thank you really schlumpf its hard now tro make a listfile
With a good method and a lot of program easy to make, it's easy to find new strings.The problem are the non referenced objets (TEST things, useless blp, unused shits etc...)
Are they many ? Should not we, at least, be able to estimate a size by subtracting known files ?
dat feeling when my listfile has 2 515 486 rows after this - nice job very good
Its not about some paths you dont have i just generated paths for ADTs for every instance in range 0_0 to 64_64 and i am colecting all possible listfiles out there into one big file (140mb right now) its maybe possible that i will have some line you miss so if you want my list i can send it to you but i just would not rly wanted to share it with everyone since it works almost Total/Universal list file to decrypt every encrypted MPQ