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Author Topic: WotLK Tutorials on YT  (Read 3960 times)


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WotLK Tutorials on YT
« on: March 10, 2017, 04:16:28 pm »
Hi, I have already announced this before, but with a new board structure I decided to create a new topic here. I am working on english YT channel with tutorials focused on things I am specialized on. Which means DB, DBC, Noggit, Level and 3D design in general. I also made some tutorials for complete beginners to help them with orientation in WoW modding world. So, if you are interrested in video tutorials, here's my english channel:

And here's my older, czech channel (which I probably won't update any longer):
English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

Want to support me for my releases and/or tutorials? You can send donation via Paypal to: