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Author Topic: Character Create set a Character Race and Class.  (Read 787 times)


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Character Create set a Character Race and Class.
« on: July 25, 2015, 07:19:47 pm »
I try since 2 hours to remove the randomize from the CharacterCreate.lua, i want to create one class and one race that choosen at the start of the CharacterCreate Screen, i tried everything but i have 0 knowledge of coding.

i tried to change in the CharacterCreate.lua
function CharacterCreate_OnLoad(self)

   CharacterCreate.numRaces = 0;
   CharacterCreate.selectedRace = 1;
   CharacterCreate.numClasses = 0;
   CharacterCreate.selectedClass = 1;
   CharacterCreate.selectedGender = 0;

So the characterscreen sets on load the Race and Class to ID 1 that is The Human and the Warrior, but the randomize continues so i tried a another code
another line:

       function CharacterCreate_OnShow()

   local_,_,index = GetSelectedClass();

So if the characterScreen is showing it sets the Race and Class to ID 1 but its not working, what iam doing wrong ?

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »