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Author Topic: [WotLk] [QUESTION] [Custom Talents - HELP!]  (Read 1442 times)


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[WotLk] [QUESTION] [Custom Talents - HELP!]
« on: December 14, 2016, 01:35:21 pm »
Hi everyone, I recently started developing a custom talent tree, which, for some reason. Fucks up procs..

When I add the talent.dbc to my server, weird things begin to happend.

For example, mages Improved Counterspell makes the counterspell silence, proc on every target hit by ANY mage ability.

Immolate starts proccing Aftermath daze, which only conflag should.

Warriors swapping stances with Improved defensive stance, gains enrage?

How can this be possible? If i take out the talent.dbc and replace it with a blizz one, no bugs? Talent.dbc has nothing to do with spell procs, so how is this possible?

I did create several custom talent ranks, as i wanted a 3/3 layout so those with only 2/2 I created the remaining rank 3.

This is the talent.dbc:

Can anyone guide me in the direction of wtf is going on?

Thank you!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [WotLk] [QUESTION] [Custom Talents - HELP!]
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2016, 09:57:56 am »
No idea why this would happen. I thought spell.dbc was responsible for procs.

Try loading an unmodified talent.dbc and see if it still bugs. Then try making a tiny change, then another, etc.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [WotLk] [QUESTION] [Custom Talents - HELP!]
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2017, 05:44:35 pm »
Make the spells on spell.dbc (Rofl), When done go to Talent.dbc, find the classmask of the class you want to use, and you'll have a lot columns of them, Just add the custom spells, if you want to give it ranks it will be like it : Spells : 32154 > 32155 > 32156 > 32157

For setting a proc of spell, you'll need find the mask of them and edit the spell.dbc, like :  Counterspell makes the counterspell silence

I made some talents like this to my custom class :

The class have one main skill (Chaos Strike) and the talent give a chance to proc it and cleave in all enemies

I made mine proc based on Spell_Trigger, you can do Spell_trigger too and put a silence when you hit spell : Counterspell

PS:Sorry me if i don't understand good your question, but if its that, good luck :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »