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Messages - Putte08

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Looks cool. I've got to try doing a login screen too after this.

Random / Re: [MEMBER] Greetings
« on: April 21, 2012, 02:21:00 am »
Whalecum to the forum!

Quote from: "Mjollna"
About the "lines" bug, I've tested this and for me it works :

[18:05] <Mjollna> for your broken textures
[18:05] <Mjollna> (the lines problem I mean, not the specular stuff)
[18:05] <Mjollna> you open your adt
[18:05] <Mjollna> in noggit
[18:05] <Mjollna> raise tool
[18:05] <Mjollna> brush size : max
[18:05] <Mjollna> speed : 0
[18:06] <Mjollna> you click once somewhere on your adt
[18:06] <Mjollna> save
[18:06] <Mjollna> test ingame
[18:06] <Mjollna> it should be alright
[18:06] <Mjollna> and to reproduce the bug, it's easy : editing textures on Azeroth instead of a user-created map from scratch

- Before :
- After :

- See also, for same problem :

Tested with 279 and latest SDL, same problem, same solution.

@Steff : If you're talking about lines problem adt, here's a sample :

Works now. Thanks everyone for your help! :)

Level Design / Re: [BUG] Textures behaving strange, lightning bug
« on: March 23, 2012, 11:12:31 pm »
Quote from: "Mjollna"
For specular bug, I thought it was solved since 279... If you resave with 279 (after the max brush size + 0 speed trick) is it still there ?

For the problem with chunks borders, it's also been reported as bug, but I'm not sure it's been solved yet. I had made some tests but I don't remember how I had got rid of it... try opening and resaving without changing anything on the adt... I'll try to find again my test files, but I don't know if I have kept them somewhere.

Doesn't work for me. Maybe I'm doing the trick wrong. How EXACTLY are you doing the trick so I can make sure I'm not failing?

Random / Re: New Guy Introductions (and a question)
« on: March 23, 2012, 01:28:49 pm »
Quote from: "Wizier537"
The reason I use Macintosh today was back when I was in 7th grade, I took a broadcasting class which required me to install a program called "Final Cut Pro".  Since this application was for the mac, my folks bought me a Macintosh computer.  Though getting used to the system took a while, I grew proficient in operating it, thus have stuck with it ever since.   ;)

Sure you're free to use your mac, but you wont be able to get any modding programs on a mac. Just like you wont get your Final Cut Pro on windows. But that isn't really a problem on windows, because there's still loads of editing programs out there that works great. Sony Vegas and After Effects, why don't you work with those programs instead? They're awesome!

Edit: This is solved!  :) I followed Mjollna's tips.
All you need to do is to use rev.279 and do the brush thing and it gets fixed. Both the shiny lights and the strange texture lines disappear by doing so.

Hey there guys. I'm not really sure what the problem is, but I'm going to post some pics so you guys can identify my problem. As I'm sure someone here knows what this is.
I'm using the latest revision/version of Noggit from the beta tester section.

What I can figure out so far is that the lightning on the ADTs behave strange and shine WAY TOO MUCH when specular lightning is on. There's several other annoying things that happen even though it's off too.

Specular lightning ON:

Specular lightning OFF, I've also got these strange lines and the same textures in different ADTs get different 'darkness' on them. Basically; same texture get different dark which makes it look strange:

Everything looks pretty much perfect in Noggit. What the hell?  :(
But atleast you can see it has something to do with ADTs:

Does anyone here know how to 'fix' this?

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [SHOWOFF] War Mounts
« on: March 23, 2012, 09:06:34 am »
That looks extremely good! Do you think you could try doing something like this with stallions or hawkstriders too? The more the merrier!

Resources and Tools / Re: [C++] LightAdder
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:22:13 pm »
Gotta try this out. Looks awesome.

Random / Re: New Guy Introductions (and a question)
« on: March 22, 2012, 05:48:44 pm »
Quote from: "Wizier537"
What's the name of the windows program which does this?  I might be able to get it to work since I ran a few windows programs on this mac before.

I don't think it will work, when they release their programs they (I'm 99% sure) test them on all sorts of different systems to see what it works for. And they usually don't even aim to make it work for anything else than windows sometimes.

But the main question is: Why are you on a mac to begin with? :P

Random / Re: [QUESTION] ARE there any one speaking SWE FIN OR NOR here ?
« on: February 17, 2012, 05:23:29 pm »
I'm swedish too!
I'll gladly add anyone from Sweden, Finland, Norway or Denmark. It's always nice to have 'contacts'. Especially those who build with NoggIt.

My Skype: zeroaz (Patrik Hjalmarsson).

Noggit / [QUESTION] ADT bugs
« on: October 09, 2011, 01:17:23 am »
Some few ADTs I've been building on have got this strange bug which makes me 'fall' as soon as I get inside them.
By 'falling' I mean the falling effect you get when jumping outside outland. When you get too far down.

Anyone know how to fix this? I know someone else have had this problem.
I'm using rev263.

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [WIP] Gilneas to 3.35 porting.
« on: September 04, 2011, 02:49:38 am »
Looks really nice!

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] M2 deletion
« on: August 17, 2011, 11:29:26 am »
Quote from: "Keta"
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Quote from: "Keta"
Cryects Tools may be old, but it is still working. Even in Cata it works. Cryect really did a great job ;D
Though in Cata it only works on the adt which contains the object info ofc :p I think you're having an issue of some sort with your computer, or your ADTs, if it isn't working correctly.
The last resort ofcourse, would simply be just to hex edit and replace all the M2 paths with 00's. But I wouldn't recommend it, and I've never tried, and Ill imagine it might think there are still models there, but no treepaths, so it'll crash cause it cant find "no object" :S
Just sayin' xP


The tools might work if you're lucky. There is still a lot of potential, they destroy your ADT. Especially with Cataclysm.

Well honestly, Schlumpf, call me lucky or w/e, but I've never, in all the time I've used Cryects Tools, had problems with the tool corrupting my ADTs. It may make it un-loadable for Wow sometimes, but that just requires a simple Noggit Load->Save, and then its all working again :p Dunno if I'm lucky or if its just my OS or wtf it is. And I don't really care. Its working, so I'm happy :D
Regarding to your problem Putte, try do it with Cryects (obviously keep a backup) and then try with the different revisions/builds of Noggit. I'm sure one of them would be able to load your ADTs and then just save and load in never Noggit versions :P Honestly, there is a heck lots of ways to get around this problem. Use your imagination :D Its not forbidden, just because the tools weren't made by you XD


I'll see if I can work around it, even though it's probably against the odds and reason. I've got nothing to lose, it's just blizzard ADTs I'm messing around with. :)

Thanks (to)

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] M2 deletion
« on: August 16, 2011, 06:18:31 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Quote from: "Keta"
Cryects Tools may be old, but it is still working. Even in Cata it works. Cryect really did a great job ;D
Though in Cata it only works on the adt which contains the object info ofc :p I think you're having an issue of some sort with your computer, or your ADTs, if it isn't working correctly.
The last resort ofcourse, would simply be just to hex edit and replace all the M2 paths with 00's. But I wouldn't recommend it, and I've never tried, and Ill imagine it might think there are still models there, but no treepaths, so it'll crash cause it cant find "no object" :S
Just sayin' xP


The tools might work if you're lucky. There is still a lot of potential, they destroy your ADT. Especially with Cataclysm.

So I'm basically screwed? I know Keta can save me from this dire situation, but he's probably not willing to help me out.

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] M2 deletion
« on: August 16, 2011, 05:59:49 pm »
Quote from: "Keta"
Cryects Tools may be old, but it is still working. Even in Cata it works. Cryect really did a great job ;D
Though in Cata it only works on the adt which contains the object info ofc :p I think you're having an issue of some sort with your computer, or your ADTs, if it isn't working correctly.
The last resort ofcourse, would simply be just to hex edit and replace all the M2 paths with 00's. But I wouldn't recommend it, and I've never tried, and Ill imagine it might think there are still models there, but no treepaths, so it'll crash cause it cant find "no object" :S
Just sayin' xP


Can I send you an ADT and see if it works for you? I can confirm that they're not corrupted, because they're built with the latest Noggit version and I can make a patch out of them without WoW error. I can guess it's some kind of magical problem with my computer...

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