Hello modders!
I've a dream, modify W0W to become more modern and fast to learn an play, like a Moba (
i want to:
1) give max 5 active skill/spell for each player (and some passive)
2 ) modify every class/race combination to become unique (hp spells stats some equip)
3 ) cap level to liv10 with small diff between levels (+5% stats each level for example)
4 ) timed equip (every magic item has a cooldown, after was destroyed/unusable, shorter for dropped items, like some weeks, longer for crafted items, like some months)
5 ) some not available race/class combinations, like dragons, demons, not playable races
6 ) every one creates his own hero, not play with thrall illidan jaina etc.
you can play in pve (quest & istance/raid) pvp (battlegrounds, arena) openworld (quest, roleplay) or conquest (spawn npc unit to conquest cities)
openworld increase reputation, pvp increase battle skill, pve help item creation and resource collecting, conquest give command skill and bonus to other 3 player mode
with wotlk i can do a lot of thing, like new spell class race maps items etc, but i was away from W0W for a long time, which client ver. is a good choise now to start editing??
for example i want pre-cata azeroth-kalimdor maps, but if wod-legion maps can be edited to be pre-cata i prefer newer clients