Basic information

The current wrapper code can be found at

Communication with occurs through the debugger created by When the main SC2 process cause an exception by reading from the memory location 0xFFFFFFFE a command is called in The minimum requirement for such a call to be made is that SC2 can establish a connection to a server, either bnetd on localhost or

Authorization client

Full authorisation client by Ralek and kynox written in C# utilising a C++ AuthModule interface []

How to use

  • Edit TcpConnection(“”, 1119) in Global.cs to or your local server if necessary
  • Edit “const string accountName = “”;” in AppPackets.cs
  • Even with a valid sc2-beta login the AuthTest will fail in the ProofResponse or after that, possibly because of the absence of the thumbprint.dll emulation. It's therefore still unclear how the maplist is populated from bnet.

Packet dumps

Packet dumps

Packet dumps of successful logins will not be posted until modified to remove uniquely identifying content & account PW changed.

Known crypto

These are currently identified crypto signatures in the recent partial dump of the dll (CRC32 F9BFF9FE):

  • BASE64 (table @ 55376898)
  • CRC32 (553777F8)
  • advapi32!CryptGenRandom (imported & dynamic?)
  • MD5 (552EA8D8, 555FEF17)
  • SHA1/384/512 (552EBCA5→, 55371880)
  • TEA? (55AD2C81→)


See the main article Current Drafts of bnet2 protocol

When Connect is pressed a 52 bytes + username in plain text message is sent to TCP port 1119. This leads to these calls to the wrapper:

  • BattlenetAPI::Unknown_08(564DF94, 5BECAC8) [B15458] = 0
  • BattlenetAPI::Unknown_03(C, 564F580, 6) [B14D2E] = 99DA418
  • BattlenetAPI::Unknown_04(13, 564EE30, 6) [B14DAE] = 1

It's not currently known how to pick up this communication from the wrapper.

Create Custom Game

The maplist for Create Custom Game is generated after a login to Even a user that has logged in before, and logs in as guest, gets no maps in the map list. It's currently unclear how the maplist is read in sc2.exe and in the Flash/GFx menus so there has been no progress on listing maps in the offline mode. · Last modified: 2018/03/10 22:35 (external edit)
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