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Messages - Falkner92

Pages: [1]
Miscellaneous / Re: Hi, could you please help me?
« on: July 10, 2012, 09:04:47 pm »
Ok, I'll google Ladix's MPQ thing.

Now about the second, I understand I need to place .blp in baked textures file so the game can load up said texture, but I don't know where those directories are in my computer.

For instance, for the dbc files, there was a folder in MANGOS called dbc, where (I assume) you're supposed to put them (the DBC files), so I did. But I have no idea where the folder I'm supposed to place the blp file is, what its name is, or how I can access it.

Miscellaneous / Re: Hi, could you please help me?
« on: July 10, 2012, 07:10:45 pm »
Ok, I've solved just about everything and I'm down to the last few steps, only 2 things now:

1. I don't understand what the author means by using WinMPQ to create a patch.

2. I don't know where to put the blp. file, there isn't any directory called "textures" or "NPCBakedTextures" in the WoW folder or anywhere else in my computer for that matter.

Help plz?

Miscellaneous / Re: Hi, could you please help me?
« on: July 10, 2012, 02:54:47 pm »
Quote from: "Morfium"
This should be what you are looking for. Although it wasn't that hard to find. The Tutorial Sections aren't that full. ;)

This does not use custom models though, but I think you don't mean it that way anyway.

I've tried to use that tutorial, but I've run into a problem: when the author says export your model as 3dS, I do, but it doesn't create any additional .tga file to edit. When I export it in its standard format, it does create a .tga which I then convert into .png format, but when I drag that file over the BLPConverter to convert into blp format, nothing happens, the screen just flashes for a milesecond and then nothing... no new blp file, nothing.

Now, I don't know if this is relevant but I'm using a really REALLY old version of WoWModelViewer (0.5.08) because I'm still working in version 2.4.3 of WoW, and that's the only version of ModelViewer I could find that was compatible with it. If that's the problem, I'll update.

Please help me solve this! I've dreamt for years of creating my own WoW experience, but I can't overcome these barriers on my own, and I'd hate to have to give up on my dream. :(

Miscellaneous / Hi, could you please help me?
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:13:54 pm »
I'm very new to WoW modding and modding in general. I have a great interest in learning how to mod WoW, but I'm finding it difficult with my limite knowledge.

Right now, what I'd like to know is how to create my own custom display ids for my custom npcs. You know, new models, WoW-V let's you create new npcs but doesn't let you customize their appearance, all you can do is choose from a list of pre-created Blizzard models. I want to make my own models.

I'd like you to direct me to a tutorial that details in great detail, step-by-step, what I need to do create these custom models and put them in-game.

Thank you.  :)

EDIT: Just so we're clear here, I don't want to create new graphics or anything, everything I want my custom models to use is original content (no new skins, faces or gear), I just want to customize their appearance like you do when you're creating a new character.

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