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Topics - SirFranc

Pages: [1]
Hi people! after some time i've got the inspiration back to do some worldbuild.

Cutting on the lore, the Scarlet Crusade have recaptured most Darrowmere Forest and now that it's purified they built back their fortress, Tyr's Hand is not the seat of power of Damian Dathroan, son of the gran crusader Dathroan, and her wife, Abbendiss.

Tyr's Hand is grown as a massive fortified monastery overlooking the town and here you are, screens :D


Some textures are still to be finished and also detail doodads are to be done :P but i'm kinda satisfied so far

Showoff - what you are working on / [Wip?] Stromgarde New Architecture
« on: April 15, 2011, 01:22:52 am »
Well, i decided to make new architecture for Stromgarde, it doesn't look as a capital city, capital cities in wow have custom models...
I'm going to make 3-4 houses to be later on built, in two different ways, to make the city look really unique

That's what i've got so far:

If someone can actuall help me converting this to m2 (tested GMES, 3dsmtom2 and whatnot, any of those work) would be really a nice thing.

Random / Talk with WOW devs - What they say!
« on: April 06, 2011, 01:34:20 am »
Hi! being subscribed to the Q&A WoW dev group pays, since i get at times interesting things from the Devs of WoW that answers the user question, and much stuff that usually isn't said, now is!

I'll post here the most notable answers I read at times, and i want you to have your say :D

Q: Is it possible to let the players create/edit their own looks? - Zed Loft (Taiwan), Vysha (NA/ANZ), Ráchel (EU|German)

A: As we said in an earlier Q&A, we definitely hear loud and clear from players that they want more customization for their character. This is something we want to provide, but we want to do it in the right way. Consider the Barber Shop feature. It lets you change your character's hair, but there’s not a lot of gameplay to it. We're not sure that feature really added a lot to the game in retrospect. Is WoW more fun for you now that you have a Barber Shop? Are you more likely to keep playing because of it? Maybe, but it wasn’t a cheap feature to add in terms of development time. Dumping a bunch of dyes on the game might have a similar effect, where some players might have fun playing around with the system for a bit, but a lot of players might change their colors once or twice and then forget about the feature after that. Now, not every aspect of the game needs a ton of depth and a lot of interesting decisions, but we tend to attract more players to a feature the more robust the feature is.

We also think it's fair to argue that the game just needs more armor and weapon art. As we said above, we deliver a lot of art these days, but we also produce an enormous number of new items every expansion or patch and it’s understandably disappointing whenever items use the same art. It would be really cool if not every mage or priest converged on the same look after a given expansion or patch.
This particular answer made me frown, honestly, Aesthetic is a big part of a MMO since you're playing your avatar and you want it to be as close as possible to what you like it to be, this is the basic principle of even creating a character.

According to blizzard, they clearly stated that whatever thing does not require grind and won't be the reason for 500 hours of farming is not actually worthing to be done, and that says also why WoW is going to get only worse, because the mental approach is that, "let's do stuff to make people grind"

Everyone has been asking for new character models/ more customization, starting from asymmetrical faces, passing through more decent hairstiles (some of them are just bad looking, and some new haircut have a really poor UV mapping also) not to mention the never underrated human male (which is horrible, and almost everyone agrees on that)

I don't want to make it a hater thread, but really while i smiled on some answers, this one made me really disappointed, why saying that no one really used the barber shop? people actually did use it, you use it once, or twice, that's what the barbershop is for, you don't HAVE to do it, but you CAN do it.
It's not about what players HAVE TO do, it's giving more possibilities to players, and in this particular case, BASIC ones, since WoW has a quite poor customization (not as poor as most MMOs around, but still sucks utterly compared to other games like RoM - which is a good game, has potential, good graphic, but they tried to make another clone of wow and failed - or Perfect World - that is sadly another stupid Korean MMO Grind-grind-grind), so I really think here Blizz would take a step backward and ask themselves WHAT is a MMO, apart from a money machine.

