So, with the new hd WOD models I would like to take them and animate/render them in blender(to take advantage of cycles rendering)
So, these are the steps I have taken.
use casctools-v0.6.1 to extract the models
use M2ModRedux.exe to convert .m2 to .m2i (Google M2ModRedux.exe and you shoud find the tool)
use blender scripts that come with M2ModRedux.exe to import 3d model.
The problem is that, although all the bones/models are properly imported, the bones are not parented properly. They are just all free floating. This means the model deforms very easily and is nearly impossible to animate with.
I know this forum is more about modding warcraft, and I won't really be doing this, but I figured someone might have a solution to my problem. I should mention, I have no plans on putting the model back into wow for in game, so if you have a 1 way solution that might destroy the format im fine with that.
Any idea how I can fix this? Or maybe another .m2 importer? Maybe even if I need to import it to another program then export it to blender...