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Messages - sevi
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:35:46 am »
with cold weather fly?
spell_generic.cpp search for:
if (map == 530 || (map == 571 && target->HasSpell(SPELL_COLD_WEATHER_FLYING)))
this must you change to
if (map == 530 || (map == 571 && target->HasSpell(SPELL_COLD_WEATHER_FLYING)) || map = yourmapid && target->HasSpell(YourFlySpell))
« on: April 05, 2014, 10:15:11 pm »
Have you create new map files for the core? TC load the information for the command from the *.map file.
When not, run the mapextractor.exe in the wow path with your custom patch.
« on: March 28, 2014, 10:49:45 pm »
yes a tele crea or gameobject is the simple way found unused trigger id can a some time take. But i will look for unused trigger ids...
« on: March 28, 2014, 10:23:04 pm »
mhm okey, I thought to myself, that the areatrigger a limited in the wow.exe has. Thanks for your answer. I used trinitycore, so i must looking for a another way.
« on: March 27, 2014, 09:00:26 pm »
no one a idea or something like that? i search more, maybe i will find a solution
« on: March 23, 2014, 09:57:58 am »
I'm back with a new Problem... I hate this.
In the past days i will add some areatriggers for instance portals and ingame tavernes. I have search free and unused IDs in the AreaTrigger.dbc and add my custom Trigger Points, add the dbc to the server and to the client. (of course i add the areatrigger to the db) loggin and testing the points. Yay works fine.
But now my Problem. Some another AreaTrigger from Blizz will not works. At last i used the Trigger Ids 1106, 4000, 4001 with this entry will not works the areatrigger 5869, 5972, the linket to Rubysanctum. It's me not will porting to the instance. So i delete my new custom entrys, i was portet to the instance.
Than i added a AreaTrigger they bigger as the last added from blizz - but they will not works ingame.
I testet it with some another free and in the dbc unused ids, some another portals will not work.
Some here an idea why it is so? The working trigger ids client side connected with the in the dbc free ids to work? Or some another things?
great sunday and thanks for answers.
« on: March 09, 2014, 10:03:47 am »
Some days over and i look for many files.
What i now say can, i go to the Flightmaster on the custom Map, i speak with him, i learn the new Flightpoint. But when i now logging out or restart the Server, i can again learn the new Flightpoint. Looks like, that the Flightpoints not right saved that this now known. And i think this is also one part of the problem. When the server say the player known no flightpoints, the taximap goes not open.
I will look why works the taximask in the character database.
edit: okey some nodes will now right saved. Another not.
But this is not the solution for the problem that the taximap lua not will called on a custom map. when i creat a testing flightpoint on a existing map (like the eastern kingdoms) thats will works fine. I can learn the point and than the taxiframe will called. But only on custom maps they will not work.
mhm what i can test is to use a lower map entry. actually i use over 700... i think i look for a free map id under the last blizz map...
edit2: lower map id dosn't works...
« on: February 27, 2014, 05:38:10 pm »
Yes i think i have a clean area structure. (I add a screen to the end of this post) The Map self has the Area Ingame.
Yep, this problem are existing now one Year xD But i have this problem for a long time ignored and work an another place on my map. Yet i think some NPC create with gossip menue to fly on the custom map is not the best solution. (it a solution, but i think with a flightmaster is they better xD)
« on: February 26, 2014, 11:21:27 pm »
First, sorry for doppelposting.
Good, i spend some time in the last day for looking around some another lua files in the FrameXML and in the GlueXML folder for another entry with a specified TaxiMap id with is loading. But i found nothing.
The "TaxiFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...)" shall not call when i speak with the flight master.
I testet the taxi xml rework from stoneharry but this works also not in my cases on my custom map. I tried it on some different Maps.
another here say its works be her self, you make some thinks another?
« on: February 23, 2014, 10:00:49 am »
Okey I think I have found the Problem. Have added some Messages to the TaxiFrame.lua file to see what the frame does. When i speak with a Flight Master on my Custom Map the TaxiFrame.lua does not use the function "TaxiFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...)" nearly the event to open the TaxiMap.
Will look around whether a another file found in there the TaxiMap IDs defined.
« on: February 23, 2014, 03:31:37 am »
I create a new TaxiMap and give there Map the follow name "TaxiMap733.blp", my custom Map has the MapId 733. The Flightpoints and routes are created in the right dbcs. When i login Ingame i can discover the new Flightroute but when i will speak with the Flightmaster nothing happens. He says "greets" and the Taxi Frame will not show up. When i than walk back way the Flight Master says "see you" The TaxiMap works, when i give there the id 1 for eastern kingdoms I can the map see.
or it maybe be on the high map id?
« on: February 23, 2014, 01:57:37 am »
This Thread is nearly a year old, but i not found a solution for the Probleme here.
On one Custom Map will not work the TaxiFrame. When i click on the Flightmaster, i hear the sound to open the Map, i walk a little bit back, i hear the sound to close the Taxi Map. yet the Map will not appear and show to me. We try this with a custom new Taxi Map and with a existing TaxiMap(like taximap for Eastern Kingdoms)
Any here have now a idea?
« on: January 15, 2014, 03:53:38 pm »
i tried difficulty ways but his not working. I add a empty fileinfo.txt into mqp and looked ingame - wow error. I add 2 moddels with fileinfo.txt - wow error. I delete all m2 from the adt in noggit - but with fileinfo was there over 100 m2 on the adt but this m2 i don't see in noggi. But with this - wow error. so i looked around on my harddisk and found an older patch version with the adts without big chances. so is used now this. thanks for your help
« on: January 12, 2014, 11:51:48 pm »
I use the noggit version 3.166 mhm I extract the m2 /wmo list with fileinfo.exe and delete the double m2s on the same place. Than i load the txt file with loadinfo.exe into the adt and put the adt to my patch. But when the loading screen almost finished, than i become the wow error like the in my first post.
what can i does?
thanks for your help.
« on: January 12, 2014, 11:29:36 am »
Hello, since some time i have the problem that on my own map many objects on the same place are spawned. so was an the same place over 100 trees. thereby are ingame big lags (low fps). When i will delete the objects with noggit, save the map and will loggin ingame i will become sometimes this wowerror: ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception Program: F:World of Warcraft 3.3.5aWoW.exe Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:007B31F8
The instruction at "0x007B31F8" referenced memory at "0x00000010". The memory could not be "read".
I think this wow errors comes from failed save m2 on the adt or its what another? Noggit can load the map without errors. But i found not another way as delete all modified adts and begun from new. This is very annoying work and the map design comes not forward. Some here any idea as i can delete the too many objects? (m2) thanks for replys. greet sevi