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Messages - matija167

Pages: [1] 2
Development and Presentation / Re: [Recruiting] New MMO From 0
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:30:28 pm »
I wander what engine is that...

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] Grid (lines) All Around Map In Game
« on: July 31, 2012, 04:25:35 pm »
It's a common issue that occurs when editing Blizzard ADTs.

When I had those lines a simple bit of terrain lifting fixed it for me, for the others, however, it didnt.

noggit has some rendering issues perhaps?

Noggit / Re: Noggit Modify Size problem
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:24:31 am »
alt + left click and move mouse left or right.

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Lightning Effects
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:02:00 am »
That looks nice :D

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] Northpine Forest
« on: July 18, 2012, 10:59:16 pm »
So, this is a small zone I came up with for possible RP purposes.
Here are the screens:

All comments are well appreciated. :D

Level Design / Re: Question: problem with furnishing inn.
« on: July 17, 2012, 10:24:51 am »
Try lowering the ground below the inn a little, you probably have a place where the ground goes through the wmo a little which causes the model appearing and dissapearing like that.

Bad Threads / Re: Noggit problem
« on: July 13, 2012, 11:06:06 am »
Whats the name of your config file? Be sure to have it renamed from "noggit_template.conf" to "noggit.conf"

It must be working than, if it isn't you have a problem.

Here's what my config looks like:
#This is a config file template. To use it rename into noggit.conf and set your options
#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = D:WoWWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install)

#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
ProjectPath = D:project01

#Set this to the file where you will import models from (the model viewer log for example :) )
ImportFile  = C:UsersmartinaDownloadsmodel vieweruserSettingslog.txt

#The far clipping value. Set to 2048, 3072, 4096 etc. for a further look. Higher values need more 3d power.
#1024 is the standard value and will be taken if you do not set this value.

Bad Threads / Re: Noggit problem
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:43:26 am »
This has been said a thousand times atleast. All of your paths must end with a backslash().

So this is what your file should look like:
#This is a config file template. To use it rename into noggit.conf and set your options
#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft

#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
ProjectPath = C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft

#Set this to the file where you will import models from (the model viewer log for example :) )
ImportFile = C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft

#The far clipping value. Set to 2048, 3072, 4096 etc. for a further look. Higher values need more 3d power.
1024 is the standard value and will be taken if you do not set this value.
I highly suggest you use a folder different than your WoW folder to save your projects in, and your WMV importing wont work with this setting.

Modelling and Animation / Re: MOP wmos to WOTLK
« on: July 06, 2012, 02:59:23 pm »
Not quite true, I have seen a bunch of cata WMOs converted and used in 3.3.5a. Can't tell for the MOP ones.

A request!
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Vindication
Thanks in advance!

Noggit / [Suggestion] Model Swap
« on: July 01, 2012, 07:09:37 pm »
So, my suggestion is as the title says, pretty self explanatory. Unfortunately I have zero coding expirience so I can't do it myself.

So my idea of how it would work would be pretty much like swapping textures work, you would first select the model you would like to swap, then the model you would like to swap to and click "swap models on ADT" button.

I suppose swapping models per chunks wouldnt work well as many models take more space than a single chunk.

awesomly awesome, cant wait for gears to come by

General / Re: NoggIt-Shirts signed by Blizzard Execs
« on: July 01, 2012, 11:56:49 am »
Quote from: "Elinora"
Quote from: "Såcrament"
...5-6 more stories to fill out expansions with :D

*5 more expansions later*: "Look it dropped an epic weapon! Damn, it only has 435462556623 DPS...

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] f* water
« on: June 26, 2012, 03:34:16 pm »
How to use copywater.exe? Or write .but file for me.

I noticed you haven't gotten the answer on how to actually use the tool, so I will give you one.

As an example, I will use the azeroth_33_50 ADT file.

You will be prompted the following screen, enter your data accordingly to the instructions.

Copywater will NOT overwrite your original ADTs, it will create a new folder named "Out" in the same folder where your ADTs are where it will save the ADT with restored water.


Note: Should I post this in the tutorial section aswell as a surprising amount of people doesnt know how to use the tool.

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