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Messages - darklifer

Pages: [1] 2
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] Wod Models [4.3.4]
« on: February 04, 2015, 05:07:01 am »
I dunno why, but I have an error "Cannot stream required archive data. Please check the internet connection." - where is the problem? :)

Random / Re: Now this looks cool for only $99 a year
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:50:03 am »
We were using HeroEngine for our game and best thing on it is you pay a they give you complete infrastructure (servers, database etc.) hosted by them and it's optimalized for their engine.

But we went from HE to Unity Engine a developing of game gets faster. HE has many many problems why we left it.

Is it for MoP or WotLK or what? :)


Miscellaneous / Re: Book text in wow
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:30:18 pm »
Kaev: I tried to find it in different versions - 1.12, 2.4.3, 3.3.5a, 4.3.4, 5.4.8 - and in all was writen "five". So now I'll try to find it in older versions, 'cause article on wowwiki is from 9.6.2005 and it was version 1.5.1.
But question is "Can it be possible that current realms use corrected repack (where is writen five old gods) different from official classic pack (four old gods on official realm)?"

Phucko: They changed it FROM 4 TO 5 so ... we have 5 Old Gods - it was writen in WC manul and now we know that it is writen in WoW.

Miscellaneous / Book text in wow
« on: August 20, 2014, 01:35:13 pm »
I need to find in what version Blizzard changed of "The Old Gods and the ordering of Azeroth". It's for theories about Old Gods. (You can read it here - - but it's in Czech language)

We found the problem. WoWWiki writes that there are four old gods ( ... of_Azeroth), but it's number from July 9, 2005. Same number was in the article on WoWPedia until it changed at February 14, 2012.

I was searching "when did blizz change it?" but in version 1.12 is the number five. But I've found that text of the books is in page_text.SQL - is it possible that current SQLs have the new text (corrected by Blizzard) and I need to find DB from old times?

I'll be very pleased if someone finds the solution of question "When did Blizzard change the text of the book 'The Old Gods and the Orderind of Azeroth' on page 5 in sentence 'The Pantheon shattered the Old Gods' citadels and chained the four evil gods far beneath the surface of the world.'?"

Thank you very much for answer! :)

PS: Sorry for my english, I'm from Czech Republic :)

Thx Solarion - you're reader of my thoughts and opinions!

I couldn't say it better! It's 110% truth.

Yeah, I know it. But ... I don't like this on my beloved blood elf women :)

It is ... terrible.

I like model edits, but ... oh god why this? -_- :D

I think that Farrare want it for new models from WoD where are more geosets than wotlk can have or something like this.

Really good! :)

Maybe you can follow this video. There is converting texture and model.

Thank you for answer.

It's awesome job as I sad under your every job Anthony! :)

Will you try to fix texture?

I mean ... character can wear clothes (like chest, leg etc.) or it's final? :O

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] M2i blender plugin (Import\export)
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:33:51 pm »
.blend model is not compatible between versions, so it's not possible to do it like you said Steff.

But Phucko1 told me that you can do edits in whateever 3D programm, but "boning" must be done i Blender 2.49b, so it's okey.

Modelling and Animation / Re: [RELEASE] My Lamborghini Reventon Mount
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:18:00 pm »
Good job anthony!

But I have question.

Is here any reason, why did you use "m2mod4" then Mjollna's CataToLK? Why didn't you use m2mod3? :)

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