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Messages - Eclipse

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@met@ love the style.

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [SHOWOFF] What Are You Working On
« on: September 05, 2015, 09:37:12 pm »
Quote from: "stoneharry"

Not sure how much you plan to use/show LK, as well as how big you plan your project to be  but heres hots voice acting for LK if you need it.


I'm loving the simplicity and farm-like enviorment of 2 and 3. Think it kinda hits home.

Quote from: "Krang Stonehoof"
Quote from: "Eclipse"
Mountains look okay so far, obviously not done. it's 2 am right now but here you go.,CyJ4JxM,FI1C425#0

It's funny how you're telling him some trees doesn't blend with the terrain. But if you would take a closer look, these are the tilesets from Howling Fjord, and these trees are actually from Howling Fjord, so basically Blizzard have no idea how to blend trees with terrain, right?

Probably because it just doesn't? I don't have his adts on hand and i'm only going by the pictures he posted and what he posted looks out of place.,lp3rF8W#0

Maybe I'm just too tired at the moment but I see a huge difference between the two in how the terrain is done which affects it, and you know what If i'm wrong then I'm wrong but I gave my opinion.

Quote from: "xFivestarr"
Quote from: "Eclipse"
Quote from: "xFivestarr"
Been messing around with different textures and models to look how they look together. Going to make a little island in this style. Still figuring out how to best handle alphamaps on the whole thing though.

Let me know what you think :)

The models stand out too much, making it look unnatural.

What particular image are you talking about? I picked the models so they would fit into the scenery and I think they all do well. Are we modding WoW or real world? :D

Mountains look okay so far, obviously not done. it's 2 am right now but here you go.,CyJ4JxM,FI1C425#0

Quote from: "xFivestarr"
Been messing around with different textures and models to look how they look together. Going to make a little island in this style. Still figuring out how to best handle alphamaps on the whole thing though.

Let me know what you think :)

The models stand out too much, making it look unnatural.

Hey folks been awhile since i've been busy and lurking, I decided to reboot a project since I have some freetime and  because I was not satisfied with it, I felt It could be better. Plus the core coding was bad.

first picture is the login screen which was animated using mordred's tool.
Second is a revamped darkshore. Why am I reworking on blizzard's continent? It fits my lore, which is an alternate take of the Cataclysm, which split Kalimdor in two, becoming a seperate continent completely.

I'm also working on a complete custom dungeon I will be posting soon.

Quote from: "Krang Stonehoof"
Quote from: "Allifeur"
Quote from: "Krang Stonehoof"
Quote from: "inico"

It looks cool but I'm pretty sure that's a remake of an already existing map...
I doubt there are people who can actually texture mountains like that...

This one is the south-west of Desolace  ;)

That's pretty funny to be honest.

And his reply:

"TIL if you make blizz-like terrain, you're using a blizzard map or you're a fake"


I mean, It's close based off the fact that I did use it as an inspirational base format cause I wanted an upscaling coast, I could show but frankly I'm not going to bother cause I don't have the time to prove some idiot wrong who seems to not have anything better to do, anyways I thought this was a showoff thread, not a bash  thread. :)

TIL if you make blizz-like terrain, you're using a blizzard map or you're a fake :P

Quote from: "axel0099"
Quote from: "Krang Stonehoof"
Quote from: "inico"
Quote from: "Eclipse"

I love the way you make the mountains. I wish i could create maps like that. Quite blizzlike. Unfortunatelly i can't even raise terrain correctly lol.

It looks cool but I'm pretty sure that's a remake of an already existing map...
I doubt there are people who can actually texture mountains like that...

lost isles alphamap, It's not hard.

Quote from: "Skarn"
Eclipse, what bush models did you use on the first pics? Looks nice btw, but lacks details a bit.

They're Trees.

Stuff i've been toying with.

Unnamed Zone

Unnamed Dungeon

Quote from: "stoneharry"
I'm not going to discuss it here - this is not the place. I have posted many a time my answer to this, and I think the state of the project that you are trying to continue speaks the truth.

You're right, this isn't the place but you decided to bring it up here, so PM me or message me on skype.

Quote from: "stoneharry"

Says a lot for the emulation scene.

This is the guy who helped me with my project and I slowly taught him over years. Then he claimed he did everything and  that I contributed nothing to the project at all.

I post some stuff on my YouTube channel:

Boss fights like this are pretty easy to make. The lack of good custom content merely stems from a lack of any programmers interested in creating custom content. You can't expect someone who can't program to make good content (unless we develop a trigger system or similar like modern game editors).

I really don't get why you have a vendetta against me.  Let's get this straight cause I frankly am tired of seeing you trash talk anything that involves me. I did not take all the credit for EoC, I never stated such. I stated I did 90% of the player content, which is true, you did mostly core work or if you did any player content, you left it unfinished and unbalanced.

As far as that project goes, I left because i had personal issues going on at that time and you knew that. Apparently you stole money from our players during that time and tried to scapegoat me which is cool cause frankly your true colors are shown time and time again.

I also fail to see how any of YOUR stuff is currently better than what I posted WHICH wasn't even finished yet, If you're going to keep talking shit then back it up with something better than what I posted. By the way 90% of that voice acting in that video I roughly edited.

"Says a lot for the emulation scene."

Yeah it does, it shows how much of an ass you're coming off as

You didn't teach me anything by the way.

Was working on a cinematic boss fight.

Feel like sharing even though this cut is still WIP.


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