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Author Topic: [Question] Custom trees crash client  (Read 663 times)


  • Registred Member
  • Loreweaver
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[Question] Custom trees crash client
« on: January 21, 2015, 09:15:59 pm »
Hi I'm working on an epic city in the Emerald Dream and for some reason when I use these custom trees it crashes the client. The trees work in the other zones..

I forget where I pulled these trees from, someone released them with special textures I think  similar from skyrim or something.

Anyways here is the crash log. (Mac)

Code: [Select]
WoWBuild: 22340
Code Type: X86
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.1 (14B25)
Executable UUID: 39BA33BF-DDF4-D8AC-536C-A59829310C8B
Virtual Memory: 1196.62 MB
SET locale "enUS"
SET realmList ""
SET hwDetect "0"
SET gxRefresh "60"
SET gxVSync "0"
SET gxMultisampleQuality "0.000000"
SET gxFixLag "0"
SET videoOptionsVersion "3"
SET textureFilteringMode "0"
SET movie "0"
SET Gamma "1.000000"
SET showToolsUI "1"
SET Sound_OutputDriverName "System Default"
SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.80000001192093"
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
SET MaxLights "1"
SET farclip "1077"
SET mouseSpeed "1"
SET lastCharacterIndex "9"
SET readTOS "1"
SET readEULA "1"
SET accounttype "LK"
SET realmName "NewFound"
SET gameTip "56"
SET Sound_ZoneMusicNoDelay "1"
SET particleDensity "0.10000000149012"
SET baseMip "1"
SET environmentDetail "0.5"
SET weatherDensity "0"
SET ffxGlow "0"
SET ffxDeath "0"
SET preferredFullscreenMode "1"
SET gxWindow "1"
SET Sound_SFXVolume "0.5"

GxApi: OpenGL
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce 320M OpenGL Engine
Version: 2.1 NVIDIA-10.0.19 310.90.10.05b12

Exception Raised!

 App:         /Applications/World of Warcraft/World of Warcraft
 Exception:   EXC_BAD_ACCESS
 Error Code:  0x85100086
 Time:        2015-01-21 21.06.00 GMT+1

    eax = 0x0ad33880    ebx = 0x0ad33890    ecx = 0x00000004    edx = 0x00000010
    edi = 0x0ad33880    esi = 0xffb3d4ba    ebp = 0xbfffda88    esp = 0xbfffda7c
     ss = 0x00000023 eflags = 0x00010202    eip = 0x9c08c1d3     cs = 0x0000001b
     ds = 0x00000023     es = 0x00000023     fs = 0x00000000     gs = 0x0000000f
 Crashed Thread: 0x00001307

Thread 0 0x00001307
  0 0x9c08c1d3 __platform_memmove$VARIANT$sse3x + 35
  1 0x008fd192 _AssertAndCrash + 1819106
  2 0x008fd74a _AssertAndCrash + 1820570
  3 0x008fda03 _AssertAndCrash + 1821267
  4 0x00900ab0 _AssertAndCrash + 1833728
  5 0x00897369 _AssertAndCrash + 1401785
  6 0x008973f8 _AssertAndCrash + 1401928
  7 0x0086afcf _AssertAndCrash + 1220639
  8 0x0086b0e1 _AssertAndCrash + 1220913
  9 0x00706314 start + 7355716
 10 0x006d4d42 start + 7153522
 11 0x00725bf3 start + 7484963
 12 0x0098b862 _AssertAndCrash + 2402482
 13 0x00782f7d _AssertAndCrash + 270285
 14 0x0077da1c _AssertAndCrash + 248428
 15 0x0077ddb9 _AssertAndCrash + 249353
 16 0x0077de7c _AssertAndCrash + 249548
 17 0x00990c7c _AssertAndCrash + 2424012
 18 0x0099dcab _AssertAndCrash + 2477307
 19 0x961385d4 _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
 20 0x95f82501 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 2291
 21 0x95f814dc SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 402
 22 0x95f81343 _SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 95
 23 0x95fb546a ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 1912
 24 0x95f828cb DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 3261
 25 0x95f814dc SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 402
 26 0x95f94d25 _SendEventToEventTarget + 88
 27 0x96137cb5 _ToolboxEventDispatcher + 82
 28 0x96137b79 _RunApplicationEventLoop + 240
 29 0x0099e6ba _AssertAndCrash + 2479882
 30 0x000026cb start + 251
 31 0x000025f9 start + 41

Thread 1 0x00000907
  0 0x93f9b8d2 _kevent64 + 10
  1 0x95b1673f __dispatch_mgr_invoke + 245
  2 0x95b163a2 __dispatch_mgr_init + 0

Thread 2 0x00007403
  0 0x93f94b4e _mach_wait_until + 10
  1 0x95c36d58 _nanosleep + 360
  2 0x95c36b91 _usleep + 60
  3 0x000d721a start + 871498
  4 0x000ca4cc start + 818940
  5 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  6 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
  7 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 3 0x00008213
  0 0x93f94a2e _mach_msg_trap + 10
  1 0x93f93ad0 _mach_msg + 68
  2 0x93b5987c _glcDebugListener + 460
  3 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  4 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
  5 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 4 0x00008f07 (Current)
  0 0x000bc6ae start + 762078
  1 0x000bcc25 start + 763477
  2 0x000d97bc start + 881132
  3 0x000990f4 start + 617252
  4 0x0099d44c _AssertAndCrash + 2475164
  5 0x00996906 _AssertAndCrash + 2447702
  6 0x009936cd _AssertAndCrash + 2434845
  7 0x00993582 _AssertAndCrash + 2434514
  8 0x93f9447f _mach_msg_server + 476
  9 0x009937a0 _AssertAndCrash + 2435056
 10 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
 11 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
 12 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 5 0x00009107
  0 0x93f94b4e _mach_wait_until + 10
  1 0x95c36d58 _nanosleep + 360
  2 0x95c36b91 _usleep + 60
  3 0x0086c1f8 _AssertAndCrash + 1225288
  4 0x000b1189 start + 715705
  5 0x000b1380 start + 716208
  6 0x93052dcf -[NSThread main] + 45
  7 0x93052d21 ___NSThread__main__ + 1538
  8 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  9 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
 10 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 6 0x00009703
  0 0x93f9a516 ___psynch_cvwait + 10
  1 0x989eab7a __pthread_cond_wait + 842
  2 0x989ea82b _pthread_cond_wait + 48
  3 0x0009abf6 start + 624166
  4 0x00957b57 _AssertAndCrash + 2190247
  5 0x000b1189 start + 715705
  6 0x000b1380 start + 716208
  7 0x93052dcf -[NSThread main] + 45
  8 0x93052d21 ___NSThread__main__ + 1538
  9 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
 10 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
 11 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 7 0x00017a0f
  0 0x93f94a2e _mach_msg_trap + 10
  1 0x93f93ad0 _mach_msg + 68
  2 0x99da6c3a HALB_MachPort::SendMessageWithReply(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long, mach_msg_header_t*, bool, unsigned int) + 142
  3 0x99da0a74 HALB_MachPort::SendSimpleMessageWithSimpleReply(unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int&, bool, unsigned int) + 72
  4 0x99d9f11f HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop() + 1145
  5 0x99d9ebe8 HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOThreadEntry(void*) + 156
  6 0x99daa277 invocation function for block in HALC_ProxyIOContext::HALC_ProxyIOContext(unsigned long, unsigned int) + 20
  7 0x99d9eb09 HALB_IOThread::Entry(void*) + 173
  8 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  9 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
 10 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 8 0x00017d03
  0 0x93f94b4e _mach_wait_until + 10
  1 0x93d0bfbd _MPDelayUntil + 26
  2 0x00a518ab _AssertAndCrash + 3213563
  3 0x00a6f5af _AssertAndCrash + 3335679
  4 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  5 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
  6 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 9 0x00018007
  0 0x93f94b4e _mach_wait_until + 10
  1 0x93d0bfbd _MPDelayUntil + 26
  2 0x00a518ab _AssertAndCrash + 3213563
  3 0x00a6f5af _AssertAndCrash + 3335679
  4 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  5 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
  6 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 10 0x00017f07
  0 0x93f9a516 ___psynch_cvwait + 10
  1 0x989eab7a __pthread_cond_wait + 842
  2 0x989ea82b _pthread_cond_wait + 48
  3 0x0009abf6 start + 624166
  4 0x0013040a start + 1236538
  5 0x000b1189 start + 715705
  6 0x000b1380 start + 716208
  7 0x93052dcf -[NSThread main] + 45
  8 0x93052d21 ___NSThread__main__ + 1538
  9 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
 10 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
 11 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 11 0x00018203
  0 0x93f9a516 ___psynch_cvwait + 10
  1 0x989eab7a __pthread_cond_wait + 842
  2 0x989eb4c7 _pthread_cond_timedwait + 47
  3 0x0009ab11 start + 623937
  4 0x0075a3db _AssertAndCrash + 103467
  5 0x0075a4ca _AssertAndCrash + 103706
  6 0x000b1189 start + 715705
  7 0x000b1380 start + 716208
  8 0x93052dcf -[NSThread main] + 45
  9 0x93052d21 ___NSThread__main__ + 1538
 10 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
 11 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
 12 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 12 0x00018503
  0 0x93f9a86e _select$DARWIN_EXTSN$NOCANCEL + 10
  1 0x93f97aad _select + 92
  2 0x0075b4db _AssertAndCrash + 107819
  3 0x0075a805 _AssertAndCrash + 104533
  4 0x000b1189 start + 715705
  5 0x000b1380 start + 716208
  6 0x93052dcf -[NSThread main] + 45
  7 0x93052d21 ___NSThread__main__ + 1538
  8 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  9 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
 10 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 13 0x0001960f
  0 0x93f94a2e _mach_msg_trap + 10
  1 0x93f93ad0 _mach_msg + 68
  2 0x94147ae6 ___CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 214
  3 0x94146ef9 ___CFRunLoopRun + 1529
  4 0x94146696 _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 390
  5 0x941464fb _CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
  6 0x9c1388df +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 717
  7 0x93052dcf -[NSThread main] + 45
  8 0x93052d21 ___NSThread__main__ + 1538
  9 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
 10 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
 11 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 14 0x0001a803
  0 0x93f9a8a6 _sem_wait$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 + 10
  1 0x00a51c6c _AssertAndCrash + 3214524
  2 0x00a6f57b _AssertAndCrash + 3335627
  3 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  4 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
  5 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 15 0x00019e2b
  0 0x93f9a8a6 _sem_wait$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 + 10
  1 0x00a51c6c _AssertAndCrash + 3214524
  2 0x00a6f57b _AssertAndCrash + 3335627
  3 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  4 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
  5 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 16 0x0001b907
  0 0x93f9a852 _select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10
  1 0x9419663a ___CFSocketManager + 906
  2 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
  3 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
  4 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 17 0x0001b83b
  0 0x93f9a516 ___psynch_cvwait + 10
  1 0x989eab7a __pthread_cond_wait + 842
  2 0x989eb4c7 _pthread_cond_timedwait + 47
  3 0x0009ab11 start + 623937
  4 0x0074b6a4 _AssertAndCrash + 42740
  5 0x000b1189 start + 715705
  6 0x000b1380 start + 716208
  7 0x93052dcf -[NSThread main] + 45
  8 0x93052d21 ___NSThread__main__ + 1538
  9 0x989e9ecf __pthread_body + 138
 10 0x989e9e45 __pthread_body + 0
 11 0x989e7f0e _thread_start + 34

Thread 18 0x0001c73f
  0 0x93f9ae6e ___workq_kernreturn + 10
  1 0x989ea36d __pthread_wqthread + 939
  2 0x989e7eea _start_wqthread + 30

Thread 19 0x0001c9bf
  0 0x93f9ae6e ___workq_kernreturn + 10
  1 0x989ea36d __pthread_wqthread + 939
  2 0x989e7eea _start_wqthread + 30

Thread 20 0x00008b37
  0 0x93f9ae6e ___workq_kernreturn + 10
  1 0x989ea36d __pthread_wqthread + 939
  2 0x989e7eea _start_wqthread + 30

Thread 21 0x0001bc5f
  0 0x93f9ae6e ___workq_kernreturn + 10
  1 0x989ea36d __pthread_wqthread + 939
  2 0x989e7eea _start_wqthread + 30

Thread 22 0x0001b5cb
  0 0x93f9ae6e ___workq_kernreturn + 10
  1 0x989ea36d __pthread_wqthread + 939
  2 0x989e7eea _start_wqthread + 30

DBG-MODULE<0x00001000 0x00d8a000 "World of Warcraft" {39BA33BF-DDF4-D8AC-536C-A59829310C8B}>
DBG-MODULE<0x9011f000 0x90127000 "AGL" {B5C27F6B-1650-33A2-A310-BB4C12385E49}>
DBG-MODULE<0x93b57000 0x93b67000 "OpenGL" {C4738E5F-C178-3A01-B941-C638E6A14D7C}>
DBG-MODULE<0x9890e000 0x9891f000 "libGL.dylib" {2AF64D8C-3447-3C85-B4A1-77F03456E402}>
DBG-MODULE<0x92341000 0x92385000 "libGLU.dylib" {3519CD46-386A-3702-A5EE-AE59923C5AA7}>
DBG-MODULE<0x933ef000 0x933f9000 "libGFXShared.dylib" {AFC7CCD1-D935-3968-8CE3-303C13354F2B}>
DBG-MODULE<0x96f5e000 0x96f9f000 "libGLImage.dylib" {1F2F2EFE-1EFA-398F-80D6-8AC6EA5160DB}>
DBG-MODULE<0x95f15000 0x95f18000 "libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib" {A87C589A-DA64-3D62-8BDE-065784993B1A}>
DBG-MODULE<0x93b1d000 0x93b22000 "libCoreVMClient.dylib" {85CBF1F3-3CE1-304F-88DF-15608C9A2367}>
DBG-MODULE<0x92448000 0x925f7000 "GLEngine" {80C15A08-641F-3957-94B4-6CCCA9061F3F}>
DBG-MODULE<0x9abf8000 0x9ada9000 "libGLProgrammability.dylib" {CE02B596-76E3-3034-9E63-67FF6FF706A4}>
DBG-MODULE<0x48000000 0x488f1000 "GeForceTeslaGLDriver" {151074BF-3DA4-3022-A2A3-286CACFC1A25}>
DBG-MODULE<0x08800000 0x0901f000 "libclh.dylib" {B14E74E7-5A76-303E-B8D0-75BE87556638}>
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DBG-MODULE<0x07427000 0x0742c000 "AppleHDAHALPlugIn" {956F0C44-2B7B-35B5-AE3F-0422E7D742A5}>

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »