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Wrath of the Lich King Modding => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Piccolodmq on April 14, 2017, 04:52:15 pm

Title: Custom Quests FAQ
Post by: Piccolodmq on April 14, 2017, 04:52:15 pm
Hi, I am in the process of retroporting all the quests in Cata, to WOTLK.  I retroported easily all the cata quests,creatures, POI, and all the easy quests likekill 6 pigs, or get x item to Y npc, are alredy done.

So I have some questions regarding, more complex quests.  I hope this helps other people doing customs quests, of course also.

1- How do I make a quest change phases and then return me to the main phase after it is complete?
2- How do I make an NPC follow me when a quest is accepted and stops following me after it is done?
3- How do I make a game object, do stuff, like summon an NPC?
Amaroth said "You have to use SmartGameObjectAI instead of SmartAI in gameobject_template, and source_type=1 in smart_scripts. Thats all. The rest is just up to correct choice of events and actions."
But, I dont understand the mechanics of an object.  For example smartAI for an NPC can react to being damaged, healed, etc.  But I can relate this to a GO.

4- How do I make a quest play a custom cinematic?  I have seen that some in game cinematics, are stored in patches, so Howdo I activate them?

Thanks again for your time.  And I hope this becomes some kind of manual for custom quests!
Title: Re: Custom Quests FAQ
Post by: Piccolodmq on April 14, 2017, 04:53:53 pm
For example for quests showing in a map, its all about this 2 templates.

*Thanks  Steff for that!
Title: Re: Custom Quests FAQ
Post by: Piccolodmq on April 19, 2017, 03:56:09 am
Or maybe not... hahahaha.  I will try at least post here.. what I can fid for myself.   Thanks ayways, I guess.
Title: Re: Custom Quests FAQ
Post by: Amaroth on April 19, 2017, 07:54:54 am
Sorry mate, had I a decent answer to any of your question, I would have given it to you.