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Topics - quillerk

Pages: [1]
Resources and Tools / [QUESTION/REQUEST] A proper converting to Cata
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:37:22 am »
Hello modcraft!
I have a question, and i think someone in the forum could answer it/
I am modding some Cataclysm  and wanted to ask if someone can help me with pointing their methods for porting  new models form OBJ(or any other) format to Cata ?

Thanks in advance
Best regards, quillerk.

Hello modcraft! The new blood elf models were released like yesterday and It seems like I can't extract them with casc exporter cause they are not in list file, maybe somebody can upload full CHARACTERSBloodElf  folder?  With all textures and anima provided. I am not asking for converted files, just the original WOD ones

Much appreciated, best regards, Quiller

Resources and Tools / [SOLVED]WowMachinimaTools 4.3.4
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:25:40 pm »
Hello modraft!
I wanted to ask someone who still has the WowMachinimaTools app for 4.3.4 cata client.
the link to is long dead, and all i can find in the web is for 3.3.5a maybe someone have the tool on their hard drve?

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