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Messages - Aodhann

Pages: [1]
Miscellaneous / Re: Can't see my custom maps ingame... :/
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:01:08 pm »
I'm trying to modify an existing adt. :)
The path is correct, I tried the MPQ file on another server and everything I did showed up... :/
I'm pretty sure I have to extract something from this adt and put it in the maps, vmaps and mmaps folders, I just don't know what and how.

Thank you for your time. :)

Miscellaneous / Can't see my custom maps ingame... :/
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:19:16 pm »

I'm currently running a TrinityCore local server and modifying some maps a trifle using Noggit...
Point being that after putting the .adt's in a MPQ and placing it in the Data folder, nothing changes in-game....

So I figured it was maybe because I need to extract maps, vmaps and shit from the adt's?
Is that it? And how would I do that by the way? Because I tried using mapextractor.exe and so on but it doesn't work, nothing gets extracted from the adt... :/

Thank you in advance for your help and consideration.... :)

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