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Author Topic: [QUESTION] How to change 3.5.5 nelf into CATA Worgen  (Read 4789 times)


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Re: [QUESTION] How to change 3.5.5 nelf into CATA Worgen
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2015, 03:14:58 am »
Quote from: "Afrowalrus03"
Not much recently, been highly busy with life stuff. Been trying to figure out how to fix the helmet issues, or at least finding some compromise for them. Thought of using female tauren helmets for the female worgen, but it seems that won't work. Hope to work in more depth, when I''m more free. (I've also been trying to replicate a nightsaber reskin patch I saw online from years ago, going very well. Will release that alongside this when done).

Alright, thanks. Really appriciate all the work youre putting in to this.

If you want you can send me the files and Ill take a look
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] How to change 3.5.5 nelf into CATA Worgen
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2015, 07:33:44 pm »
Okau, long period of absence, been a very busy time of my life for me. Anyway, looking to finish this up before christmas. Haven't found a solution for:
-The female helm issue
-The white neck (though someone has kindly pm'd me about a possible solution)
-Some male worgen faces that are all still thinking that they have the night elf textures
-Sounds are still Night Elf sounds (despite placing worgen sound files into an mpq)

Despite this, after just starting up again today, I've changed the ghost wisp form to a rough ghost wolf, the nightsaber textures have been given a tryout, and I've gotten the worgen bear form into the game, and working well (hair colours don't align perfectly, but that's what the barbershop is for) :P

Here's an image of a character I've playtested with:

Will upload more as I progress more (you'll have to excuse my on/off laziness)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »