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Topics - Rochet2

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Serverside Modding / [RELEASE] Dress NPCs
« on: July 20, 2015, 04:49:05 pm »
This has been posted in some topics here already, but here it is as a release : )
Thanks a lot to Valkryst for reporting bugs and just using the modification.

Additional note: You can dress any existing races including playable and the naga and vrykul etc.

Ppl have asked once in a while if you could dress NPCs some gear and items etc. Usually people answer that you need to make a patch or similar.
Through some core editing and the mage spell "mirror image" (not actually using the spell, but the packet and flags) I made it possible to dress NPCs with gear.
Its a rather simple idea.

You can make an NPC, set the displays of items you want him to have and his race and gender (defines displayID) as well as facial features and skin color.
All this is done in the database.
The values for skins and features range from 0 to 12 or something .. not quite sure how many there are.

Read more & get it:

I decided to dump some of my stuff on modcraft aswell. : )

AIO is a pure lua server-client communication system for Eluna and WoW.
AIO is designed for sending lua addons and data to player from server and data from player to server.

As a recent addition I have been working with SaiF to make some C API so you wouldnt have to have Eluna.

With AIO you can deal out addons and make changes to them without dealing out patches or new addon files to users afterwards.
AIO allows you to make UI to interact with your lua scripts. You can use the base WoW addon API and you will have access to few AIO specific functions for communication with the server.
AIO is using compression and obfuscation to make addon codes smaller to send. Also a cache system is in place to further reduce server side work.

Get your's now!

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