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Topics - wwworks

Pages: [1]
"Retro-Porting" / [QUESTION] [WotLk] Bloody dancing steel?
« on: October 05, 2016, 04:35:10 am »
Hey all! I'm trying to find the m2 for the Bloody Dancing Steel enchant so i can model swap it with a older enchant. I've looked through all the enchants in the enchantment folder in the spells portion my WoD modelviewer running on client data from 6.2.3 - does anybody know the name of this m2?

"Retro-Porting" / [Question] WOD m2s transparent ported to WoTLK
« on: October 01, 2016, 11:43:40 am »
Good morning, I'm rather new to "retro-porting" but i'm trying to take the challenge mode gear from mists of pandaria and port it to WoTLK. Whenever i follow the steps below, the model becomes viewable in the wow model viewer that's designed for WoTLK, but when assigned to an item shows up transparent. I'm converting m2s from 6.2.3 to 3.3.5a using viewtopic.php?f=59&t=9104.

Steps i've done in attempt to port them :

1) open casc viewer and extract a armor's  m2, blp and skin files.
2) paste these into a folder with the converter batch file (see link above)
3) run the 2 batches
4) open a mpq editor and pack these files into the MPQ in the directory : itemObjectComponentsShoulder
5) Open itemDisplayInfo.dbc to create a new display id - assigning it a id and then setting the first column to be the name of the m2 file but with a .mdx ending (ex : Shield_PVPPandariaS1_C_01.mdx) leave the second column empty and type the name of the blp file for the variation i plan on using (ex :Shield_PVPPandariaS1_C_01Black) then leave all the other lines as default except occasionally setting image of the in-game-bag icon.
6) save the itemDisplayInfo.dbc file
7) open mySQL and add a new item with the newly created display id.
8) run the aa_item_dbc sql query to get the info to enter into item.dbc
9) add a new row in item.dbc that corresponds to the data from my sql database including the new display id
10) save item.dbc
11) copy itemDisplayInfo.dbc and item.dbc into my server's dbc folder (replacing the old)
12) pack itemDisplayInfo.dbc and item.dbc into the mpq patch under the DBFilesClient directory
13) copy and paste the new mpq patch the wow data folder
14) clear the wow cache
15) start up the auth & world server
16) login, gm add the item
17) the item is invisible

I've been trying to figure out how to successfully port these m2s over for a while now, and was hoping i could get some assistance! Any help is appreciated!

-Thanks :)

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