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Messages - thkaal

Pages: [1]
Serverside Modding / Re: Item Balancer
« on: February 08, 2014, 04:24:35 am »
I'd hate to be a bumper, but has there been any further progress on this?

Recruitment / Re: Realms of Atlantis Needs Gods
« on: February 08, 2014, 03:58:02 am »
Yes, yes I do.  

The Arcanum

That's what is basically the player's guide of the rpg I mentioned.  There is a world map, and some of the classes and races I'd like to use.

Recruitment / Realms of Atlantis Needs Gods
« on: February 08, 2014, 02:49:41 am »
Actually, what we need is a team of editors and coders for the maps and dbc's.

This is a world rebuild using 3.3.5a as an engine but creating a whole new game world.  There will be new systems added (such as my senior project which is a revamped reputation system), new items and custom items for members (so there will also be a search for removing the notorious red ?.

There is a family tree of the gods, some lore, a few notes about the history and some of the organizations as well as a reference map.  I am drawing heavily from a variety of sources such as the Riftwar Saga, The Atlantean Trilogy (rpg), and a cosmology for a game I ran for ten years.

This is not a simple mod.  This is almost an entire rewrite of the game using mostly the same models with a few handful of edits to the models (a slight change in shape, color, etc.

Software Development / Re: [TOOL] [CMD] Replace Maps
« on: February 08, 2014, 02:06:26 am »
So you want to take the heightmaps that are not corrupted (something else is), and then apply them to the nice clean new adt's?

Software Development / Re: New noggit and pain
« on: February 08, 2014, 01:52:38 am »
I know C++, C#, I'm teaching myself python.  I might be able to help.  I can see a lot of issues that need to be fixed on Noggit.

Like, height maps from a greyscale, or fixing a stack overflow issue.

Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] Is noggit able to copy a full map?
« on: February 03, 2014, 02:24:51 am »
Quote from: "fearless_wind"
1) To copy the terrain use FuTa's heightmap export tool
2) To copy models use fileinfo/loadingo tools.
3) To copy alphamap (texture) use FuTa's alphamap export tool.

Um, what export tool?

I have in File the following, Open, Save, New.   And in Settings I have Alphamap->Format->Colored or Grayscale, and then set WoW path, and finally Heightmap-> Show in 3D.

Where are the import/export stuff?

Nevermind, I found it.

I didn't realize i had to put the map into a mpq file.  I did that and it worked just fine.  Sorry for the conofusion.  Now I'm working on finding where futa exports heightmaps to.

But seriously, how do you get noggit to read the map?  I have doe all of it, and noggit is not reading the map, even when I tell noggit right where to go.

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