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Author Topic: Application - Skumarg  (Read 1529 times)


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Application - Skumarg
« on: February 09, 2014, 04:28:22 am »
Accountname: Skumarg
Language: English
Age: 14
Skypename: deathsanta12

Brief introduction of yourself: My name is Kurtis, but my friends call me Kurt. I'm 14 and I love to do things on the computer, but mostly just playing video games and having a good time doing it. I've loved and played World of Warcraft my whole life, and now I feel like it's time to mod it, to create a better experience for myself and others. I run a YouTube channel, and try to put out content at least twice a week, and I'm glad to make videos for Maruum or any other things that I could record.

List of skills you have: I've played on a Roleplay server called Roleplay Heaven, where you can basically create your own 'phase' and you can put practically any doodads or game objects in the world. I've played that server for pretty much 2 years, and I also love to think up lore.

What do you want to do: I'd love to either be a lore-writer or place down game objects in the world, and that's basically it.

Have you worked on other projects: I have not worked on any other projects due to me just starting to get into modding, but if I had the chance to join projects, i'd gladly take it for the learning experience.

That's my application, and I hope I get the chance to join all of you at Maruum! :)

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Application - Skumarg
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 01:36:04 am »
If you love to place doodads, I think you are reffering to in-game command to spawn object.

I would suggest you to learn Noggit, it's great and you will have great time doing it, you will see.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »