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Author Topic: [Possible Project] machinima/comics server/client  (Read 524 times)


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[Possible Project] machinima/comics server/client
« on: July 24, 2014, 03:50:07 am »
I'd like to start a really large project, or at least hopefully get others interested enough to contribute to it.  With the advent of the new character models coming in WoD, I saw a prime opportunity to start working on a PhotoShop webcomic series detailing the backstories of my RP characters in live WoW. However, I'm a stickler for accuracy so unfortunately I hit more than one snag along the way to the conclusion that a MASSIVE project is called for in order to give not just myself but other entertainment-medium content creators a wonderful tool to use in presenting their stories to us, as they see fit.

Having perused these forums, I've come to the conclusion that a special WoW client and private server are in order, being the most logical means to accomplish this. Unfortunately, no such animal currently exists, which has led to me either trying to incite others or to perhaps try and get the ball rolling myself, even though at present this would be against my best interests due to a SEVERE lack of technical know-how.

Anyway, here's what I'm proposing:

The client, ideally, would have multiple versions of Azeroth within, each built to accurately portray the world as it would have been during the First, Second, and Third War eras, as well as each WoW era to date. Needless to say, this is a massive undertaking and I doubt I'll be able to do this alone. The client will ideally continue to be updated with custom patches implementing any new continents and NPCs Blizzard creates for its expansions.

As for the private server itself, I'm proposing something a little different from the regular WoW emulator. The server's only real purpose would be to serve as a perfect WoW sandbox, complete with interactive objects, spawnable (but not pre-spawned) NPCs, no quests, and access to every single area in the game unhindered, for the SOLE purpose of creating machinima, or comic strips, or just plain exploration if you prefer.

Yeah, this'll be massive, and since I'm only a newbie with VERY little time on my hands, not enough for a project of this magnitude at least, I'm afraid all I can really do is conceptualize and experiment in a limited capacity at present. But I'm hoping there will be people here who are willing to help make this monster a reality if at all possible, since it IS something I really wanna see happen. This would have a lot of benefits for the WoW community at large, I believe. Who knows, maybe this very community on these forums would be able to use it for testing new maps or other projects. The possibilities are endless!

Thank you for reading all this. Please, let me know what you think. I'm willing to hear any ideas you guys might have with regards to this.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »