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Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Injecting Alphamaps
« on: June 16, 2010, 04:47:42 pm »

Injecting Alphamaps

Well an alpha map is the result of painting in noggit. It includes a layer for every texture that is used on a chunk.
By using this method you can create huge textured landscapes in no time.
Blizzard also uses this method  , but so that don't see it when you look at the the gorund textures ingame.
At the end of this post you can find some examples of blizzard using this method.

Another big point beside of the fact that you need just a few hours for many adts, is that the detail level is much bigger than the painted-by-hand version.

Let's start:

Go to a unused adt with noggit and delete all textures on it by crtl+clicking on every field.


Now add the first texture. Mostly this is a dirt texture :)

Now take the 2nd texture and paint over every chunk! But write down somewhere what texture that is, that we can later see wich it is^^
But really : make sure that every chunk is touched by this texture.

I am now using another dirt texture. Take the textures you want to have usually you now use the Rock texture for the 2nd layer

Now i use a grass texture. Again , make sure that the texture touches every chunk.

And now im adding the last texture : a bright grass texture

Leave the 2d mode and save the adt.

For better overview i am copying the adt into the taliis folder.
Im opening it from there with taliis and use the alpha layer - export to png feature.

Now you can find some png's in the folder where the adt is.

Now as you maybe can see the order of the layers is a bit strange but soon you will figure out the order behind it.
The first layer we added after the texture deletion was the dirt texture.
By looking through the pictures you will see that there are two similar pics.

The _0_ layer is also the first layer as we added it. It includes also the first layer , this is why _0_ and _3_  are the same pictures.
Well and as said _3_ is the second layer we added in noggit. It is the rock texture.
_1_ is the dark grass texture wich was the 3. texture we added in noggit.
And _2_ is the last ,the bright grass texture.

So the order is like this:
1.Texture: layer _0_
2.Texture: layer _3_
3.Texture: layer _1_
4.Texture: layer _2_

Maybe this pic will show you what i mean:

It is always like that.^^

Now in order to create the beatiful landscape we now must paint it.
I am using Photoshop for that. Feel free to choose which program you want to use.
The only things that you have to keep in mind on painting the landscape:
#1 Use for rocks, grass and so on diffrent layers in the programm because we have to save them seperated.
#2 The size of an adt in photoshop is: 1024x1024
#3 The colour you must use is: 0000f0
#4 You just have to paint 3 Layers: Grass1 , grass2 and rocks!
#5 Take first a big work space to create the landscape and seperate it later. This allows you to create a fluid flow of the texture where no border can be seen.

Now some tips for the Photoshoppers:
1. The Rocks
I am first painting some sort of stamps for the rocks wich i will just copy and arrange them that it looks everywhere diffrent.
2. The grass
I am creating just one seamless texture for the grass. What is a seamless texture? A seamless texture is a texture that is used in every game. Theese are textures that can be applyed together without any borders so you can apply them in everydirection together and you will not see any interruptions between the textures. Here is a link for a tutorial how to create a seamless texture: The tutorial

When i finished the seamless texture in the size of a adt. I am applying them with a 90° change frome one adt to another. Blizz is doing that too^^
3. Keep the size
I first start the Painting by adding boxses of the size of 1024x1024 that i can see how many adts i will use. It also gives you an easier handling with the later saving of the diffrent layers.

4. Use a template. I ripped this one off of many diffrent blizzard adts but if you look closely on the woltk adts, you can clearly see that is is pretty close to their template.

What they only do to make it unrecognizeable, is to paint over it with the same texture to make this layer a bit "thicker" ,and they sometimes change the size of it. Plus what they are doing on nearly every adt of it is to rotate it in a 90° degree which is possible as it is a seamless texture.
Use this template to create a massive already prepainted landscape,and paint a bit over it. It will look blizzlike as they use the same method.Lower the contrast setting in photoshop to make it look more "flat", increase the contrast settings to make it look more wavy.

----End of photoshop tipps-----------

The finished Product can look like this:

Sorry but i had to scale it down that much because it had a size of like 4000x5000.

