This is a CMD tool to add a flat water surface to an WotLK ADT.
It is developed by Gretchin and released on
Copy the tool to the folder where you have your ADTs in.
Do not forget a backup like always.
Open a comand promt, navigat to your ADT folder and type.
AllWater.exe <adt file> <optional water level default=0> <optional Liquid Type default=
2> <optional Opacity 0-100 default=50>
To find out the
water level fly in noggit to the place you want water and move to the height where you want it. Then use the Z value for the water level.
type is an entry in the LiquidType.dbc
1 - Water
2 - Ocean
3 - Magma
4 - Slime
15 - Green lava
181 - Orange slime