Q: Would it be possible for city quartermasters to sell the same equipment that guards wear? Stats wouldn't matter. - Pokemonmasta (EU|English), Tajit (NA/ANZ)

A: Cool idea. We'll talk about it.

I smiled, because the amount of work to do that is so ridicolous that nearly every private server has guard armor and npc armor unlocked, because people actually LOVE some npcs armors, and way to implement them are more than thousands. Happy to see that after only 6 years they are finally getting that.

Q: Any chance we can start heading away from WWE-esque belts? - Catriona (NA/ANZ)

A: Azeroth is stricken by a terrible plague that inflates the size of shoulders and belts over time. Our artists like the belts because they have more room for detail when they’re larger. That said, your concern is duly noted.
I laughed at this, WWE-esque belts are actually getting annoying on Cata, and way overused, Blizz may consider hiring a third artist? (can't believe they actually have more than two artists drawing the armors) Also shoulderpads are getting just ridicolous, being the only part with the helm that you can actually model doesn't mean that the shoulderpad alone must compensate for all the set's flatness.

Q: Is there any chance we could have caster weapons involved in casting animations? It would look cool to be holding a staff and casting a spell through it, at least as a customization option. - Dromanthis (NA/ANZ)

A: This is something we would dearly love to do. We agree that melee specs get to see their weapons a lot more often in combat while it's easy for casters to forget about them. It's definitely on the list, but understand that we have so many races now (and two sexes for all existing races) that the animations take more time to do right/well.

Uhm i wonder if WE can actually do this.... i want to know Jack's opinion about this!!

Last Q&A
Q: Will enchanters be getting back the ability to make wands? - Trustybee (Taiwan)

A: We have been discussing what role in the game wands are supposed to fill. We generally consider it a failure these days if a caster ever wants to wand for dps instead of using their spells. Working the wand into the cast animation (as in the question above) is one idea. In any event, we want to figure out what we want wands to do before we give them any more prominence.

Nostalgy... so much nostalgy.... when wands were actually used in Vanilla...
Here i want to know your ideas, for me they should be a source of spell power + spell eanchement (like Librams for paladins) that would make them useful and senseful, oh, also a spell on use would be cool!

That's all for now folks!

Random / Shame on Model Editing
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:08:45 pm »
Hi, i want to  tell you the story of why i'm going to leave the model editing scene
I do that because i honestly think that the best model editors are here, and all of you will probably understand how i feel during this, seeing, as for me, model editing as a brotherhood.

Why i say so? because people like me, Limee, Eluo, Steff(Even tough he's a programmer) and other great model editors or going-to-be great model editors have shared a lot the same feelings for our work, which is a passion, we all feel the same way with our job, which is, i could say, the best in the world (after the porn actor, but is a detail)
We share the will to make something unique, something that stands for us as a piece of art, not just a mere work, but something that brings up feelings to the users or to who sees screens of our work.

In this scene many of us know already what happened of late on AC-web, where me, Eluo, the dude that made Deadwind Keep, Limee and others got leeched many times (sorry Eluo i found out too late to tell you in time, and he deleted the post) where little pieces of scum (harsh but deserved) claimed our work (and our screens) as their own, to feel a little less pitiful or just get rep, i personally bought me and many friends to claim our work as our own and uncovering the thievery, but was a lost battle already, AC-web has the particular thing of having NO moderators except 2-3 dudes that aren't even reachable with PMs and whatnot, and well, they always plainly ingored me and all my requests of a bit of fairness, so leeching ran wild.

Yesterday i found an interesting surprise, some other piece of scum that actually deserves to die (he does) built up an entire site for my server... to rip my patches, decrypt them (even tough i just added a simple .exe check he removed) and make them downloadable to the public.
Now, you all know ( i guess) CoA and how the server was developing, and its strong point is in fact the new amount of content, I always put much effort in trying to keep the patch into CoA, and i did it because i had my ambitious (and i admit delusional) project to make a RP haven for who loved to RP in a RP-friendly environment. (WoW IS NOT RP-friendly, doesn't even make sense RP wise)

Now, imagine how would you feel seeing your work downloadable from a site that says "i'm gonna rip the shit ouf ot that douche" referring to you. As model editors, you can understand my feelings.
And then you see that little idiot posting it everywhere on Ac-web, MMowned, and other forums (he'll may post even here) and you already read people saying "that's awesome i'm going to give it to all my friends!" and whatnot, yes, you see your work raped and used by every noob he just want to claim it for himself.

How would you feel?
I bet really bad.
And so i asked to the various admins of all the sites to delete those posts. I had to send MANY pleas to AC-web and they eventually even deleted it granting my wish, on other forums tough, they just ingored me (mostly because the admin was as  leeching from it too)

What made me astonished, and disappointed, was what happened on MMOWNED.
Many of you would think about MMOWNED as a serious and helpful environment, well you're wrong.
Kurious, at my request to delete it, stated two choices:
-I release the stuff myself
-I let him do
I have no words to describe how disappointed i am, i would have expected it from other forums, but not MMOWNED. (The post is temporarily deleted but it's likely to be reopened according to kurious)

Then i ask myself, how much people is actually thinking we worth? i remember Dynashock stating "that model editors are just common and raw working force, while programmers are like diamonds" Of course, everyone can take noggit and start working, and we have the proof seeing the floods of lame model edits done by noobs that want to boast themselves (i love when i see "here is my awesome model edit! it's epic guys *lame screens follow of a 2 wmo swap*)
But are we, as a category (Because what happen to me today may happen to all of you, i hope not, but it could) protected in some way? do we have some dignity for what we do? I consider myself, Eluo, Limee, and many others (sorry i can't think about much names atm) as artists, because what we make is art (it's not being arrogant, i wouldn't say so if some hundred of people didn't told me that) but people sees us as mapping packmules, we are just supposed to make maps (and release them) and shut up.

To me it's wrong, but what could i do? where nobody respects what we do, nobody cares, and everyone is ready to steal other people work?
You know better than me that all this thing is turning into a dick contest. I don't like it. But i can't do nothing except taking my leave from the model editing scene (partially, i'll still stay here and i'll show some screens to time to time)

What's the point of this huge wall of text? i needed to out my feelings about that story, because i'm building up too much anger inside to be honest.

Well that's all, i wrote all this wall of text as a flow, but i would like to know what you think.

Development and Presentation / Chronicles of Azeroth - Dawn of a new Era
« on: February 09, 2011, 02:35:41 pm »
Chronicles of Azeroth is a brand new expansion pack (or eventually will end up being one since is already 500+ mb of size and so far is mostly maps)
[center:2ig186gc]Azeroth Map (i'll add soon Kalimdor map too)[/center:2ig186gc]

Five years have passed since the battle at Icecrown Citadel.. that ended into a stalemate...
Nobody understood clearly what happened... the citadel just got covered in an unpassable mist...
And while the paladins of the Argent Crusade wait... for years in the frozen Wastes, the war rages on Azeroth...

Stromgarde has been rebuilt, with the desperate fight of proud heroes the power of this once great nations has risen again to unite the shattered people of Lordaeron under one flag...
The scourge, withdrew massively from Lordaeron, has been pushed back and is now shut in their dark holds.. .Scholomance... Plaguewood... Stratholme...

But a new evil has begun to threaten the world... the Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge got twisted and deformed by the dark will of a new entity known as the Dark God, earthquakes and tremors have torn asunder this land...  the Blackrock Orcs sought refuge in the badlands and the forces of Stormwind do their best to push back the flow of burning soldiers that comes down from the lands now known as Darklands.

Kul Tiras has recovered completely from the damage of the last war, and his fleet has been fully refurnished and rebuilt, now ready to wipe out the Orc race or die trying...
... but the Orcs won't stand without fighting! as the war rages they sought new allies in their brothers now refugees of Blackrock and Dragonmaw, and with their joined help they build the new city of New Mammerfall, to oppose the growing power of Stromgarde.

The Amani trolls have been renuited too under one flag and once again the goal to rebuild the feared Amani Empire is now real...
... as the Amani trolls joined back to their old allies, the horde, the Blood Elves decided to leave behind both factions and shut themselves in Quel'Thalas, studying a way to restore the Sunwell, Silvermoon is running out of fel energy as Kael'Thas has been defeated and their time is running short...

New forces are raising... old hatreds revived.. new and old heroes will guide the people of Azeroth to victory, or glorious defeat!

[center:2ig186gc]Gameplay Changes[/center:2ig186gc]
New leveling system
New fatigue system to make the experience more hardcore
New class system that will make you able to choose between up to 90 specialization and race-restricted RP classes such as Demon Hunter or Risen Warlord..
All world content re tuned to fit new leveling system and level zones changed everywhere
Resource system (like cutting down trees)


[center:2ig186gc]New Playable races[/center:2ig186gc]
-Goblins for the Horde
-Forest Trolls for the Horde
-High Elves for the Alliance
-Blood Elves as the first neutral race

[center:2ig186gc]New Lands[/center:2ig186gc]
-Northeron, home of the Dawnstrider high elven forces

-Stromgarde City, capital city of the New Lordaeron and home of Arathi humans

-Maisara Hills, homeland of the Amani Trolls and their capital city, Temple City of Ula Tek

-Agamand Isles, new Forsaken Zone!
No screen yet
-Tol Barad, instance and battleground (not cata one, this one properly placed in baradin bay)

-Gilneas, (not cata one, NO WORGEN, this one with the old shape and completely reworked)

-Darrowmere Forest, once called Eastern Plaguelands, now being cleansed and contested with the Scourge
See showoff thread
-Darrowmere Fields, once known as Western Plaguelands, now rebuilt and controlled by the Argent Crusade

-The Darklands, a dark twisted land where the Dark God reigns from Blackrock Hold

-Broken Highlands, a shattered mountain range with ancient secrets of the dwarfs and elementals

-Kul Tiras, fierce home of the Kul Tiras sea empire, and its capital city Boralus
No screen yet
-Amani Forest, the inner region of the Amani Empire
No screen yet
-Zul'Arga, new subzone in Arathi Highlands, a grove hidden in the mountains with an ancient troll city and temple

See showoff thread
-Tirisfal Grove now explorable, with an ancient temple and a forsaken city featuring a forsaken-only arena where the new champion of the banshee queen is chosen in a deadly tournament
No screen yet
-Mount Hyjal now fully explorable with new content
No screen yet

[center:2ig186gc]Revamped places[/center:2ig186gc]
-Tiragarde Keep rebuilt and expanded

-Northwatch Hold expanded

-Sepulcher rebuilt and expanded
No screen yet
-Brill rebuilt and expanded
No screen yet
-Crossroads expanded
No screen yet
-Razor Hill expanded and fortified
No screen yet
-Goldshire expanded
No screen yet
-Refuge pointe turned into a town - Haven

-Deathknel rebuilt expanded
No screen yet

[center:2ig186gc]New Kingdom vs Kingdom regions*[/center:2ig186gc]
-Alterac mountains, now a battleground between Alterac city, bastion of New Lordaeron and Venomshroud keep, massive keep of the Forsaken

-Hasic, city contested between the Amani trolls (horde) and the Old Lordaeron remnants (alliance)
See showoff thread
-Westfall landing, the orcs are again fighting versus Stormwindians once more!
No screen yet
-Hinterlands, now a battleground between Amani (horde) and Wildhammer (alliance)
No screen yet
-Silverpine, contested daily between New Lordaeron and Forsaken forces
No screen yet

*KvK zones are monthly/weekly capturable and will give income to the faction that has captured them, along with various bonuses

[center:2ig186gc]New Instances[/center:2ig186gc]
-Stratholme Sewers
-Voidheart Mansion
-Tomb of Anvilmar Kings
-Blackrock Hold
-Baradin Keep
Old instances revamped with new bosses and content tuned like
-Shadowfang Keep
-Sunken Temple

And much more content to be added....

