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Author Topic: Linked gameobject spawns?  (Read 790 times)


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Linked gameobject spawns?
« on: December 06, 2017, 09:03:50 pm »
I'm trying to make a group of gameobjects share a spawn so that only one can spawn at a time. I tried using pool_gameobject and pool_template to accomplish this but it only spawns the first time then never again. Anyone ever work with this?


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Re: Linked gameobject spawns?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2017, 12:02:22 pm »
Let's say I want my BigChest and my LittleChest to spawn at point B, but only one of them at a time.

BigChest have a GuID of 102030, LittleChest have a GuID of 405060.

I go into Pool_Template and add a Row,

Entry I can set whatever I want, let's set 99000 for this exemple,
MaxLimit I set 1, since I only want 1 Chest to be visible at a time.
Description, whatever I want, I just want keep it clear, it's helpful when there is a lot of them.

Now, I can go into Pool_Gameobject and add a Row,

GUID will be the first chest (the first is arbitrary, no impact on the final result) so 102030.
PoolEntry is the Entry of the Pool_Template I did earlier, so 99000.
Chances is a little bit trickier, but we're going to keep it simple, let's say I only have two chest, so I'll cut the 100% dropchance in two, so I set it to 50.
Description, I will add "BigChest entry for 99000" to keep it clear.

I add another row and do the exact same thing except for the GuID (we will add 405060 instead) and the Description ("LittleChest entry for 99000")

Once it's done, I can go into the GameObject table and look for my two chests with the corresponding GuID and I set the spawntimesecs at something like 900 so the chests will be able to respawn every 15 minutes.

Now I can restart the server and only one chest will be lootable !
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