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Author Topic: Zanders Project  (Read 1760 times)


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Zanders Project
« on: March 07, 2011, 10:20:21 pm »
Hey everyone, I'm new to these forums and I am in need of some help. I have a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering them. I want to remove the current WoW continents and start from scratch but I can't get any of the continent creators / editors to work. I've downloaded them several time but there's no install file. If you can help me that would be great! I'm using a 3.3.5 arcemu server run on a pc.

If there is anyone who can give me advice on deleting all the items in the MySQL Database and created a completely new database using the current WoW models or Creating new classes that would also be awesome.

I have all the concept done for my game and I want to try it out using the WoW engine heavily modified. All I need is advice at this point so please do not percieve this as me trying to get people to do the work for me, I've been working on this project for over a year getting everything ready for this state of development and I plan to see it through myself.

I appologise if this is the wrong forum for this but like I said I'm new here.

Thank you in advance for any advice.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Zanders Project
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 12:26:58 am »
The section is wrong, but you're basically asking us to teach you EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING at once, which is not possible :S there are guides around that explain really good (eluo's one on world building i guess is perfect) and well, google is your friend too (for databases is easy to clean them, but you need the same format of columns?)

One friendly advice: before tossing yourself in this GIGANTIC work that would require a mastodontic amount of workers, time and dedication that probably you don't have (at least i'm kinda sure you don't have 7-8 skilled mappers working day and night to make a new land) i suggest you to aim a bit lower, especially if you're new to world building
If you're not a high expert (doesn't seem to) i suggest you to start with simple stuff first, practice and then reconsider your project.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: Zanders Project
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 01:15:06 am »
Thanks for the advice SirFranc but I'm not asking for you to teach me everything, I just wanted some advice on the topic. Eluo's worldbuilding basics is a great tutorial and I've read it several time but it doesn't tell you anything about what to do if the tools he recommends and posts a download for don't work for you. That's what I need to know is how to get them to work, the rest I can do over time by myself. I've been working on this "mastodonic" dev project by myself for over a year and no I don't have 7-8 skilled mappers at my disposal but I do have myself... and that's all I can count on sense people decide to belittle my attempt to dev my project rather than just answering or providing links to the answer to my simple questions. I don't mean to be rude but I asked Eluo in message and he told me to post a topic on it, I posted a topic on it and you tell me to google it and find tutorials on my own...

I would like to be a member of this "community" but this hasn't been a great experience so far.

Don't get me wrong, I'm new to this community and to this set of tools but I'm not new to game development, I've been using the Realm Crafter software and haven't been getting the results I've wished for so I thought modding a current engine would prove more efficient for my desires as of now.

Now that all that is out of the way, if anyone has any ACTUAL advice or a link to the solution to my software problem please let me know here or in a personal message.

Again, my problem is that I cannot get Noggit3, Talis or any other world modifier to work and I can't explain why. If anyone can help me by explaining to me what I'm doing wrong or the process do get it working from download to use I would be greatly appreciative. Or if you can point me in the direction of a tutorial that I can use to do this myself I would also appreciate that.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Zanders Project
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2011, 10:56:55 am »
As you both mentioned: wrong section, I'll move it.

If Noggit setup is your biggest problem try the Noggit section and don't forget to use the search. Nearly every problem (especially with setup) has been already posted, so go have a look into that.

Now I've read your initial post several times and although you're saying you've got a lot of questions there's not even one real question with a question mark at the end in your posts.

Quote from: "Zander"
I want to remove the current WoW continents and start from scratch

Open the MPQs and remove all .adt and .wdt files. To create new ones check out Eluo's Tutorial (Once you've gotten the tools to work)

Quote from: "Zander"
deleting all the items in the MySQL Database

When setting up your server you also setup your DB right? Well either you don't import it (WoW won't work until you've added lots of special stuff to the DB but since you want to start all from scratch that's possibly your best bet) or you simply right click on the item or the database and hit delete.

Quote from: "Zander"
Creating new classes that would also be awesome.

So is this phrase, I just new when I started reading this topic "Custom Classes" or "Custom Races" would pop up. Hell that's great, of course you can create custom classes, although you'll have to look a little deeper into the matter here. Check out ... =Main_Page and also the documentation on the arcemu DB you downloaded. First of all you'll have to figure out what you will have to change to create a new class but seeing as you're very ambitious (starting an "all new" project on your own without having even created one area yet) it's probably a piece of cake.
Now don't get me wrong, it's completely possible to do that.

