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Topics - Lorien

Pages: [1]
Hey there ! ( At first, sorry for my english. I'm a french buddy, so i can't really do better )

Well, so, i've a lot of questions.

I've followed this topic' : viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9466&hilit=heroes+of+the+storm

Because i wanted to edit and to see HotS model in 3D, and edit it on Photoshop, as i'm doing actually for wow models, before importing them IG.

The fact is that I would really love to import HotS model in my Wow game, but i really don't find a way to do it. Sooo, i was wondering, maybe someone can help me to.

By the way, i don't know why, but i can't have the texture, and so the real appareance of HotS character on Blender, if someone has something to fix it, tell me ! ( Screen : )

And so.. yeah, i'm searching for someone to teach me how to import HotS model in wow, and why not, custom wow skins homemade, in wow, the game !

Btw, i can use smth like TS or Skype, if you want to chat and help me :p

Thanks you !

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