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Topics - Epicurus

Pages: [1]
Hello Modcraft,

I'm trying port over the Mists of Pandaria Hozen and Female Pandaren models. Now, I know how to port models, wmos, adts, etc - this question is about those M2s that port over with bad appearances in game (please refer to the screenshots).

Multiple searches on the topic led to a conclusion that the 335a/434 clients have bad displays on M2s that have more geosets than the they can handle. It was suggested to try and remove some geosets. Well, I did that - but that creates a new problem. Deleting geosets does indeed clean up the in game display for some displayIDs, but for others it leaves them with missing body parts. For example, I was able to clean up the Female Pandaren Prisoner model, but when I try to spawn other female pandaren NPCs certain parts of their bodies are missing, some are missing the tail, others the arms, and others are missing the torso.

This leads me to the conclusion that there is more to converting those models than deleting geosets, or perhaps deleting geosets is not the way to go about it.

Is there anyone out there who has successfully ported those models and is willing to share how they did it? Or maybe you have a link to a tutorial somewhere? Elaboration is appreciated.

Thank you,

Resources and Tools / [TOOL] Item-Sparse to Item_Template
« on: March 09, 2014, 11:26:14 pm »
Hello Modcraft,

I created a simple script, written in PHP, that automatically converts comma delimited strings from Item-Sparse.db2 and Item.dbc and converts them into an SQL statement which you can later add to your database or modify further.

The final output is for TrinityCore (World) Database 4.3.4. To prevent conflicts between item-sparse.db2 and world.item_template, I added 500000 to the entry ID.

Personally, I don't like working in windows environments - I'm more of Linux guy. The current db2 to sql converters require that you have an active MySQL connection to run the conversions, and I'd rather not install that software on windows (which is the OS I use to model edit for convenience purposes). Rather than bothering with that, I made this simple tool which my devs and I can access via the Administration panel of my server's website.

This tool does not convert the raw Item-Sparse.db2 into a readable format, there are many db2 to csv converters on the web for you to use. Once the file is in csv format, just copy paste the line representing the item you want to convert into the textarea, and copy the corresponding line from item.dbc into the input field.

Press "Convert" and you're done. The statement is ready for insertion into the database / further modification.

The script can be easily modified to fit your needs, be it bulk conversions or straight-to-database insertions.

I hope this helps some of you. Thanks again for this great community. I learned most of what I know about model editing and level design on this forum.



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