Soon i'll post screens and previews!

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] [WIP] WoW TRUE revenant
« on: February 09, 2011, 02:55:23 am »
Hi, i'm learning how to use maya and 3ds, and i've came up with the decision of making a new creature model in wow, the actual Revenant from Wc3, that was if you recall, awesome.
That's what i've come up so far... i'd like advice and hints about how to improve it :P

NOTE: has no textures, no gloves and no weapon/armor yet i plan to give him attachment points so he can use actual weapons and shields
I would copy-paste animations from the Fire Revenant model

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] Darrowmere Forest
« on: February 09, 2011, 01:11:39 am »
Hi to everyone, while i'm working on other stuff i found that my old Northern Lordaeron edit was needing a major overhaul, then i redid everything from scratch, scrapping the old ideas and redoing it again.

Lore time
-Hasic was a rich port town that linked many trade routes between the main harbors of Lordaeron, until the third war wiped out Lordaeron itself destroying most of this land, Hasic, however didn't got destroyed by the scourge, as the scourge wasn't interested in a coastal town while had a whole continent to wipe out, and because to reach Hasic you have to pass through Tyr's Hand, or cross the wild forest and climb some hill
As the land got healed and trade routes were rebuilt by the New Lordaeron and the Scarlet Crusade (now controlling a big part of Darrowmere Forest) Hasic emissaries sought to inform both factions that the city is still alive and available for trade, and is the last town (along with Southshore) to be Old-lordaeronish
Sadly, there was a price to pay still for Hasic, war would fall even on this town, and so it was:
A noble of Hasic, Lord Samwell Gernald, was found and captured by a group of forest trolls of the nearby Zul'Ulda temple (located near Seradane) and they agreed on freeing him AND paying him in change of a favor, blowing up the side of the mountain near Hasic, that was the only block for a deep cave that linked Hasic itself with their temple's catacombs... and so he did..
Overnight, both the city wall and the rock exploded, and a flood of well armed trolls with siege equipment swarmed in the high keep before the city could set up any defense, and overnight the whole city on the left side of Merendar river was destroyed and conquered, luckily the right half of Hasic woke up and set defenses on the bridge. Samwell got killed by the very trolls that he had a deal with "da traitor do not deserve to live"
Now the Alliance seek to take back the left side of Hasic while the horde is helping the Amani trolls* to finish the job and destroying that town once and for all.

*Amani trolls are now playable as race, as the Blood Elves are a neutral race (they left the horde)

Trees are custom and ye, the water is real and works. AND YES, IS STILL A WIP.
Notes: Hasic texturework and map aren't done yet
Newer Screens:

Older Screens:


Enjoy :D I'll add more stuff as the work proceeds, it's not just an area change since i'm heavily editing stuff around, and there will be two brand new pieces of this region.

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] [WIP] Zul'Arga
« on: July 18, 2010, 10:55:37 pm »
Hi to all! while i'm finishing Northeron (i need mostly to add the details and finish the isle) i decided in a moment of madness and boredom to start a little but interesting edit, i'll post some screenshots soon, before, as always, i'll bother you with some lore :D

For years the Kingdom of Stromgarde and the Forest Trolls fought hard in the Arathi Highlands, and as both the empires collapsed, the war itself finished....
...Until the Kingdom of Stromgarde has reborn, and now, the Trolls of the Witherback village have to play their Ace, and they broke the seals on the ruined temple city of Zul'Arga, nested in the mountains east of Arathi

The city is divided in three parts, mosty:

The Stair of Blood - is the entrance to the city, a huge, massive stair that climbs up all the mountain, up to the plateau, the entrance used to be fortified and become in the time a small city itself, but eventually, as the city was sealed (for causes still unknown) the city fell into ruin and disrepair
Now, as the trees have claimed the entrance, only few huts are proof of a troll presence.

