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Messages - tote93

Pages: [1] 2
"Retro-Porting" / Re: Porting .WMO's to WOTLK?
« on: November 19, 2014, 02:08:17 pm »
Hi, i want to know if you did a script to remove the sbom from the wmo(childrens), or only you delete it one by one.
And if you use script, would you can release it?
Thanks & regards.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: Porting .WMO's to WOTLK?
« on: November 18, 2014, 07:11:18 pm »
And flags_2 how u change into a flags?
EDIT: Solved myself.
I have doubt about how delete Sbom, i will try find the way.
Congrats and thanks by your release¡.

Serverside Modding / [Question]Spells
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:06:11 pm »
Hi everyone.
I want to know if its posible to do a spell which when you learn (thx by item/command/quest), this spell give you others spells.
To give an example: the metamorphosis spells of warlock, when you learn this, you will have other spells which learn when you get the first spell (metamorph).
I want to know how its possible to do this, if is by core, sql, or dbcs and what i have to edit to do this.
Thanks by reading and sorry for my english.

Modelling and Animation / Blender Custom Model
« on: September 14, 2014, 02:16:22 am »
Hi, today i'm trying to do a custom model into WoW, first i downloaded files: .obj textures(png) and .mtl.
I import to blender and i deleted the issues that it had.
Then i have to do a skeleton, but here i have the problem, i was looking for on internet and found some tutorials about how animate wow models:
This is the tut:

Into the min 4.00, he moves the skeleton and the model  move with it, but i was trying doing a new skeleton and the result was this:
The corpse of the girl dont move with skeleton, What i can do ?
And when i will do the skeleton that it moves with the corpse, what i can do to import into wow?
There is some problem if the model have 3 images (Pngs), if i want to import to wow?
If somebody did tutorials about how import, i didnt found it, could sent me?
Thanks for reading and for the future's help.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] some WoD m2s wmos "converted"to 3.3.5a
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:47:52 pm »
Here is karabor temple, and colosseum:

Nowadays, i have not complete, wmodraenor converted to wotlk and working. When i will finish i hope release it, if nobody had do before.
Now i want to port wod maps, but i didnt get lucky because all maps threw me wow error using (At converter) and adt-converter(with wmo).
Somebody knows other method to port maps?

Serverside Modding / [Question]Orgrimar Raid
« on: March 24, 2014, 03:03:51 pm »
hi, i was loocking for the first part of siege of orgrimmar on wdt, noggit and world but I failed to find it.
I mean the part where it appears immerseus, fallen protectors, norushen and sha.
my question is: Has anyone managed to find  map  and coordinates where it appears?
because i only found the last part, the stormwind corrupted and a part of valley of eternal blossoms(i think).

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [SHOWOFF] Customs Spells in WotLK
« on: February 20, 2014, 02:17:04 am »
I upload 2 videos and edit the main post

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] Customs Spells in WotLK
« on: October 31, 2013, 01:19:17 pm »
Hi,a few days ago that I started to test to do customs spells and his tables.

I did a new spells and here i put:

well last days, i was bored and try by first time to do a SAI, and this is the result:

Enjoy it and give me opinions


I put a spoiler to not take up so much, here the first testings:

First I started with changing the effects of existing spells, giving a result of this:

The spells are changed in this  order:
Frostfire bolt, flamestrike, frost nova, arcane tromb, blizzard

Then I started to change effects to other existing spells from other classes, giving result to this:

The spells changes are:
Warlock: Demonic Portal Teleport.
Shaman: earth shield, y water shield.
Drood: star fall, moonbean, wrath.
Mage: Frostfire bolt, flamestrike, frost nova, arcane tromb, blizzard
Paladin: freedom, vengative wrath (wings).
Priest: power infusion, levitate.
Warrior: enrage(con las alas), thunder clap, Spell reflect,

Later, with the help of @ kiumetal, (thanks for helping me, and explain the dbcs, is that I am weary jajaj), I began to create a custom spell from 0, the result follows:

Here come two spells customs, one's I posted before and the other is similar to one I made as a test to existing spells, these are new, and they appreciate that put two debuffs, which I have some things to correct them, and I'm still practicing.

EDIT, 30-10-2013:
I put the new video in which are 3 New Spells, and one in which you change one thing to test effects.

the spells are:
Tentacles of the Void: Rooted the target for X seconds.
Mind Flay(priest), a change of effects.
Dragon Fist (name not final): launches volleys of fire to the target.
Shadow Halo:Throw a halo to hurt the target, and increases damage by 20% from the shadows, returning the Halo will heal the damage inflicted by%.

Sorry if i made some writing errors.
Critiques are welcome, as are constructive and suggestions.

Modelling and Animation / [Question] Spells Buffs and debuffs.
« on: October 25, 2013, 09:16:04 pm »
hello, these days I've been doing spells customs, and have come to create a decent, here is the link:

But I wonder if anyone has the answer or can direct me in something, like adding to the spell that will put a debuff, the player, or give me a buff to me.
Put these for example:
Wrath(druid) gives buffo Eclipse (lunar and solar).
And for example frostbolt, freezing  debuff.
I would like to know if anyone can direct me to. Dbc serious spell.dbc guess, and the column to edit.
Thx for reading and by the help.

Serverside Modding / Re: Wmo, ported problem
« on: October 14, 2013, 02:40:59 pm »
any ideas?

Serverside Modding / Wmo, ported problem
« on: October 10, 2013, 12:50:55 pm »
Hi, today, i found an error, with .Wmo, that i dont have idea yet, about how fix.
The problem is that, the .wmo looks fine, but there is some parts, that dont look like the Real wmo.
I think, that with two photos i would explain better:

i can go near the wmo and i dont have error/wow has stop working, but when i put the cursor, on the wmo, Pum, wow stop work.

Somebody have the same error? or know how to fix ?
If i found the solution ill put here

Hi, this is my first showoff here i think, and i want show a model that y do with MirrorMachine, 3dsmax and blender.
It have some bugs like textures when i see far away, that i want to solve, and do many fixes.
This is my first test and i did very fast, because i wanted to see ingame.

here is the video, and I hope tips and criticics.

Hi, i converted the MantidDungeon Map, and Deepholme map, and the wow error only have with big .WMOS, i know because i saw the map in noggit and its my conclusion xd.
I dont know why, but i have wow error (for me) with big .wmos.

HI anthony, i can pass the same map that you pass.
I pass the .WMO too, Abyssal_Maw.wmo, i compiled adt_converter, and now i can see the .wmo, but i have a problem, i know that you fix it, and if you could say how fix this "textures" error:

Ferreon, the anthony converter, dont read .wmo, you need to compilate a adt_converter. You dont need to modify anything in the original converter.

i dont know how you do, to convert the maps easily.
I tried a lot of times, the last yesterday, i convert the .wmos that appears in to the .adt of ShadopanArena, i convert the .adt with your converter, and put 4E into the WDT, in-noggit(older) i can see the map without textures, but i can see. In most recent noggit it close.
And in-game, it have wow error, in the middle of loading screen. and it are all maps that i try to convert.

I have to do something more to can see the maps ingame? I convert .adt, change 4E in .wdt, and see and converts the .wmos that appears into .adt, (m2 and textures have all).

Regards and incredible job anthony.

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