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Topics - niofire

Pages: [1]
Level Design / [BUG] Some WMO make my WoW crash
« on: May 06, 2011, 06:19:48 pm »
Hello all! I've put a wmo in one of my map with the following tree path worldwmodungeonmd_cryptmd_crypt_d_001.wmo
and all it does is make my wow crash... is it because dungeon wmos cant be implemented ? Thanks for answering!

**note: I have put the infofile of the .adt check it out :) And I run wow 3.3.3a. And the wmo doesnt show up in noggit either!

Hello! I have followed eluo's guide in order to add doodads and wmo on my adt. Wmo happened to work perfectly and they appear in-game. However, the doodads DOES show in noggit, also show using cryect tools but does NOT show in-game.  Also, I did put the altered map with the doodads in a patch named patch-enUS-4.MPQ.

I have added the adt if you guys could look into it. Thank you for helping me, I've been trying to make this work all night long but alas, without success.

Noggit / noggit doesnt load tilesets
« on: April 24, 2011, 09:41:41 pm »
Okay.. So thing is, whenever I put a new tileset in an mpq file noggit doesnt see it. I tried to put it in common.mpq but now noggit can't load any tilesets coming from common.mpq even though I removed my custom tileset. Any ideas?

**Note: I've put my custom tileset in lichking.mpq as well, and aspredicted, I couldnt load any tileset from that mpq in noggit. However, I had the lichking.mpq filed backed up so I replaced the ''corrupted'' .mpq file with the backed=up one and now I can load the tilesets again. Thing is, I dont have common.mpq backed-up so.... give it a shot, don't have much too loose.

Texturing and 2D Art / [QUESTION] Texture appear fluorescent green
« on: April 22, 2011, 11:30:52 pm »
Why does some textures appear normal in noggit and appear fluorescent green in-game?  Might it be the skybox, texture path errors? been searching this error pretty much everywhere.......! Thanks for helping!

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