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Author Topic: Noggit - First Map - Terrain, textures??  (Read 1069 times)


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Noggit - First Map - Terrain, textures??
« on: April 11, 2019, 03:40:53 am »
Hey there!

I'm working on a map on Noggit and I wonder how to do terrain stuff?

This is how my map looks, I will spawn some monsters there, add some trees and rocks but... terrain is flat, what can I do to improve it?
Also, textures, I'm using 1 texture, I tried to mix textures and look bad af.

Please help!


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Re: Noggit - First Map - Terrain, textures??
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2019, 06:22:04 am »
What version of noggit are you using?

There is plenty of tools that do different things. i would highly suggest you use a github version which is updated to the latest which offers far more advanced tools of what you currently can find on the forums.

As for textures you can only have 4 max a red square of a ADT(Tile), theres 256 Squares a ADT(Tile) and there are 4096 hole squares. - No idea what else to call them.

1: Raise/Lower, Increase or Decrease the altitude of the terrain etc.
2: Flatten/Blur, Smoothing the terrain out.
3: 3D Paint (Painting textures)
4: Holes, you open up small squares that can be seen by pressing F7 and then "View" > "Hole Lines always on" often used for caves and basements etc.
5: Area paint, which lets you add Area types that are defined in Areatable.dbc
6: Impassible flag, Makes it impossible for users to bypass the selected area.
7: Water Edit, Lets you add and take away/change the color opacity of water.
8: Light edits, Currently non functional.
9: Shader editor, color different areas with shading.
0: Object editor, Lets you place, add & copy objects and edit them.