The Grove of Purification - the forest between the entrance and the temple, this thick band of vegetation used to be cut in two by a majestic road, now almost completely destroyed by the weather and the age, about this forest the trolls whisper of dark beasts lurking in the darkness...

The Temple of the Clouds - the highest part of the city, was once a majestic monument to the Amani Empire, now is only a pile of crumbled stone, in the empty halls only the echo of some lost soul breaks the silence, many claims that behind this temple there is a secret passage to the Hinterlands

--NOTE: the concept are still being chosen, as it is for now, is a challenge for troll players to reclaim the land from the savage beasts and defend it while the New Lordaeron pushes away from the Highlands

Screen time :D






This is, oddly, one of my first HORDE projects <.< you know i'm alliance 4ever but this time will be an exception :D

Hi i'm SirFranc, manager of the RP server Cronichles of Azeroth
the server features custom edits, brand new item system, RP features, custom bosses/instances, and much more

UPDATE: server changed to international
UPDATE: core changed back to Trinity Core for many reasons
UPDATE: only scripter spots left.

Where i'm already working on the greater part of edits (all the mapping, dbc editing, sound editing, SQL db turning etc) i'm looking for new members for my new English realm staff:
i'm looking for SERIOUS and interested people, to cover the following roles:

-Scripter 2x (C++ ONLY, for custom bosses, events and various scripts)

NOTE: if you're not a C++ scripter we are not interested, thanks for your applications but it's all what we are looking for now. No need of lorewriters, gms, "npc creator" or object spawners.

the project for the new patch (already 100mb) is at 70%, so the project won't drop and will be a large scale server expansion (the server will be featured and advertised as much as possible to get many menbers, i have already many subscription requests, more than 50)

i'm looking, again for SERIOUS and skilled people, don't ask "plz i'm good roleplayer GM me!" or "i can learn GM me" i WONT

thanks for your time

Ok, let's start with the Lore that everyone loves (not really xD)

Since the formation of the New Lordaeron, and after the reclaiming of Durnholde Keep, Alterac City, Pyrewood Village, Ambermill and Aerie Peak, the empire finally has placed his eyes on the once great land of the Eastern Plaguelands...

but this time things will be different, as the new king, Ralean Trollbane (unlegitimate son of Galen, died during the siege of Stromgarde)
is going to fight personally the Scourge

First, King Raelan, gathering his army at his full power and asking the aid of a red ragon, cleansed the city of Corin's Crossing and settled there the base of his military operations

Second, band of heroes were sent to stop the spreading of the plague, and so, during risky and hard raids on Noxious Glade, Fungal Vale and Plaguewood, all the Scourge Cauldrons (the main cause of the terrain decay) have been destroyed and consecrated by Lord Alexander (the first commander of the Lordaeron army)

Third, druid of the cenarion circle have been called and gathered at Light's Hope and Corin's, and started a powerfull ritual, mixing for the first time holy and nature to heal the land from a palgue both natural and unholy

Fourth, when the cleansing process started, the army of Lordaeron marched nord and conquered back Eastwall tower and Browman mill, placing there strange holy artifact called "heaven shard", the scourge started to retreat and push some minor attacks on the northern frontier

Fifth, helped by the High Elves of QUel'Danil, the argent crusade and their new allies blood elves, the army marched forth to the norh, gaining back Blackwood, Northdale, Northpass Tower and placing the holy artifacts near the gate of Plaguewood, sealing the scourge in that region

Terrordale is too far from any reach now, but a new expedition is planning to take back the town passing trough terrorweb tunnel

This patch will be released after the event "2 Years Later" so every change made in the patch is about 2 years after those events

