"Retro-Porting" / [RELEASE] [BC/WotLK/Cata/MoP] WoD Music For Outland
« on: January 28, 2017, 11:07:05 am »
I made this mod a while ago to bring the new Warlords of Draenor music to Outland for any previous expansion. Some of the zones might have different music because of the changes in Outland like Hellfire and Shadowmoon being more barren wastelands but I did my best to make the themes fit as best as it can for the new Outland.
Works with any expansion except classic of course, enjoy!
http://www.mediafire.com/download/d8ecw ... utland.zip
Works with any expansion except classic of course, enjoy!
http://www.mediafire.com/download/d8ecw ... utland.zip