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Author Topic: Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft  (Read 2874 times)


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Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft
« on: July 02, 2010, 02:55:40 pm »
I don't know if this is the right place to make this post and if somebody would move it to another board
I wouldn't object.

Philoric's 10 levels of Warcraft[/color]

Ever since I first player World of Warcraft I have been thinking about how I would have modified the
game if I had the means. Over time these thoughts have become so numerous and elaborate that I
have decided to write them down and perhaps discuss them with like-minded people.

My ideas mainly concern making certain changes to the game rules and mechanics. Rather than making
changes  to the game content, I would change the way in which a character would experience it.
Because of that I believe my ideas would work just well with the original game content as it would with
any community made game content. While my vision for a new world of Warcraft has many aspects,
these constitute the core:

- Fewer but more demanding character levels that would each require more than just XP points
 - Zones and instances distinguished by their associated storylines rather than level differencies
 - Professions revamped from the bottom up, following a new itemization
 - New guidelines for talent trees that would favour generalist builds

I find it highly unlikely that any of these ideas will actually see realization and I do not intend to start a
project. All I wish is to share my ideas with people who have similar interests. Feel free to read through
my full essay on the topic, then contact me through a PM if you have any comments.

READ THIS: ... 100701.pdf

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 04:18:03 pm »
Since it's just meant as a simple discussion it should rather belong in the Story&Concepts forum.

It's very nice to see somebody think of how to change the WoW mechanics to the better and telling from your .pdf you really put a lot of time into it.
Eluo and I did something very similar back in Elorions Curse, there were massive gameplay changes planned, the game itself wouldn't feel like WoW, not one bit.

In my opinion the gameplay in WoW is pretty boring and unchallenging, as you too mentioned. It would be really great to see one or two projects using their own gameplay and maybe with taking one or two of your aspects into account.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2010, 11:40:07 pm »
I love your Ideas for the game...
one I always thought would be cool, is if
blizz would make age specific realms so that if one were to
go on a realm that they were too young for, that it is there problem what they
see on the game.
such as foul language, whatever...
But instead people get banned daily for stupid reasons such as bigotry... and racism.
yes these arent my favorite things that people discus, but never the less you pay for the game
you shouldn't get banned for speaking your mind.

so if they were to have on the realm list ages 17 and below and ages 18 and up  
people would ether go to there specified realm and do what there suppose to do...
or if they ended up on the wrong realm it isn't the fault of the player that is discussing something in trade
that they don't like...
anyways that's my rant lol
I know this is not story..  or concept, but I was just adding my 2 cents
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 04:53:24 pm »
A fast read in your pdf raised good points, and i would like to see some implemented,
my main gripe in wow is how they organized story and gameplay....

In warcraft universe, deathknights are a "lone" faction...that belong to lich king....however in WOW you play death knigth against the lich king....ok ok...some death knights are angry at lich king for transforming that or whatever......

undead are a horde race
...they were made by lich king???i think??? so...they break away from the scourge and the horde accepts them???ok ok.....who knows, it could happen in my wildest dreams...

ohh rants here, sorry...  :uchee :udumb:

i will be keeping your PDF to prime a few ideas into who knows maybe a reality.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2011, 05:00:24 pm »
I agree with most of your points, but blizzard is a company, and they just want money, not really caring weather the game is actually good or not. I think that Bobby Kotick (CEO of Activision Blizzard) has even said that he doesn't care about making games fun, or creative but he only wants money.
If blizzard can prize money from players who aren't perhaps good at the game, they will, so Blizzard aren't going to make WoW harder, because all the players who find WoW difficult at the moment will stop playing and paying.

I agree completely with what you say, but Blizzard won't :P
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2011, 08:08:43 pm »
The problem with that is that the mass is not interested in an sophisticated game with a good storyline and a very densely atmosphere. They want fast food gameplay. See how big I am and the only thing I did for it is kill many mobs. It must be fast, not complex and not to many text to read.

And because of this, and the point blizzard will earn mony (like every company) you cant expect such a game from a big gaming company. Its the same in movies. The best stuff is mostly indy work.

But to get a indy wow to run you need some guys that have the will to do it and not only the dream.
Game development is a big thing and to reach this dreams we all have to learn, and start working together.

But only if you realy want it and dont lose fun and dedication after 3 or 4 month.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2011, 11:05:29 pm »
hmm,i rly like ur way of world of warcraft,most leveling,token system,but there i few things are woud change or add

9 points talent three is rly boring thing,whit bigger threes game request skill,to make em,not just random dropping points.
So in my option talent points woud be getting whit completing Q chains,not dinging.

Than,proffesions,i dont like ur level unballance at em.If tailor make level 10 thing it shoud help some level 10  alchemy item,no low level one,make some balance at it(i hope u guyz understand what i said here xD)

And about recepies,i woud make Q chains,that u get whit levels,and that at end give u best recepie for ur level.That Qs woud probably start at proff traineirs.

And last,but not unimmportant thing,why storwind dont send 2 guards and get done whit problems in deadmines or places like that?Its rly unreal,there shoud be some balance to.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2011, 01:12:18 am »
For me the keypoints now as gameplay terms are:

-Too much grind (killing monsters and getting items it's way overused, also to get items from token system is a pain, since items require a ton of tokens that need even 50-60 bosses killed, for a average of 100-130 hours per item actually)
-Combat System, the actual one is used by ALL the MMOs, and to be honest i'm pretty sick of "right click - auto attack, spam keys 1-9 to use spells" something more action-based would be good, as for PVE contents (please stop with tank&spank overgearable creatures, not to mention PVP, that in wow now is EvE (Equimpent vs Equimpent))
-World feeling, as you stated, too many levels make you focus on leveling rather than enjoy the game.

I wish you good luck if you want to venture into the world of coding to write your own rules!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: Philoric's ten levels of Warcraft
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2011, 01:53:43 pm »
Well acually WoW is Level vs Level,level 1 whit best enchs and items he can get cant beat level 80 whit no gearz,tats totoally wrong,whole game shout be EvE(same meaning u said) but for all levels.

And items i woud  stay whit normall way getting em,its ok to do instances and get em,but for levels t shoud be harded,i said what i think bout token system for leveling
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »