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Pages: [1] 2
Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Custom race (TC 3.3.5a)
« on: August 30, 2014, 12:16:54 pm »
I am currently on it working, too but I don't know if this helps.

#define MAX_RACES         23

I might be wrong but shouldn't the MAX_RACES only be defined by the count of the playable races? The count should be in your case about 13. With the plus 1 note at the end it should be 14.

#define MAX_RACES         14

This should be about right.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [QUESTION] Cata/MoP NPC Models on a 3.3.5a Server
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:56:44 pm »
Quote from: "Lord_Spaztic"
Have you tried adding the correct field in creature model info?
My Trinity Core is out of date (to lazy to rebuild atm.) and all new models require an entry in the sql table "creature_model_info". So if you're running the latest Trinity you should need that entry as well.

Try adding a row to that and see if that works. :)

Thanks that did it. It works now just fine.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [QUESTION] Cata/MoP NPC Models on a 3.3.5a Server
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:09:22 pm »
The .dbc files are on the server I replaced the original .dbc files with the newer ones I worked over and I created a new creature in the database and no I did not use a template make I put it into the creature_template by hand.

To test it I just copied one row of the functioning NPCs and exchanged the modelid with my own display ID and of course changed the name.

Database: world
Table: creature_template
entryID: 50000
modelid1: 33000
name: Dönerkönig
subname: Herrscher über alle Döner

That are the edited fields. I based the rest on the "Mini Thor" with the entryID "42078" and if I change the modelid1 from 33000 to for example to "32106" (Ruby Drake) I can spawn the NPC with the entryID 50000 with the name "Dönerking" and subname "Herrscher über alle Döner". I can even change the model of the NPC ingame with the command ".npc set model 33000" and then I've got the Thunder King model on an NPC.

Here I'll show it to you:

So if you have a solution for this I'd be really grateful.

"Retro-Porting" / [SOLVED] Cata/MoP NPC Models on a 3.3.5a Server
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:44:46 am »
Good morning, I've got a little problem with custom Models from Cataclysm / MoP.

So I'm currently testing out the limits of 3.3.5a with Cataclysm and MoP content. For this I'm using the [RELEASE] 4.0.0 ~ 5.4.0 Maps/WMOs/Doodads Content for 3.3.5a from Anthony, which makes this quite easy for me but I am currently at a problem I can't fix myself.

I'm currently trying to implement the Thunder King from MoP as an 3.3.5a NPC. The problem is I can't spawn him. Whenever I try to spawn him the server tells me that I can't spawn this NPC because there is no NPC with the entry I want to spawn.

But when I change the display ID from the custom made one to one that existed always the NPC can be spawned with the same entry ID, so I think the problem is the server doesn't recognize the display ID as a functioning one.

I edited the following two .dbc files and put them together in a patch and uploaded them to the dbc files of the server:
- CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc
- CreatureModelData.dbc

Interesting is another fact. I can use the Display ID ingame to morph myself and NPCs, but I can't spawn them with the Display ID when I insert them with the Display as Model ID in creature_template.

The core I'm running the server on is Trinity 3.3.5a with the last few updates on it.

If anyone knows how to fix this issue I would be really thankful, because I can't find a solution for this problem ever since I started integrating the new NPC models, which was a few weeks ago.

With regards,


Noggit / Re: [BUG] Setting up a continent
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:43:23 pm »
We still don't know what it's actually been, but Jøk3r and I looked into it and there are two possibilities what has been the problem:

1. The .wdt file was corrupted, in the process of fixing this problem we created a new one.
2. The underline "_" between Chaos and Islands was the problem, because we created the world new as ChaosIslands and not Chaos_Islands.

My personal guess is currently that it was the underline, but the .wdt could have been the problem too. So if someone else has got this error, try to recreate the .wdt or if the name has got a special sign, take it out.

With regards


Noggit / Re: [BUG] Setting up a continent
« on: August 25, 2013, 04:59:39 pm »
Yes, i used the fix.bat. I can actually promise that everything I did was exactly as it is described in Steffs tutorial. I don't know why it's not working, but it does not work.

Noggit / Re: [BUG] Setting up a continent
« on: August 25, 2013, 02:53:07 pm »
The first .adt files were created with taliis, but the current ones are not. They were created on Steffs template.adt file so there should be no problem anymore, if that was the problem. Currently I ain't even got a clue what might be the problem, cause the map shows up in Noggit to select it, when I've selected it Noggit loads the area and I can turn around and so on, but it shows nothing else then the skybox and coordinates.

Noggit / Re: [BUG] Setting up a continent
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:01:03 am »
So I tried it again, used the whole tutorial and set up the whole Modding area, how it's described in the tutorial. I also made a new .wdt and the .adt files, how it's described in the new tutorial and I still can't view the new area, I've got the same problem as before and it's really frustrating.

I uploaded the files so you can download them here and maybe find out what's the problem. It might just be that the Noggit ist corrupted (I don't think it's that, cause I can edit every existing terrain) or the files I made are corrupted (I think it's that). But until someone else worked with them I can't be sure. I hope you take a look at them and tell me what might be wrong.

With regards


Noggit / [SOLVED] [BUG] Setting up a continent
« on: August 14, 2013, 02:54:50 pm »
it's been quiet a while since I last had the opportunity to work with Noggit and I wanted to build up my own little island just for fun. But I've got a serious problem with Noggit currently.

To set up the new area I used Eluos tutorial it went without problems, I got all my files everything went fine, my continent shows up in Noggit all files are fine, but after I saved them once they were done for. When I now try to work on my "island" from 100 adts only one shows up and that is where I ain't got one.

My world starts at 01_01 and ends at 10_10 but when I'm in Noggit at 0_0 one shows up and the rest is not available and I don't have a clue why that is.

Here's my Noggit.conf:
#This is a config file template. To use it rename into noggit.conf and set your options
#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = C:UsersPublicÖffentliche GamesWorld of Warcraft3.3.5aWorld of Warcraft

#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
ProjectPath = C:UsersRustyDesktopWorkspace (WoW)Work

#Set this to the file where you will import models from (the model viewer log for example :) )
#ImportFile  = Path to Model Viewer log file

#The far clipping value. Set to 2048, 3072, 4096 etc. for a further look. Higher values need more 3d power.
#1024 is the standard value and will be taken if you do not set this value.

The Path where the .wdt and .adt is:
C:UsersRustyDesktopWorkspace (WoW)WorkWorldMapsChaos_Islands

A Screen with the data from the .adt and .wdt (and some other stuff which might be useful).

A Screen where you see the overview on the islands, after choosing them in Noggit.

And another one after going in worldbuild mode. (interesting is where I am at 0_0 and theres an adt where it shouldn't be).

I already tried running Noggit in different modes, with other Service Packs, but it doesn't change anything and I don't have a clue how to solve this bug.

I hope you can help me fix this issue, it's kind of frustrating.

With regards,


Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] .mdx in .wmo
« on: October 17, 2012, 04:24:52 pm »
Okay, thanks.

I'll try it out, if I am able.

Noggit / [SOLVED] .mdx in .wmo
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:19:39 am »
So, guys as the title says it's all about .mdx objects in a .wmo, so I got this freaking idea today about 4 hours ago 2 o'clock in the morning and this idea wasn't shaking of my freaking mind.

I thought about an playerhousing system which is build up 95 % on Noggit, the rest would be teleportquests to get there and something to eat for the characters (cause I am quite an addict in roleplaying). So I build up an house, thought "hey Chaos good job there, quite not done but have a look at it how it's in the game", so I packed it in an .mpq started my homeserver logged in and surprise, the .mdx objects were not there, or just some and with a camerapush they vanished.

So I kinda remember an bug with an older rev, or I don't actually know if that was a bug in first place (which is one of the reasons why I marked this one here as a question). So first things, first:

Is this a bug of Noggit, or if not can it be fixed otherwise?

If not I thank you for reading and I'm going to get my Katana for the ritual suicidal. (Just kiddin, but to be honest I almost crouched the stairs up 20 minutes ago).

So if it can be fixed I would be glad to hear it, if not it's still okay, cause then I don't have to work 4 hours for the next few playerhousingbuildings. And just to let you have a look at what I did I got a special picture for you with 3 ingame and 3 Noggit screens, I personally like the left ones from Noggit more.

With regards,


Yes, it's a remake ^^

I liked west Silvermoon (Silvermoon is the blood elves capital in WoW), so I did build it up again.

I started this because I wanted to try out Nogg-it first, currently I am offering it to DNÄ, a german roleplay server, because the creator of their west silvermoon wants it to be taken out. So, I hope the take it, I would even offer them to use it after I am gone as long as the server exists.

I have currently no use for it, they do. So I'm sorry you won't find it on Maruum, but for that I can build up another location if I want to improve the Nogg-it skills even more. But for today I'm done ... nine hours worldbuilding through the night is not the best way to spend his time before school. ;)

It was a pain in my ass to build this thing up, that's what I say first. I had a lot of bugs which doubled my time building up the world. But here it is, with best regards to Mjollna who helped me to solve the camera problem (which I had the most problems with) I present you my interpretation of west silvermoon, after it was build up by the blood elves again.

There is quiet a lot of empty area but that is intended for ingame spawning and so on because this patch is thought for an german roleplay server.

At first let me start with something pretty unspectacular, the way between east and west Silvermoon. I think the blood elves would build that way up first as soon as they had control over this area.

Then we go on with the first impression you get when visiting west Silvermoon.

Here you'll get a top view over the area:

Now we come to a small thing which I am most proud of, even when it was the easiest thing to build.

Let's go on with some impressions of west Silvermoon. (I won't name them all because I was to eager to screen even the littlest thing in my build).

So that was it with west silvermoon, now let's go on with the nice view of Sunstrider Isle.

At first I show you the bridge crossing the sea, where I have to thank the developer of the AllWater.exe, it's easy to handle and a must have for such projects.

Next we see a water pond which is thought as an relaxation area. A peaceful place to come to and meditate or planning the genocide of an little blood elf house. (Just kidding).

We get a closer look of the house of "Andilien" which is one of the most noble ones in Quel'thalas. There does the family reside and plan it's moves against or with other noble houses of Quel'thalas.

Another nice overview over Sunstrider Isle.

As you can see more overview over Sunstrider Isle, but to your feet you can admire the residence of house El'vala, another noble born family.

Some little houses and to your right the main entrance to the residence El'vala.

Another nice overview.

And last but not least the inn of the noble borns withe a vaudeville.

Thank you for your attention and leave a comment, this is my first bigger project with Nogg-it, it was a nice time building it up even when I sometimes wanted to kill someone.

With regards,


Noggit / Re: [BUG] Camerabug
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:25:35 pm »
Thanks for the help, it's fixed ;)

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