Now save every layer for every single adt. How do you do that? Well maybe as you remember the common adt with the x and y axis coords is names like this: _x_y.adt

Now as you save every single adt with every single layer,don't forget to also name them correctly.

AND! Remember the order of the layers. Let your self time and don't get confused.

After that, just open again your adt with taliis and use the alphamaps - import from png function.

When everything worked it could look like this:

And after a lilbit terrain-shaping it could look like this:

With a little bit of fine grinding you could make a blizzlike area out of nothing!

Why blizzlike?
Because of that:

And in wotlk they didn't even use that... they used a automaticly generated painting that lays a pattern over a defined area. The slopes at a given degree got automaticly applied this texture and the terrain was shaped according to the texture.
As a result you can see theese poorly shaped and painted cliffs.

Cliffs like that can also be found in cataclysm. Also as dirty as you can see them there.
It doesnt look good and is just a result of blizzards lazyness.
Shame on you![/spoiler:1lplb3km]

Some people think that this is not worldbuilding. And it isnt at some point.
It is just a method for large terrain, without much detail. Still it requires a bit of painting knowledge to make it look good and the time you need to do that shouldnt be underestimated.
You are going to struggle with bugs and texture errors and most likely have to paint over the whole area by yourself again.
Nevertheless it saves you some huge amount of time if you know how to use it.

Tutorials / Groundeffects
« on: May 02, 2010, 03:15:03 am »


Well.What the Hell are Groundeffects?
Groundeffects are some tiny little plants and bushes on the ground. The quantity of the appearing Groundeffects can be changed in wow.

First we need to find out which Groundeffect we want to add.
For that ,open your modelviewer and go to worldnodxtdetail and browse through the models.
There is another thing that you must know: for every tileset you can add 1 groundeffect wich means a maximum of 4 groundeffect doodads.

So i search for example for :
Dirt texture:                   little stone
Dark Grass texture:     dark little bush
Bright grass texture :   little bush
rock texture:                 little stone/nothing

Creating our own "Custom" groundeffects

Once you found the models and you wrote down their names , open MyWarcraftStudio and there brwose the DBC files(DBFilesClient) and open the GroundeffectDoodad.dbc.

Now search just the name without the Fileending.
Write down the id(first row) for every Groundeffectdoodad.

Now open up the Groundeffecttexture.dbc and clone the first row.

Switch to the second table mode in the navigation

and scoll to the end of the dbc and change the id of the new row to 9999999. The new row is the last one in the dbc because taliis ads the cloned row to the end of the dbc.

Now to make the dbc nice and clean, switch back to the first table mode and order the first row , the ID row to the maximum by clicking twice on it.

Now change the id to the lastest one in this case it would be 73187
The row #1-4 are the groundeffect doodads ids wich refere to GroundeffectDoodad.dbc. And because we wrote down the ids before we can now just insert them into the right rows. One id per row.
Row #5-8 can be left as it is or changed to 1 if it is 0.
Row #9 is the amount of the appearing detail doodads. Where 0 is nothing and 123 the maximum of spawned detail doodads.
#10 is the terrain type. It's an id refference to TerrainType.dbc ,where the Sound and everything is defined.

So in my example this:

gets changed to this:

(click the pictures to enlarge them)

Now you will have to do this step for every Texture that needs to have an EffectId.
Write down the Ids of row #0 of your groundeffecttexture.dbc , because we want to have our new self mixed groundeffects for our adt.

Adding the GroundeffectID to our ADTs

Now you need two tools:

After you extracted them somewhere on your system, you need to run the cmd console.
You may ask: How can i start the cmd console?
The process here differs in each windows version which is why you should use this page here to solve the problem:

If you have the cmd console opened, drag and drop the groundeffectadder.exe into the cmd console. Press 1x space for seperation and then drag n' drop the adt where you want your gorund effects on and press enter.

The tool now asks which EffectID you want on the specific path that get's shown.
Simply type in the EffectIDs that you want on the texture.
Use -1 for no change and use 0 if you want to clear the effectid on the texture.

Repeat this until the program doesn't ask any further, and when it added all the effectIDs to the adt is the next step to fix a error that occured with a program and was fixed by Mjiollna.

Simply drag & drop the ground_doodads_fixing.exe into the cmd console, press space for seperation and then drag and drop the adt again into the console window.
If you press enter, the program will load the adt and automaticly fix the groundeffects on that adt.

The program will create a new file in the folder of the adt that you put into the console,which is the fixed version of your adt. This was done for safety purposes. Simply cut out all the original adts and put them into a sub folder,so that you have a backup.
Now remove the _new ending of the new files,and they are ready for usage!
(Pack them into a MPQ as you learned before)

Common Problem: Having Groundeffects EVERYWHERE

This thing here can be quiet annoying, but there is a simple solution to it.
The problem mostly appears because the lowest texture layer that is all over the ADT, has a groundeffectID,what shoudln't be. As this texture is laying under every other texture, the groundeffects may appear in places they weren't intended to.
To solve this, simply find out which of your texture is the base(the first texture that has been assigned to your adts), and romove the Groundeffect ID by repeating the last step with the groundeffectadder.exe.
Then give the base texture the ID 0 to clear it from any groundeffectID.

Do not forget to fix it afterwards again!

Tutorials / Doodad Placing
« on: May 02, 2010, 03:14:37 am »

Doodad Placing

Note: This tutorial will not teach you how to spawn models on an adt file.
For this tutorial i invited a friend to help me with it as he is know for his ridicilously detailed "lego" building style:
Bullshitmaster. (Watch some of his videos here: Youtube

If you want to make your own world builds truely "blizzlike", you should hold the richness of detail in high regard. It's bullshit to say, a world build is done. I've been working on my Deadwind Keep for three years now and there are still spots where a model would be fitting.

Basicly you can divvy the doodad placing process into three main parts:

  • Basic doodads (Deadwind Keep example: bookshelves, tables, chairs)
  • Details (Deadwind Keep example: candles, books)
  • Critter (Deadwind Keep example: bats)

1) You should start with the basic models. If you already have a clue of what kind of models you want to spawn, it's recommendable to open the listfile and search the treepaths of different objects. You can compare them in the Wowmodelviewer.
Note: Be creative. Feel free to divert models from their intended use. Changing the model-texture offers you lots of new usable doodads. The gate to ahn'qiraj is the top of my highest Deadwind Keep tower.

Note²: The models should fit to the brushing as well. It looks more realistic when there is a bit dirt below a tree.

2) When the bigger models are placed roughly, you should start with the smaller ones.
According to the style of your area, there are several useful doodads in worldgeneric. I think, the best way is to look though the whole list and note the treepath of useable models.
Don't be too frugal when you define the amount of a certain model. You can't spawn too much grass or bush models in a meadow. If you really can't use these models just let them "disappear" under the ground.
Amateurs often tend to spawning models in a too large scale. At the lastest ingame it looks just weird if there's a skeleton which is 5 times as big as an ordinary human (apart from the blurred texture.). In most cases something about 1000 is just ok. However, don't make the mistake of spawning every tree of a forest in exact the same height and angle.
Note: Another tip is to make several "modelgroups". Don't just allocate the trees steady-going all around the forest, but make a crowd of them with bushes around.

3) Critter (WorldCritter) can really help you to lety our area appear to be living. In almost every outdoor-area birds are fitting and in every lake fishes.
Note: It's hard to select them in NoggIt. I usually replace these models with an errorcube (just create the treepath with folders, MPQs are not required).

I hope, this little tutorial could help you to make your world builds look more professional.
I'm looking forward to seeing your results.

Tutorial written by bsm

Tutorials / placeholder
« on: March 03, 2010, 03:25:23 pm »
Here will be soon a tutorial which explains the diffrent strategies of how you can spawn doodads and wmos in Noggit.

Tutorials / Texturing/Ground modelling
« on: January 22, 2010, 10:21:29 pm »

How to Texture and ground modelling(landscape design)

After we created a new plane with just nothing, we're gonna start making something out of it.
Before we add trees and all the other stuff, we're gonna give the landscape a characteristic look.

This time we just gonna work with noggit.

Please read this wiki article about noggit first,so that you get some basic knowledge about it.

So start noggit,choose our instance and klick somewhere in the middle of our plane.

Maybe you got an idea what your first area could look get some ideas browse the internet for some concept arts. You soon will see a pic ,of sth. you really want to have in wow.

You should first plan your area.
How you can do that is described here:
concept art tut link

First off, like we learned from the conecpt art tutorials ,we sketeched our area with diffrent colours and descriptions.

Here you can see my raw map presketched in noggit:

The areas are seperated in three sectors:
The mountains
The hills
The gorund

The Tilesets

The first thing we do after we made the sketch: We choose the tilesets.
I'm looking for some greyish -green textures which fit into a fjord scene where a Vampire Lord has its own residence.
The tilesets i first thought of, which could fit very good in that theme are the textures from the grizzlyhills, an area in northrend.

The Sketch

First we start to create a raw sketch , what size and wheat we will find on our island.
My island will be around 4 Adts big.

Then i start to delete the old textures which are sourrounding the island and replace them with the new ones.
I also start to presketch the ground with the Raising tool. I leave the rest flatterd which represents the ocean,because i will only later add the ocean, when the groundmodeeling and texturing is finished.

After that i start to flatter the ground and getting the Island in a more smoothed shape.
I also deleted the whole left textures and replaced them with the new base texture.

The mountains

In my example, the mountains are mostly the cliffs. I'm first coating the raised sides of the island with the dirt texture.

Don't forget to save your adts!!
Now How do we draw mountains or small hills?
Well there are maaaany styles you can do.
The easiest and fastest one is the "blop" style^^
You first start drawing a small circle with the brush setting:
Hardness 20-40
Radius 3-5 (i mostly take 4.9 because with that the 3d texture works still perfekt)
Pressure 10-15

Well after that its pretty easy. Just raise the area where you made the circle with the linear raising brush. The most important hting with that style is just: Change the size of your cirles variate them as much as you can. With that you can easily  get a "good" looking mountain style.

Here is a video where you see that in detail:

Conitune doing this all arround the island... this will take you some time but don't give up yet!^^
With some practice you will get better and faster.

The Ground

Now i start to change the ground.
I'm seperating the whole "ground" area into two parts:
-The edge of the forest on the side to the sea
-The forest itself

For both of them i will take diffrent Tilesets. Why? Because it looks much better.

The light dirty grass texture in the forest is optional.
I did use it ,because i only wanted a small little path to the castle instead of a big paved street.

Now just raise again the lightern parts and lower the dirty and darker parts. Not much...just a little bit.
Why? We never ever have anywhere a flat plane. Nor in World of Warcraft neither in reallife,because nothing is perfekt, and thats good like that.

If you got that last step behind you,you're finished with the groundmodelling!

PS: You can also make some hills in the middle of the forest, or on a wide field. Rocks and Cliffs are always good to create a diffrent feeling of size.

Q:"Hey i can't add another texture!"
A: That maybe because you already have four textures on your chunk.

Q:"How can i create a unique mountain style?"
A: Look at some photos or concept arts and try to imagine how you can create them with noggit.
    You can also combine the ground with models! Give them the same texture as the rock tileset
     you used.

I DON'T! want to tell you to texture like this always, thats what i started with and what i am currently using very often but if yo're creative and try new styles of texturing it makes even more fun.

Tutorials / New instance and a new continent
« on: January 18, 2010, 09:32:41 pm »

First of:

Recently a new tool was made public by cromon which does aaaaaaaaaaalll that stuff wich is explained in this tutorial ._. you can see cromons post here: Click click!
A reason not to use it is that you will get a basic understanding here how everything works, and the knowledge presented here may help you in further occasions to work with wow files.

New instance and a new continent

For making a new instance and a new continent you'll need to make a new .wdt ,new adts and some dbc edting.
First of the List of tools which you will need:
-a mpq editor of your choice(Example: Ladiks MPQ editor)
-adt adder
(click on the names to get to the download page)

We first start with the creation of the wdt file.
Open up taliis and go on File->new

A window pops up and asks you which file you want to create. We choose wdt.
As we appoved that, another window pops up,where taliis wants us to enter the name of the new instance. Think of something awsome and how you maybe want to anme your project and type that in.
Now after we confirmed the name , taliis jumps back to the normal view but see! it opened our new wdt.
Click now in the navigation on "ADT Array".

As you will see, the adt array opens up and shows us as foreseen the adt array :P

You can try out to click some where on that pattern. A little tick will appear.
Every tick in that pattern symbolizes a single adt. Now try to imagine how many adt you will need for your project and add about 30% to have enough space for your work.
Now search a place ,like something in the middle of the adt array and make as many ticks as many adts you want to have. Try to make sth like a square ,then its not gonna be that difficult to create the new adts.

I checked way too much but thats okay. Then i have enough space to work on.

For now ,we can save our wdt file.
In the saving window just enter the same name you gave taliis and add the filetype ending .wdt to that name.
Press "save" to save your wdt file.

Dont close taliis yet!

========= Part 1/3 finished

Now we need one new adt.
Again we go to File ->new.

But this time we choose adt^^.

In the upcoming window taliis asks us how we want to name our adt.
Simply enter the same name as the one of the wdt. You can leave the adt coordinates as they are, because we dont need them right now.
In the lower section of this window,theres a drop down menue where you can choose your client version. Right now every adt version works in every client version BUT choose the adt version of your actual client just to be sure,that everything works fine with noggit and your wow client.

As we confirmed our settings,taliis jumps back to normal view and shows us our adt.
In the navigation, we now need to go to Texture files.

Why that?
The adt we created has no texture files ,which means that you have no texture for your ground. And as noggit (just like any other 3d program) can't render something that isn't there, it will crash(just like wow^^). So we need to set a gorund texture so that we can work with our adt.

For now just copy following path:
Code: [Select]
And paste it in the white command field.

When you press the Green plus beside the command field, the texture is added to the adt file.
(the display of that is atm a little bit buggy...just reload the texture files by clicking in the navigation on another work field e.g. Heightmap and then switch back to Texture Files,the new rows should now be there!)

The adt is now finished and we can save it.
Again just like with the wdt,enter the same name and set the filetype ending behind it(.adt)

Now to the mass adt creation,because right now we just got only one adt, but will need many more.
Open up adt adder.exe

Now you browse your adt you just created with taliis.

Enter in Map Name your MAP name.

Below that, you are asked to give the upper left adt  and the lower right adt.
Why and how?
This pic should explain nearly everything:

With those two coordinates , a simple quadratic form can be made. And this program creates a quadratic form of adts with those coordinates. So just go back to taliis where your wdt file should still be there and search for your coordinates.
As you know an adt file name is build up like this:

In taliis you can read out the coordinates simply like that:

So Now just do that with your quadrate

So now i know that my adt name is:
Left upper corner "my awsome instance name_29_27.adt"
Right lower corner "my awsome instance name_37_35.adt"

Back to Adt adder.

Now that we know our adt names and their coordinates, we just enter the coordinates into the fields.

ADT from: xcoords  ycoords   (left upper corner)
ADT to:     xcoords  ycoords   (right lower corner)

After that, we start the creation and wait some secs until its done.
Now there should be all the created adts in your ADTadder folder.

Now like that they won't show up in Noggit or InGame.
You need to fixx them a little bit...for taht ,just copy the offsetfixx.exe and the cygwin1.dll into the folder where the adts are located. Now create a new Textdocument where you paste this in:
Code: [Select]
@echo off
for %%i in (*.adt) do OffsetFix.exe "%%i"

After saving that, dele the fileending .txt and replace it with .bat

and then just use it^^
The fixing is done.

========= Part 2/3 finished

Now to the dbc part.
We open up your favourite MPQ editor, and open up locale.MPQ  and extract the Map.dbc from the DBFilesClient folder.
NOTE: To asure that it will work, use the newest map.dbc. You can find that one in the patch-enUS-x.MPQ. Choose again the mpq with the highest value for x.Just use the locale.MPQ if there are no patch-enUS-x.MPQ files.

