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Author Topic:  [IDEA] ~ [UNIPLAYER/RPG] World of Warcraft  (Read 2516 times)


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 [IDEA] ~ [UNIPLAYER/RPG] World of Warcraft
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:04:20 am »
World of Warcraft: Unifix

A world of warcraft extension that gives an option to play as an RPG or play online (MMORPG).

The way the RPG setting will work is the expansion will run a basic blizzlike private server in the background, therefore running without other players. There will be edits to the clients that save character information in a clientside database. The gameplay should have a "skyrim"-like effect in which the player can progress easily.

For new users, there could be the option to load character progression from the retail (online) world of warcraft to the offline database.

In offline mode the following will be removed and replaced:

Auction House
Dungeon Finder
Multiplayer Instances

The following will be added to offline mode:

More soffisticated traders
traders that will put your sold goods in their invintory
limited gold
(more things like in skyrim)

NPC groups
such as in other RPG games, the groups can be NPCs more info to be debated

Group up with NPCs to conquer multiplayer instances and form raids
NPC option to join group
Design weapons/armor
the ability to go to places such the guild place to re-design weapons and armor

cities will be heavily populated with NPCs and traders

Better Skills
more skills and single-player training

This expansion will underline the lore in a progression of vanilla to cataclysm. It will make the player learn the lore and not just play to be the best or for gearscore.

I know I am just some random noob user. I am actually from another forum that I seem to be outsmarting, and few people understand what I want to do, and NONE are able to work with it. The reason I am here today is that I would like to find someone to start/lead this project. I do not have the skill level to do anything with this idea, though if someone can, I can almost guarantee success once the project finishes.

I know for a fact that a ton of gamers that do not like the multiplayer aspect of world of warcraft, though the love the lore.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re:  [IDEA] ~ [UNIPLAYER/RPG] World of Warcraft
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 01:16:04 pm »
And why do you think someone will try to mod an online game to an offline version :)
I think its also possible to do good PVE story environment like in Elder scroll sereias also in an online game. Its all a matter of willing and time :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re:  [IDEA] ~ [UNIPLAYER/RPG] World of Warcraft
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 04:28:09 pm »
Quote from: "Steff"
And why do you think someone will try to mod an online game to an offline version :)

I think its also possible to do good PVE story environment like in Elder scroll sereias also in an online game. Its all a matter of willing and time :)

As I said in my post, there is a huge playerbase that stick to world of warcraft for graphics and content, though they avoid online interaction.

That is actually what set me off on this idea. There already is a project to make Skyrim an online game (link).
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re:  [IDEA] ~ [UNIPLAYER/RPG] World of Warcraft
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 04:39:36 pm »
I am also no the big online interaction guy. I just play the story. But It never was a problem for me that there where oterh players around.

So i dont think that the big tech problems standing in way will it make possible. But you could just have on online starting city and just make all the story parts as isntances. Then you have no other players.

And I think what you will try will be not possible technical.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Meiya Stormsinger

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Re:  [IDEA] ~ [UNIPLAYER/RPG] World of Warcraft
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2012, 10:16:49 am »
I read Skyrim, Skyrim & Skyrim... Why don't you just play Skyrim instead?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re:  [IDEA] ~ [UNIPLAYER/RPG] World of Warcraft
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2012, 03:03:33 pm »
An epic idea would to implement quests that are so good, that when you are questing alone you'll feel like playing a single player game, something like swtor did have a very strong side on.

Sadly 99% of custom servers, do lack on solid quest design, so that's why you don't see it very often.

As to modding the client to be singleplayer, in fect it does sound fun, but wow to me is a mmorpg, and if I can't play it with other people, then i'll rather play skyrim as mr. stormsinger said. - Still a very fun project you've come up with though, I think it will teach you a lot about modding the client, assuming that you wanna have a server running seemless in the background to make it a true single-player experience, rather than a localhost server :3
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »

Currently studying Game Design at Copenhagen University. I also have a big project going on, sadly I have no portfolio of it (yet).


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Re:  [IDEA] ~ [UNIPLAYER/RPG] World of Warcraft
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2012, 12:05:31 pm »
Quote from: "Meiya Stormsinger"
I read Skyrim, Skyrim & Skyrim... Why don't you just play Skyrim instead?
Tend to agree with this. Skyrim is basically a buzz word in modern gaming.

Not saying this isn't possible, but you'd need a fat lot of revamping to make it worth playing by yourself.

Something I've come to learn about MMORPGs is that they work when you're playing with other people, but when you play alone they tend to fall flat on their butts. Probably because MMOs (on a fundamental level) are designed with social interaction at their core. Spend too much time think about the actual game mechanics and you realize how terribly under-developed and dated they are.

Not saying MMOs are inherently bad, nor am I saying that this is a bad idea. I'm just advising that if you indeed intend to go through with this, it would be wise to give a lot of thought to how to make it worth playing.

Lets take Skyrim, since it's already been brought up. Skyrim uses tons of modern gaming conventions that make it so immersive.  Character Customization, sandboxed gameplay, "living" characters, random events, radiant quests, and even voice acting (however limited) make skyrim special. Take away all that and you have sub-par hack n' slash with dragons.

Skyrim brings together all these aspects and has them work together seamlessly because it was built around systems like those. Think how realistic it would be to implement VO in WoW... Radiant Quests, Level Scaling?

Something that instantly comes to mind when i think about the idea of a more RPG focused WoW is the direction Epic Quests were beginning to take towards the end of vanilla/beginning of BC. Massive quests like those required to acquire legendary weapons such as Sulfuras and Atiesh. These quests were big, often requiring a whole guild to complete for just one person. Maybe implementing massive guild wide quests lines where each guild member has his or her part to do. Once the guild finishes the quest, they are all given a reward (obviously something awesome) and some story to fill in the blanks in the lore. This way you get to keep the social aspect of the game, actually building on the teamwork part of it, while still being able to tell a linear, lore based story (or stories).
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re:  [IDEA] ~ [UNIPLAYER/RPG] World of Warcraft
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2012, 02:36:27 pm »
Skyrim is a good single player game indeed. But since when can the boring "realistic" weapon and armor models and landscapes replace the unique and artistic feeling of wow? Since when can Skyrim replace WoW essence? I'd rather play WoW than Skyrim. It's a good idea indeed. Actually its pretty boring leveling on my own in WoW but for the sad days where i have no net and its raining outside or too late to go out its epic. About the more skills...I'd rather have LESS skills. The only thing I do not like in WoW is the lack of dynamic mechanics/actions and the action bar full of abilities. I'd rather have a fast dynamic world like League of Legends with up to 15 abilities ( some of which not used in combat but for fun - roll, blink, slow fall, portal , demonic circle, etc )
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »