This is a read only copy without any forum functionality of the old Modcraft forum.
If there is anything that you would like to have removed, message me on Discord via Kaev#5208.
Big thanks to Alastor for making this copy!

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Messages - Kingdomkeepers

Pages: [1]
Like the title suggests My luck screws me up on trying to recreate the Legend of Zelda's Hyrule from OoT before I can start anything. It fails at trying to download the tools to operate such tasks. I have 6 pages up each a different guide, but none prepaired me for everything failing to work. I've tried DLing everything from  viewtopic.php?t=26  It says Noggit has an unexpected stop and refuses to leave winrar while the DL ContentCreator (the link he posts for a all in one tool) fails to work and instantly says Windows Explorer has stopped working and refuses to even open that after Downloading.

Any help? I want to bring my childhood favorite to life in better graphics and livelyhood known as warcraft!

Edit: my Dislexia fails me I am not sure this is even in the right thread. I apologize if I did.

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