Quote from: "Zander"
so I thought modding a current engine would prove more efficient for my desires as of now.
Although we're not capable of modding the client, only the content and serverside environment, that's still quite a lot, since WoW already has lots of the features you'd want in a MMORPG.
You do however know what modding is, right? It's not all about someone writing tutorials on how to do this and how to do that, it's about exploring the possibilities by oneself. Although there has been a lot of stuff done, especially in level design, there's still lots of stuff possible but yet never done, such as a 100% custom race, custom classes etc.
I'll give you one good example:
When creating a new spell/skill you can either use existing effects (throw back, damage, buff etc) or coding the effect yourself in C++ on the server. If you stick to the easier one (using preexisting effects) it's simply DBC editing, which is a client side database.
DBC editing is a thing lots of people quickly learn to do and lots of people can actually do, however I've NEVER seen somebody create a custom spell yet (except for my own about 2 months ago), at least not publically. Wanna know why that is? Because nobody yet bothered to write a "HOW TO HURR DURR" tutorial on it and it requires getting to know this ... =Spell.dbc structure by comparing and looking at Blizz-created Spells.
And most "modders" are too lazy to do that. Unless somebody writes one tutorial on it they're too fucking lazy to bother with it themselves. That's not modding. If you want to do something like that please visit , that's the place for lazy unexperienced people who like to call themselves modders but are only capable of doing sth somebody has done before.

Although a lot of people on here might sound like quite some asses I'll explain to you why that is:
We're putting a lot of effort and time into stuff (like writing tutorials) and are getting nothing in return but thousands of stupid questions of persons too lazy to bother with anything themselves.
That's the people we meet most of the time and since we can't expect much of them in return we've learned to not really bother with them much, which is why this community heavily lacks active members. Once told to do sth by themselves they see it as a sort of insult and never return.

I'm giving you the most honest and possibly only advice I can:
If you're new to modding, join an existing project. Maybe the bigger ones on Modcraft, not the "oh so ambitious I'm one person doing all by myself and I will fail before even posting one WIP screen" projects.
You will be learning so much on that project, not only because you're working with more experienced people but also because you are giving them something (taking a lot of work off their backs) they are much more willing to teach you something.
Yes, this means putting your own ideas aside for some time, but maybe you'll integrate into the project quickly and are able to have your ideas realized on the same project as well.

Choose one:
-join a good project (they must have ingame screenshots)
- go figure out what you need by thinking + trial&error + looking at blizz content
-go to for lots of  :ulol: and never be respected by real modders fully
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Zanders Project
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2011, 07:59:44 pm »
Thank you Jack, this is a lot of help. I am new to modding and I'll look in to getting a position on someone elses project to get passed the modding learning curve. I might even be able to get people interested in my idea. I really do understand the not getting thanked for your work, I did concept artwork for a project thats almost done now and when they got what they wanted to cut me out, that's when I decided to do my own thing. I respect what everyone here is doing which is why I wanted to join this community. I'm not just a tutorial leach, and I'm certainly not lazy, I'm just inexperienced at the whole modding thing. I didn't mean any disrespect and I appologize if it came off that way, I'm just really tired of the lack of faith people tend to show to newcommers. Thank you for all of your advice Jack, and hopefully soon I'll either be working on a project or you'll see some WIP screens from mine.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Zanders Project
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2011, 08:29:31 pm »
At least in the modding scene it can't be called "lack of faith" it's more or less a lesson of nature everybody has to learn first.
no experience/not enough people on project --> no finished project
I have never in my whole game design "career" (doing it just for fun as hobby but I started when I was ~14, long before I began WoW modding) seen a project where inexperienced and/or little staff create a decent project, it's just not possible.

A good way to get into a project is getting some reputation first. There's a concept art section on these forums and you'll probably get the kickstart you need when posting some of your creation there (even if it's scanned in, if it's somewhat decent work you'll get acknowledged for it). Just do some showoffs and people will be more likely to help you with "noobish" questions or setting up programs  :ugeek:
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Zanders Project
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2011, 10:53:30 pm »
You greatly got me wrong anyway, i was just telling you that if you start with epic projects you're doomed to fail being overwhelmed by an amount of work that would best even the most skilled modders
And that is a fact proven by legions of people like you that eventually failed, i just adviced to let you keep learning instead of giving up
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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