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Messages - Putte08

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Noggit / [SOLVED] Noggit B19 problem
« on: July 27, 2011, 10:23:52 pm »
I've got this very strange M2 problem with B19.
B19 have worked perfect for a long time now, which have made me very happy, but now suddenly I've got this new bug annoying me.
I started up noggit and went to my place where I was building. And I realised that in one of the ADTs I was building in all the M2's were gone. But the WMO's and the ground changes + textures was still there. I was annoyed by this, a lot. So I kept on building in other ADT's.
Then the day after, today, I went to the same place and all the M2's where there. So I though I would make a backup of the files, so I closed down noggit and copy pasted the files into a backup folder. Then I started up noggit again and the M2's where gone. -_-
So the M2's might be there, but they're hiding from me and noggit. I'm not sure what this problem might be, but it's a bit strange. o_o
Would be glad if Steff or someone else could reply and see if they've got any idea what this might be.

The M2's appeared once again. I'll see if they disipear again. :[
Yep, they did disipear again.
I made a patch out of it, and all the M2's are there. But I still can't see them in Noggit. Like I said, it's like they're hiding from me.
Magically works once again. I guess the problem is solved.

Level Design / [BUG] M2s keep duplicating themselfes
« on: June 09, 2011, 08:20:03 pm »
Hey there. My world building have been slowed down a lot by this bug, and I want it gone.
I'm trying to build on my custom continent, but some of my M2s keep duplicating themselfes.
Each time I save the ADT they duplicate, and sometimes they end up to be over a thousand of them at the same place. (Which causes my FPS to go down to 5...)
It have actually only happened (so far, if I'm correct) to silvermoon trees, and I think, blood elf trees in general. And what's so strange about this is that it's only happening in some ADTs and not all ADTs that I'm working on.

So I'm really curious on what I can do to stop them from duplicating. I can allways remove the damn trees by using Cryects tools. But they keep comming back, and it's QUITE ANNOYING to constanly delete them. Because it takes a lot of time, and it's annoying too...

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