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Author Topic: Noggit.exe has stopped working  (Read 2766 times)


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Noggit.exe has stopped working
« on: August 14, 2013, 04:33:31 am »
Prepare the wall of spam text :(

Nogg-It beta for WoW 2.x.x (edited by BEKET) *Beta 1.3
Game path: C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)Data
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)Datapatch.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSPatch-enUS.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenGBPatch-enGB.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenGBPatch-enGB.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DatadeDEPatch-deDE.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DatadeDEPatch-deDE.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DatafrFRPatch-frFR.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DatafrFRPatch-frFR.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenCNPatch-enCN.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenCNPatch-enCN.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DatazhCNPatch-zhCN.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DatazhCNPatch-zhCN.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenFRPatch-enFR.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenFRPatch-enFR.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)Datacommon-2.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)Datalichking.mpq
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)Datacommon.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)Dataexpansion.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSlocale-enUS.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSexpansion-locale-enUS.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenGBlichking-locale-enGB.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenGBlichking-locale-enGB.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenGBlocale-enGB.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenGBlocale-enGB.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenGBexpansion-locale-enGB.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenGBexpansion-locale-enGB.MPQ
Opening C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DatadeDElocale-deDE.MPQ
Error opening archive C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DatadeDElocale-deDE.MPQ
Opening DBC DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc
Attempting to Load File DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc
File DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc found inside C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSPatch-enUS.MPQ
Closed & Read in DBC DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc
Initializing Ground Effects
Opening DBC DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc
Attempting to Load File DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc
File DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc found inside C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSPatch-enUS.MPQ
Closed & Read in DBC DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc
Opening DBC DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc
Attempting to Load File DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc
File DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc found inside C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSPatch-enUS.MPQ
Closed & Read in DBC DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc
Initializing Fonts
Attempting to Load File fontsMORPHEUS.TTF
File fontsMORPHEUS.TTF found inside C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSlocale-enUS.MPQ
Attempting to Load File fontsarialn.TTF
File fontsarialn.TTF found inside C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSlocale-enUS.MPQ
Creating Menu
Opening DBC DBFilesClientMap.dbc
Attempting to Load File DBFilesClientMap.dbc
File DBFilesClientMap.dbc found inside C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSPatch-enUS.MPQ
Closed & Read in DBC DBFilesClientMap.dbc
Attempting to Load File InterfaceGluesModelsUI_HumanUI_Human.m2
File InterfaceGluesModelsUI_HumanUI_Human.m2 found inside C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)DataenUSlocale-enUS.MPQ
    Loading model from MPQ InterfaceGluesModelsUI_HumanUI_Human.m2 (animated)

Please note that this is Noggit3 not 1.2 so it would not have anything to do with the conf file :( been looking for hours trying to figure out a way to get noggit working for my server.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Noggit.exe has stopped working
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2013, 05:25:14 am »
Well your log says that a bunch of mpqs dont get opened "error opening archive..."
Some seconds of reading.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
I don't like Noggit... I LOVE it :D
If you have any question about Noggit, feel free to contact me. I will give my best to help you (:


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Re: Noggit.exe has stopped working
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2013, 05:54:35 am »
Hmm thats odd, I don't know why, I do have additional patches but they should not interfere with Noggit.
Any suggestion on what to do?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Noggit.exe has stopped working
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2013, 06:22:30 am »
I assume wrong/ missing folder rights.
Try to set the rights for accesing the folderr to full acces for your user.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
I don't like Noggit... I LOVE it :D
If you have any question about Noggit, feel free to contact me. I will give my best to help you (:


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Re: Noggit.exe has stopped working
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2013, 06:25:33 am »
Thanks man I'll try that out
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Noggit.exe has stopped working
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2013, 06:53:09 am »
didn't work, but I realized I was using a really old version of noggit, So I went ahead and downloaded the actual noggit3 but when I launch, NOGGIT3.exe stopped working, great.

Bit smaller of an error this time tho.

.wowmapview.cpp:154 > Nogg-It $Rev: 104 $
.wowmapview.cpp:264 > Game path: C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)Data
.wowmapview.cpp:266 > Project path: C:UsersTyroneDownloadsWorld of Warcraft - 3.3.5a (12340) - enUS (No Install)NogitProject
.wowmapview.cpp:304 > Locale: enUS
.wowmapview.cpp:362 > main: mpqs: 33 ms
.wowmapview.cpp:398 > main: directory: 0 ms
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:125 > Unable to find file DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc! Check MPQs and the file that has been requesting this!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientMap.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:125 > Unable to find file DBFilesClientMap.dbc! Check MPQs and the file that has been requesting this!
.dbcfile.cpp:13 > Opening DBC DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc
.mpq_libmpq.cpp:125 > Unable to find file DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc! Check MPQs and the file that has been requesting this!

Ps. I also heard ModCraft had the new beta version of modcraft. If its avaliable would someone mind linking it to me to see if a newer version will work. I am trying to get it to work for Wow 3.3.5 world editing.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Noggit.exe has stopped working
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2013, 10:58:04 am »
Those versions are both not the latest.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Noggit.exe has stopped working
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2013, 06:49:40 pm »
Try SDL 1.2
It can be downloaded here on modcraft.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
I don't like Noggit... I LOVE it :D
If you have any question about Noggit, feel free to contact me. I will give my best to help you (:


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Re: Noggit.exe has stopped working
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2013, 11:28:08 pm »
Thanks guys but still no luck. I have literally tried every single suggestion possible and every version of noggit :( I guess I won't be able to world edit for my server

Keeps giving me DBC file errors that I don't understand. I might try redownloading A clean version of 3.3.5 and seeing if it will work better.

[SORRY GUYS NEVERMIND I FIXED IT! Thank you for all the help :D]
I simply just made the entire folder not read only :))
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Noggit.exe has stopped working
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2013, 06:31:47 pm »
Nogg-It beta for WoW 2.x.x (edited by BEKET) *Beta 1.3

No support and yearsold.

Use the tutorial pack. There is everything included expect an WoWclient and the latest 1.2 SDL is in.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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