Now, i've bothered you enough with lore, let's start with screenies :3
[spoiler:f20156o1]ImageShack Album - 15 images <-Full album on Imageshack

On the World Map

Region Map

Corin's Crossing


Quel'Lithien and Northpass Tower

Browmann Mill (Argent outpost + PVP event)

Light's Hope Chapel (now featuring the Crypt of Heroes shown in the Ashbringer comic)

Blackwood Bridge (with new farms)[/spoiler:f20156o1]



I need some help for:
-adding water ONLY on the river (pretty hard i know)
-adding POI (Corin's Crossing should be visible as city on the map)
-adding flight paths (Corin's Crossing, Northdale - alliance / Quel'Danil - both)
-changing the terrain details

as always, suggestion and feedbacks accepted

The story goes on and since the fall of Silvermoon under the power of the Dark Gods (not the old gods, more ancient ones), tremors and earthquakes are shaking the southern part of the Eastern Kingdoms

And now, from the long time closed Blackrock MOuntain, the true power of the Dark Gods are being revealed, during a massive Earthquake a brand new fortress, built by the enslaved Blackrock Orcs (and Scarshield legion too)
and kept hidden by secret powers, has born from the rock, changing the face of the mountain forever..

Now Blackrock MOuntain has been Fortified, under the order of the Dark Gods, and what has been locked inside the mountain has been revealed

Blackwing lair has been purged by all the drakes who stood aganist this new power, and has become Blackwing Throne, where the Drake-binders are ready to unleash the corrupted and defiled drakes of the former lair

Shadowforge city has been annihilated by the enslaved creatures of Molten Core (now without the command of Ragnaros, who is disappeared) and now is the City of the Damned, where the chained souls of the Dark Iron Dwarves are bound to flaming raging creatures alimented by rage and hatred

but on the top of the mountain lies the new, greater evil... the once burning and trembling summit of Blackrock is now the place of the central keep and control quarter of the Dark Gods, here his most powerful servants are enslaving demons of unspeakable power.... welcome to Blackrock Summit


Blackrock Summit is accessible after finishing Blackwing Throne, after defeating the last boss (not nefarian, but another one :3) the portal will appear for the players (all the instances are redefined to 5 players to help the roleplay)
the portal is opened on the lower court, where the first boss take place, and the second boss is guarding the gate of the Bastion of Hate, inside that bastion the third boss is protected by a shield, and they have to kill the fourth boss in the Furnace of War.
After killing the third boss, the portal for the upper floor is opened and the players can enter into the Bastion of Pain, where the Fifth and sixth bosses are togheder in the hall, defeating them allow the players to access to the last floor, where the portal for the Hall of War is opened and they can defeat one of the Dark Gods :D

Here the Instance map so far

hope u enjoy, i need now to complete the courtyard and add doodads all around :3 more screenies soon

First part of the dungeon guide

Here for you some footage of the Instance (nearly completed, now i have to spawn NPCs/Gobjects

The entrance in the court:
The first vision of the court, with the pit of the beast in the middle (i'm not going to touch the textures, in noggit i tried, and as ever the .adt was corrupted >.>)
A misterious door in the court, with flames and smoke behind, perharps will lead to another part of the instance, later
The entrance to the bastion of Hate, with another closed gate that someday may lead somewhere :3
The vision of the court from the top of the first bastion
The southern wing of the Upper Balcony
The portal to the Hall of War

Hey ya!

the time is passing and after two years of battles and conquests, the New Lordaeron is now a major force in Azeroth
money is coming from all over the land, mines, farms and other resources are being improved, the High Elf magic is helping and the blessing of both Sirian (god of Light) and Sideros (god of the stars) is blessing this kingdom (check my server lore, i'll post soon on the appropriate section)

King Ralean Trollbane, coming back from his long campaign in the Northern Lordaeron and Darrowmere Fields (formerly the plaguelands) decided to rebuild from scratch the whole city of Stromgarde, to make it "the true capital of this glorious kingdom"

and so the work started, and this is what the capital will be in the end:

