Terrain works, but mcnk is not totally clean (the header is quite chaotic, size is not good, coords are wrong...), so it should crash on 335, but a friend told me the other day it works ingame, and that is quite unexpected xD
"Converted" adts won't work properly in Noggit because of the mcnk header being wrong in gp. You can load them anyway, all chunks are piled up and it's fun to see
Do I need to have to download alpha patch before converting, or are there already some in there?Edit: Sry, silly question, my fault ....Edit²: Ok, I am really embarassed now, but I really can't run this, so do I need to download alpha models first?I'm REALLY sorry for asking you such a noobish trash, but unfortunately my " Computer Skills " are very useless.Thanks for your help!