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Author Topic: [SOLVED] Trouble importing models.  (Read 1931 times)


  • Registred Member
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[SOLVED] Trouble importing models.
« on: October 14, 2012, 08:23:08 pm »
Im having a lot of trouble Importing models into noggit! I have read the user manual on how to do this but hopefully im just doing something wrong. Ive tried this on Noggit3, noggit3.279, and NoggitSDL1.2. I have had the most luck with NoggitSDL1.2 and have gotten importing a WMO to work once. I have used ModIt and Modelviewer with neither seeming to really make a huge difference. Gotten each to work once. I prefer Modelviewer because i enjoy the Menu a bit more although that can easily be dealt with.

Heres my NoggitSDL1.2 logfile
1 - (Noggit.cpp:130): Noggit Studio - SDL 1.2
362 - (Video.cpp:204): [Debug] GL: Version: 3.3.11631 Compatibility Profile Context
362 - (Video.cpp:205): [Debug] GL: Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
362 - (Video.cpp:206): [Debug] GL: Renderer: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
363 - (Noggit.cpp:87): Using config file.
363 - (Noggit.cpp:257): Game path: C:World of Warcraft
363 - (Noggit.cpp:261): Project path: D:Model EditingProject
363 - (Noggit.cpp:302): Locale: enUS
395 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/common.MPQ
414 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/common-2.MPQ
417 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/expansion.MPQ
425 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/lichking.MPQ
441 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/patch.MPQ
442 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/patch-2.MPQ
443 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/patch-3.MPQ
449 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/enUS/locale-enUS.MPQ
450 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/enUS/expansion-locale-enUS.MPQ
450 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/enUS/lichking-locale-enUS.MPQ
452 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/enUS/patch-enUS.MPQ
453 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/enUS/patch-enUS-2.MPQ
453 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:World of WarcraftData/enUS/patch-enUS-3.MPQ
1125 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc"
1666 - (MPQ.cpp:89): [Debug] Completed listfile loading.
1666 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientMap.dbc"
1666 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc"
1667 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLight.dbc"
1667 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightParams.dbc"
1668 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightSkybox.dbc"
1677 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightIntBand.dbc"
1683 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightFloatBand.dbc"
1684 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc"
1689 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc"
1690 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLiquidType.dbc"
1703 - (Noggit.cpp:407): [Debug] Creating Menu
1723 - (World.cpp:152): World 582: Transport176244 has no WDT file!
1723 - (World.cpp:152): World 584: Transport176231 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 586: Transport181645 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 587: Transport177233 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 588: Transport176310 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 589: Transport175080 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 590: Transport176495 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 591: Transport164871 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 592: Transport186238 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 593: Transport20808 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 594: Transport187038 has no WDT file!
1724 - (World.cpp:152): World 596: Transport187263 has no WDT file!
1726 - (World.cpp:152): World 610: Transport_Tirisfal _Vengeance_Landing has no WDT file!
1726 - (World.cpp:152): World 612: Transport_Menethil_Valgarde has no WDT file!
1726 - (World.cpp:152): World 613: Transport_Orgrimmar_Warsong_Hold has no WDT file!
1726 - (World.cpp:152): World 614: Transport_Stormwind_Valiance_Keep has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 620: Transport_Moa'ki_Unu'pe has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 621: Transport_Moa'ki_Kamagua has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 622: Transport192241 has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 623: Transport192242 has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 624: WintergraspRaid has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 631: IcecrownCitadel has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 632: IcecrownCitadel5Man has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 641: Transport_AllianceAirshipBG has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 642: Transport_HordeAirshipBG has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 647: Transport_Orgrimmar_to_Thunderbluff has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 649: ArgentTournamentRaid has no WDT file!
1727 - (World.cpp:152): World 650: ArgentTournamentDungeon has no WDT file!
1728 - (World.cpp:152): World 658: QuarryofTears has no WDT file!
1728 - (World.cpp:152): World 668: HallsOfReflection has no WDT file!
1728 - (World.cpp:152): World 672: Transport197347 has no WDT file!
1728 - (World.cpp:152): World 673: Transport197348 has no WDT file!
1728 - (World.cpp:152): World 712: Transport197349 has no WDT file!
1728 - (World.cpp:152): World 713: Transport197350 has no WDT file!
1728 - (World.cpp:152): World 718: Transport201834 has no WDT file!
1755 - (Noggit.cpp:411): [Debug] Entering Main Loop
3694 - (World.cpp:240): [Debug] Loading world "development_nonweighted".
4846 - (Model.cpp:88): [Debug] Unloading model "interfacegluesmodelsui_dwarfui_dwarf.m2".
4877 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 56, 59 ("WorldMapsdevelopment_nonweighteddevelopment_nonweighted_56_59.adt") from disk.
4901 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 56,59.
4902 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 57, 59 ("WorldMapsdevelopment_nonweighteddevelopment_nonweighted_57_59.adt") from disk.
4924 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 57,59.
4926 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 58, 59 ("WorldMapsdevelopment_nonweighteddevelopment_nonweighted_58_59.adt") from disk.
4946 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 58,59.
4947 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 56, 60 ("WorldMapsdevelopment_nonweighteddevelopment_nonweighted_56_60.adt") from disk.
4961 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 56,60.
4963 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 57, 60 ("WorldMapsdevelopment_nonweighteddevelopment_nonweighted_57_60.adt") from disk.
4982 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 57,60.
4984 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 58, 60 ("WorldMapsdevelopment_nonweighteddevelopment_nonweighted_58_60.adt") from disk.
5003 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 58,60.
5004 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 56, 61 ("WorldMapsdevelopment_nonweighteddevelopment_nonweighted_56_61.adt") from disk.
5017 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 56,61.
5019 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 57, 61 ("WorldMapsdevelopment_nonweighteddevelopment_nonweighted_57_61.adt") from disk.
5037 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 57,61.
5039 - (MapTile.cpp:51): Opening tile 58, 61 ("WorldMapsdevelopment_nonweighteddevelopment_nonweighted_58_61.adt") from disk.
5056 - (MapTile.cpp:415): [Debug] Done loading tile 58,61.
18040 - (MapView.cpp:419): [Debug] 15-D:WMV_r582_32bit_DEVWORKuserSettingslog.txt
18042 - (MapView.cpp:518): [Error] M2 Problem 15: - 15
47930 - (MapView.cpp:419): [Debug] 15-D:WMV_r582_32bit_DEVWORKuserSettingslog.txt
47934 - (MapView.cpp:518): [Error] M2 Problem 15:WorldExpansion01DoodadsHellfirecitadelPassivedoodadsBannersHellfire_Banner_Type01.m2, size: 22976 - 15
47990 - (errorHandling.h:64): [Error] There was an exception of type "SIGSEGV"
"Invalid storage access; most frequently caused by attempting to store some value in an object pointed to by a bad pointer. (Segment violation.)".
Please excuse the inconvenience. You may want to report this error including the log to the developers.

47993 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] OS-Version: 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1) 0x100-0x1
48096 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 0140721C (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
48096 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 013D8CA7 (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
48096 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 6D25B9DF (MSVCR100): (filename not available): XcptFilter
48096 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 01438B6B (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
48096 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 771D339A (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
48096 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 77709EF2 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
48096 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 77709EC5 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain

Heres my Modelviewer log file
13:20:03: Starting:
World of Warcraft Model Viewer v0.7.0.1 r582 (Fickle Felguard) Windows 32-bit

13:20:03: Initializing Objects...
13:20:03: Creating Anim Control...
13:20:03: Creating Char Control...
13:20:03: Creating Light Control...
13:20:03: Creating Model Control...
13:20:03: Creating Settings Control...
13:20:03: Creating Model Bank Control...
13:20:03: Creating Model Opened...
13:20:03: Creating Model Export Options Control...
13:20:03: Creating OpenGL Canvas...
13:20:03: Initiating OpenGL...
13:20:03: Info: GLEW successfully initiated.

13:20:03: Video Renderer: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
13:20:03: Video Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
13:20:03: Driver Version: 3.3.11631 Compatibility Profile Context
13:20:03: Support wglPixelFormat: true
13:20:03: Support Texture Compression: true
13:20:03: Support Multi-Textures: true
13:20:03: Support Draw Range Elements: true
13:20:03: Support Vertex Buffer Objects: true
13:20:03: Support Point Sprites: true
13:20:03: Support Pixel Shaders: true
13:20:03: Support Vertex Shaders: true
13:20:03: Support GLSL: true
13:20:03: Support Anti-Aliasing: true
13:20:03: Support Pixel Buffer Objects: true
13:20:03: Support Frame Buffer Objects: true
13:20:03: Support Non-Power-of-Two: true
13:20:03: Support Rectangle Textures: true
13:20:03: Support OpenGL 2.0: true
13:20:03: Max Rectangle Texture Size Supported: 8192
13:20:03: Max Texture Size Supported: 8192

13:20:03: Loading Session settings from: D:WMV_r582_32bit_DEVWORKuserSettingsConfig.ini

13:20:03: Initializing File Menu..
13:20:03: Initializing GUI Docking.
13:20:03: Setting OpenGL render state...
13:20:03: Max Lights used: 4
13:20:03: Info: GUI Layout loaded from previous session.
13:20:03: WoW Model Viewer successfully loaded!

13:20:04: Initializing Archives...
13:20:04: Game Data Path: D:World of WarcraftData
13:20:04: Use Local Files: false

13:20:04: Opening patch-3.MPQ
13:20:04: Opening patch-2.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening patch.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening lichking.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening expansion.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening common-2.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening common.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening enUSpatch-enUS-3.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening enUSpatch-enUS-2.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening enUSpatch-enUS.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening enUSlichking-locale-enUS.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening enUSexpansion-locale-enUS.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening enUSlocale-enUS.MPQ
13:20:05: Opening enUSbase-enUS.MPQ
13:20:05: Loaded Content TOC: v3.03.00
13:20:05: WoW Model Viewer is designed to work with the latest version of World of Warcraft.
Your version is supported, but support will be removed in the near future.
You may experience diminished capacity while working with WoW Model Viewer.
Please update your World of Warcraft client soon.
13:20:05: Loaded Content Version: 12340
13:20:05: InitMPQArchives result: Successfully Initialized.
13:20:05: Initializing File Controls...
13:20:07: Loading user skins from 'D:WMV_r582_32bit_DEVWORKuserSettingsSkins.txt'
13:20:07: User skins D:WMV_r582_32bit_DEVWORKuserSettingsSkins.txt loaded
13:20:07: Initializing Databases...
13:20:07: Finished initiating database files.
13:20:28: Initializing File Controls...
13:20:36: Loading WMO WorldWmoblacktemplebarrierspikeswallbt_barrierspikeswall01.wmo
13:20:36: Loading texture: WorldExpansion01DoodadsHellfirecitadelPassivedoodadsBarrierCr_Hellfire_Barrier.Blp
13:21:12: Loading WMO WorldWmobuildingsoldstrat_farm.wmo
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWallsMm_Strmwnd_Wall_03.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTrimMm_Strmwnd_Trim_01.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWallsMm_Strmwnd_Wall_02.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesRoofMm_Strath_Roof_03.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTrimMm_Strmwnd_Supports_01.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWindowsMm_Elwynn_Wnd_Ext__01.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesFloorMm_Street_03.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesBrickMm_Redbrick_03X.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesFloorMm_Strmwnd_Int_Floor_01.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWoodMm_Woodroof_01.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWallsMm_Strmwnd_Int_Wall_01.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesDevicesMm_Fireplace_Front.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesMetalMm_Minerail_01.Blp
13:21:12: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWindowsMm_Elwynn_Wnd_Int__01.Blp
13:21:12: Loading model: WorldGenericPassivedoodadsParticleemittersHousesmoke.m2, size: 3360

13:21:12: Loading texture: CreatureElementalEarthWaterMist.blp
13:21:12: Info: Added CreatureElementalEarthWaterMist.blp to the TextureList[1].
13:21:19: Loading WMO WorldWmokalimdorbuildingsnightelfdruidtowerdsnightelfdruidtower.wmo
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTrimMm_Ne_Ds_Trim_04.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTrimMm_Ne_Ds_Trim_01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTrimMm_Ne_Ds_Trim_02.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTrimMm_Ne_Ds_Trim_03.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesFloorMm_Ne_Ds_Floor_01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesCeilingMm_Ne_Ds_Ceiling 01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWallsMm_Ne_Ds_Wall_01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTreesDs_Gianttreetrunk01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTreesDs_Gianttreetrunk02.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesFloorMm_Ne_Ds_Floor_02.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWallsMm_Ne_Ds_Intwall_01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesFloorMm_Ne_Ds_Treerings_01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWindowsMm_Ne_Ds_Windows_01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesRoofMm_Ne_Ds_Roof_03.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesRockMm_Ne_Ds_Stone_01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesWallsMm_Ne_Ds_Wall_03.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesFloorMm_Ne_Ds_Floor_03.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTreesKalidarfattree01.Blp
13:21:19: Loading texture: DungeonsTexturesTemp64.Blp
13:21:19: Original Vertex Colors Gathered.
13:21:19: Gathering New Vertex Colors...
13:21:19: Original Vertex Colors Gathered.
13:21:19: Gathering New Vertex Colors...
13:21:19: Loading model: WorldGenericPassivedoodadsParticleemittersDruidwisp01.m2, size: 5120

13:21:19: Loading texture: WorldKalimdorKalidarPassiveDoodadsOracleTreeWisp.blp
13:21:19: Info: Added WorldKalimdorKalidarPassiveDoodadsOracleTreeWisp.blp to the TextureList[1].
13:21:19: Info: Added DUNGEONSTEXTURESTREESKALIDARTREEFERN01.BLP to the TextureList[2].

Heres My Noggit SDL config file
#This is a config file template. To use it rename into noggit.conf and set your options
#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = C:World of Warcraft

#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
ProjectPath = D:Model EditingProject

#Set this to the file where you will import models from (the model viewer log for example :) )
ImportFile  = D:WMV_r582_32bit_DEVWORKuserSettingslog.txt

#The far clipping value. Set to 2048, 3072, 4096 etc. for a further look. Higher values need more 3d power.
#1024 is the standard value and will be taken if you do not set this value.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 10:51:29 pm by Admin »


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Re: Trouble importing models.
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2012, 08:33:35 pm »
It has been more than a year and stack traces on windows are still useless. Good job, guys, good job.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Trouble importing models.
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2012, 08:46:18 pm »
Am i missing a tutorial or doing something stupidly wrong here?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Trouble importing models.
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2012, 09:05:31 pm »
You are using an incompatibly version of wowmodelviewer, which outputs the log differently than in the version, Steff used.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Trouble importing models.
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2012, 09:16:14 pm »
Which version did he use? I apologize for my ignorance on the subject but i just picked this all up the other day
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Trouble importing models.
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2012, 10:50:37 pm »
Found it! Thanks for the help schlumpf :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »