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Messages - MrHade

Pages: [1]
Is this fixed?

Miscellaneous / [SOLVED] SQL Querry Error for custom race
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:15:26 pm »
Hello modcraft people, i am following this tutorial viewtopic.php?f=26&t=165
to add somes races to my trinitycore server.
And i have a problem with the SQL part. When i run the first querry:
[spoiler:1f2e4j8u]SET @NEW_RACE = 9; -- ID of adding race.
SET @NEW_CLASS = 1; -- ID of class of the new race.
SET @COPY_RACE = 1; -- ID of the race where we copy datas.
DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_spell` WHERE race = @NEW_RACE AND class = @NEW_CLASS ;
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` (`race`, `class`, `Spell`, `Note`)
SELECT @NEW_RACE, @NEW_CLASS, `Spell`, `Note` FROM `playercreateinfo_spell` WHERE race = @COPY_RACE AND class = @NEW_CLASS;[/spoiler:1f2e4j8u]
I get this ....
[spoiler:1f2e4j8u][SQL] SET @NEW_RACE = 9;
Affected rows: 0
Time: 0.001ms

[SQL]  -- ID of adding race.
Affected rows: 0
Time: 0.000ms

[SQL]  -- ID of class of the new race.
Affected rows: 0
Time: 0.000ms

[SQL]  -- ID of the race where we copy datas.
DELETE FROM `playercreateinfo_spell` WHERE race = @NEW_RACE AND class = @NEW_CLASS ;
[Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'race' in 'where clause'[/spoiler:1f2e4j8u]
I am running a Mysql 5.5.9 server, TrinityCore compiled by me :). And it's 3.3.5a.

Sorry if my english is bad.
Thanks for you're help.

I solved my problem. In my CharBasInfo i've had 20 lines but i only got 19races ^^.

General / Re: Where we are from :)
« on: July 19, 2014, 04:43:05 pm »
20 from BELGIUM !

Miscellaneous / Corrupt Interface File Error When Adding New Races
« on: July 19, 2014, 01:53:02 am »
Hi i have the exact same problem that the guy on this topic : viewtopic.php?f=12&t=7546&hilit=GlueXML
I already tryed to follow the tutorials and i used somes programms but i can't make my wow.exe with my patch work.
Thanks guys if you need my wow.exe or my patch just ask.
Sorry if my english is bad !

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