.3.5a] Implementing new console commands
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:42:20 pm »

I am writing here in hope to find someone to help me out with implementing new console commands.

Basically, I am working on a World of Warcraft emulator with a group of friends and I am assigned to the GM systems (auto-reply on accept whispers off, GM Satisfaction Surveys system, etc.) but it doesn't stop there; I am also coding the existing debug console commands.

So far I have 'worldpor't, 'charmport', and 'logout' commands implemented and working as they should. Port is on its way as soon as I find out just exactly what it does.
However, I want more: I want to be able to use all commands real developers and GMs use by unlocking them if possible (00407870    InstallGameConsoleCommands) or else register my own commands with the same name, help messages, and functions as any command I can find.

For those of you who do not know what the console does, I have taken the following screenshots from the World of Warcraft alpha:


I have been told that this could be done by DLL injection, but I have no knowledge on the matter and any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would also like to know what 'InstallGameConsoleCommands' and 'ClientRegisterConsoleCommands' do.

I am decent in C++ but however don't know much about reverse-engineering even though I have Ollydbg installed and know about as much as how to attach it to a running process.
A video of my current implementations of the console commands will be posted shortly.

Feel free to contact me on Skype (tristan.cormier) with any pertinent information you may have.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

Kind Regards,

Tristan 'Natrist' Cormier
C++ Programmer

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