(the harbor is not finished yet)

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] Northeron
« on: June 30, 2010, 11:45:43 am »
I've decided to make a new region, in the zone now called "Quel'Thalas", the northern coast of Lordaeron (now fully selectable in game as region and viewable in the overrall azeroth map, i'm working on the zone map, soon screenies)

The zone is accessible from Hearthglen, Western Plaguelands (near the tower, starts a path in the mountains), Plaguewood (a mountain pass) Tirisfal Glade (swimming)

Northeron divided between four factions:
-Scarlet Crusade (Hearthglen Harbor)
-New Lordaeron (Northolme Village)
-High Elves (Dawnstrider Harbor)
-Scourge (Banewood Marshes / Stratholme sewers (brand new instance)
-Elementals (Voidheart Mansion -new instance)
-Wilhammer Dwarf (isle of Thor'Kargas)
-Wrykul (attacking the wildhammer isle)

This will be the starting zone for the new race on my server, the High Elves (not really new, but now avaiable)
now, it's lore time (not really xD)

You start on the eastern part of the banewood marsh, on a ship wrecked on the coast, you can see the ghostland over the sea, you did it!
you and few survivors are finally free from the magical thirst, embracing the power of Sideros (god of the stars, check my server lore) you've found a new source of power... but is not over yet!
The first task is to cross the banewood marsh, where hordes of scourge wander, flowing out from Stratholme (of wich you can see the outer wall burning...) ralliyng the survivors and completing some task you finally reached
Dawnstrider Harbor, the city of the High Elves (reaching level 7-8 at this point), where you must earn your stay! helping villagers and hunting creatures, until a human of the new lordaeron arrives, asking for help!, the commander has no choiche but to send you to the small village of Northolme, main harbor of the New Lordaeron forces, you're welcome here... (and here you should be at level 12-14)

... but not safe! the scarlet crusade is coming to attack the town from one side and the scourge from the other one!
you MUST defend the town, the humans who opened their arms to help you must be helped back!
Repelling the attack is not hard, and eventually you managed to do it (level 15-16)

the lordaeron commander Alestorm sought in you something of valor, and you are chosen to help a counter-attack! this time the Scarlet crusade will loose Hearthglen Harbor once and for all! (completing the prologue will bring you to level 20)

This is the prologue of the High Elf, at the end of wich you're sent to Soutshore to report to King Ralean Trollbane (the son of Galen) at Stromgarde City, becoming a part of the alliance, and the prologue is all set in an instanced copy of this map (on the normal map Hearthglen Harbor is already of the alliance and the whole zone is a high-level one)

Screens time!
Tor'Kargas city


Northeron forest - REDONE

New World Map and Azeroth map (zone map credit to Amonra, the highlight of Northeron is a strange X with a square because i was taking measures for the final picture)



The swamp is to be finished ^^[/spoiler:vj4xlue1]

the Minimap (just a part, less than half, without the Ghostland-like swamp and the Stratholme outskirts)




Road from Dawnstrider Harbor to Northolme

Crossroad from Northolme to Dawnstrider Harbor and Western Plaguelands

Hearthglen Harbor 100% done (added some cranes, the dock and more details)

Ramkin's Farmstead, i made this farmstead (with a lumbermill behind) to fill a dead space between the Highlands and the Western Plaguelands, perharps i will add a new questline similar to the Saldean one at Westfall [i'm going to swap the fence model, i used the same of Hearthglen Harbor but i'll swap it in taliis eventually]

Hearthglen Harbor

Last Light's Chapel

Northolme Cliffs


general coast view[/spoiler:vj4xlue1]
the road down from hearthglen (exiting Wp)

Hearhglen Harbor ( i need to place still the docks and the ship, perharps i will change the lumbermill with a Inn and the towe with a lighthouse)

a small manor
Therenolde Plateau

Upper Highlands


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