Open that dbc with taliis and switch to the first table menu in the navigation.

Now select any row,right click and copy it.

Now scroll down and see: The new row is there but still with the values of the original row.

We will need to change that but first,switch to "strings" in the navigation.

Now enter in the white command prompt your map name,and press the green plus on the left side of it.

Now scroll all the way down again. There should be a new entry with the name of your map.
On the left side of this name , there is a number which you should keep in mind.

Switch back to the first table menu.
Scroll again down to your entry you made before.

Now look at all the values which are in you row.You should be able to cognize which number in which column approximately stands for sth.
You can do that by looking at the other rows.
Well but here for those who don't know what to change:

Column #0 is the id of your map. As we copied a exsisting row, it still has its number. In my example its 1 which is from Kalimdor.
I now look to the upper row and look which number it has,and add 1 to it.

Now in column #1 there is the name of the old map. We now click on it, now the name disappears and it shows us a number. This is the string offset... you now need to remember or look up your added string id and enter it there.

Switch to column #7 and replace the number there with your sting id of your map.
Now there should be your map name in those two columns.

Leave the rest as it was. If you want more to know about this dbc and which column means what visit this site.
Now save the dbc and close taliis.

For your Server

If you want to be able to teleport on your server on this map, you will need to add an entry on you database of your sever.
Take your favourite MySQL tool ,connect to your server and open the Worldmap_info(Aspire).
Again as in the dbc,duplicate any row and change the values of the duplicated row.

The first two numberes are again your map ID which are the same number as the id in the map.dbc.
In the Area_Name column you change the name of the old map name into your new map name.

OR when you don't have aspire, just browse the dbc folder of your server and replace the Map.dbc with the one you just edited for your client. The structure and the content are the same for those dbcs.
And then : restart your server.

If you use Trinity you have to add a row in the MapDifficulty.dbc add this to your server and the client patch.

For the Client

Pack your new DBC,wdt and adts into a patch and now you should be able to port your self in the new instance.
At this point noggit won't show up your new instance because you will have to put the Files also in the wow folder and not in the patch beacuse noggit sets the priority of the dbc files to those who are extraced into your wow folder.
Now just take the adts and the wdt files and put them in to the wow folder like this:
For adts and wdt files:
wowfolderworldmapsyour awsome instance name

(Be sure that the folder of your adts has the EXACT name as you entered it into the dbc)

And move the .dbc files into this folder:

Well just the same folder sturcture as in the mpq file :)

If you still have problems with packing the files into a patch, look at jacks tutorial, where he explains the basics of MPQ files. Link: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=41

Forget MPQs: don't pack anymore(advanced)

A better way to do all this is to just use local files and only pack a MPQ if you want to distribute the files for your server or for other people. This way you don't have to do much with your files after you are done with noggit.
Basicly just follow this here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1828
And your wow Client should be able to load the files without using a MPQ file.

Traveling to your Map

Now if you want to find out the coordinates for your new instance,just open noggit and select your map.

Now follow this tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=255&p=1258#p1263
or just press 'G' on your Keyboard to get the coordinates extracted into the ports.txt file, which is located in the noggit folder. Therein you should then find the teleport commands for your location for Trinity and ArcEmu!

Now teleport your self ingame to your new instance!

Q: "My ground looks greyish and not how it should be ,in noggit."
A: Just save the adt one time and reload it with noggit.

Q: "How do i get the coods without noggit?"
A: Hum take a look at this:

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Worldbuilding Basics
« on: January 18, 2010, 08:24:28 pm »



this guide is about the worldbuilding basics. Here you are gonna learn how to build up a COMPLETE new and custom area out of nothing by your self.
As not every tutorial is in this thread here, be sure to check after every tutorial the overview again, so that you don't miss any of them!

And here a little overview what i will teach you:


Every single tool used in these guides can be found in the Resources and Tools section.
To find a single tool.use either the search function or the overview thread in the resources section,where every tool should be listed by their function.


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