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Author Topic: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD  (Read 3979 times)


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2014, 04:05:18 am »
Spells have always been stored in Spell.dbc. The entry in Spell.dbc for Aviana's Feather is 176282.

I don't know where the "models" would be stored but check for auras in other spell DBCs as that is what makes the wings appear.

To view the DBCs use a program like MyDbcEditor v1.2.2, there is also a patched DB2 editor but it sucks for anything except reading.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2014, 03:55:46 am »
Quote from: "Shodoman"
Edit: you can find the id of the files in the various dbc, then check with files.dbc to see the file patch. File ID's can be hexadecimal in other dbc but not in files.dbc.

It's not quite that simple since the WOD dbcs aren't documented yet.  As I said earlier, I can find the reference to the model in the spellvisualeffectname.db2; however, column 9's number doesn't reference a number I can locate.  It's not a reference to the filedata.db2 as the IDs for the spells I've traced don't show up there.  Therefore, it's a reference to somewhere else.

Quote from: "Bravelad"
I don't know where the "models" would be stored but check for auras in other spell DBCs as that is what makes the wings appear.

Models were always called by reference via the spellvisualkit into the spellvisualeffectname.  However, that db2 now contains a simple number reference rather than the filename.  And it's not a reference to the filedata.db2.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2014, 05:48:14 am »

This is the spell which calls for the model and not the one with the ID of 176282.

But ye without any documentation, shit is hard, especially when I just recently learned how it works on older expansions lol.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2014, 10:03:52 am »
I recently added full documentation on all dbcs at the state of WoD beta. Likely the ones you modify did not change since. Please check the wiki before making claims.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2014, 08:47:52 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
I recently added full documentation on all dbcs at the state of WoD beta. Likely the ones you modify did not change since. Please check the wiki before making claims.

I did.  The closest I could find was this list: ... ckType.dbc

The spellvisualeffectname.db2 isn't in there.

Anyway, as an example fireball spell 133.  I can trace the impact visual (when fireball hits you) to number 218 in column 8 of the spellvisualeffectname.db2.  However, that references column 9's 6223.  That number isn't a filedata.dbc ID reference because there are no filedata.dbc IDs that low.  Either my the DBC editor isn't displaying all the data properly, or it's a reference to somewhere else.  And the references in column 9 range from 2 up through upwards of 283,000ish.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2014, 02:10:34 am » ... ctName.dbc likely is close. Also, be sure to document it, when you find out.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2014, 02:18:59 am »
Quote from: "schlumpf" likely is close. Also, be sure to document it, when you find out.

That's the WotLK one.  Point being, it's undocumented as said before you bit our hands to say it was documented.  Furthermore, it's changed.  The model path is no longer in that dbc and instead it's now another reference ID.  However, the reference ID is not to the filedata.db2, which makes no sense.

Something else that is boggling me is that the filedata.db2 doesn't contain a lot of the spell models.  For example, 287 visual effect name ID used to be for SpellsFire_Precast_Hand.mdx (the effect while casting Fireball).  Now it's the number 8258.  There is no ID for 8258 in filedata.dbc (IDs there start at like 50k).  Moreover, that model patch (SpellsFire_Precast_Hand.mdx) is not in the filedata.dbc either.

It's got me stumped.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2014, 04:00:55 am »
Have you tried finding stuff out yourself instead if just complaining about missing documentation? From what you wrote, the only changed thing is stringref → some table ref. that sounds pretty documented to me. So instead of whining that it isn't difumented, say that everything is there except for that column.

I don't know if you realize it, but I and others have put days of work into that wiki, so just hearing that something would be completely missing while it is only one column is really annoying and makes me feel bad. I don't like that feeling. I'd rather enjoy you not being an ass but trying to contribute, for example by adding a new, 6.* entry for that file and leaving that column as unknown. Likely that will take less than a day to get attention and someone may even fix it.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2014, 04:12:46 am »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Have you tried finding stuff out yourself instead if just complaining about missing documentation? From what you wrote, the only changed thing is stringref → some table ref. that sounds pretty documented to me. So instead of whining that it isn't difumented, say that everything is there except for that column.

I don't know if you realize it, but I and others have put days of work into that wiki, so just hearing that something would be completely missing while it is only one column is really annoying and makes me feel bad. I don't like that feeling. I'd rather enjoy you not being an ass but trying to contribute, for example by adding a new, 6.* entry for that file and leaving that column as unknown. Likely that will take less than a day to get attention and someone may even fix it.

You should re-read this thread.  I didn't complain at all about it being undocumented (other people did).  You showed up saying it was fully documented.  It's not.  I'm not complaining about it being documented or not; I was happily looking through the unknown to trace it all down for this kid.  You just made a comment that was not true and I was pointing it out.

That said, the db2 for this hasn't changed from WotLK.  The issue is actually that it doesn't display the string when opened with MyDBCEditor.  Opening it with a different DBC reader actually shows the string.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2014, 04:55:38 am »
@OP - Spellspriest_guardianspirit_wings.m2


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2014, 02:14:42 pm »
Thanks man. I appreciate it a lot you have no idea.

So the problem is with mydbceditor which I use all the time hmmm..
Would you mind telling me which dbc editor it worked on?

I'll prob download a bunch later tonight when I get home just to try em out.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2014, 02:42:30 pm »
I think it was DBC Viewer.  I've already deleted it as I don't work with this WoD stuff.  It displays the number just like MyDBCEditor does, but if you hover over the number it tells you the text string too.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »