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Messages - p620

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Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] How to change climate/weather/sky
« on: July 18, 2014, 03:55:40 am »
Just set the *23* column to your parent AreaID in the Map.dbc and in the game_weather u should fill the *zone* column with a specific areaID of your zone which weather needs changes.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] How to change climate/weather/sky
« on: July 17, 2014, 09:03:08 pm »
Quote from: "Syama108"
Quote from: "stan84"
have you:
- new areaid for custom zone in areatable.dbc and copied to server ?
- placed that areaid on edited map in noggit ?
- recreated maps files (which are contains your new areaid) in your server ?

Check all above things, but im almost sure your server does not have actual map files.

Stan :)

I have done all of the above.

Still I get this in my .gps: "Map: 725 (rpgmod) Zone: 0 (<unknown>) Area: 0 (<unknown>)"
And I surely don't want my weather everywhere... just in this 1 zone (snow)

Wait.. did I forget to do something? How do I put my maps into my server? How do I extract maps/mmaps/vmaps from a custom patch?
Check the Map.dbc. The column with a number of 23 (if I remember correctly) (3.3.5a) should contain correct  AreaID of the parent location, or it won't work.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] How to change climate/weather/sky
« on: July 15, 2014, 06:32:29 pm »
Quote from: "Syama108"
Okay so.. I went into the game_weather in my server and made a new row.. what do I set as the first column for "zone" my Area ID?

I set the area ID to my mountain area ID from my AreaTable.dbc but.. it didnt work.. what do I do?
Yes, it didn't work for me as well. Currently I am in search of a new solution... Theoreticly it should work... First column is for the AreaID from the AreaTable.dbc, the others are for setting weather *proc chance* for different seasons. Also, the total sum of probabilities for a specific season should not be over 100%. But... In game there's still nothing.

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