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Author Topic: [QUESTION] WMO Edit 1.12 using Cromons WMO Editor  (Read 1255 times)


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[QUESTION] WMO Edit 1.12 using Cromons WMO Editor
« on: May 11, 2013, 06:14:53 pm »
Hi guys, I'm new here and currenty working on a 1.12 server project and I'm trying to customize a few WMO files.

My current problem is the following:
I'm trying to remove some collision (MOBN/MOBR) off a few WMO files on a 1.12 server.
As the WMO Editor reads the wow folder from the registry entry it loads my MoP folders WMO files, not the problem at the beginning as I need a few WMO files which are still the same as in 1.12.

So I remove the MOBN/MOBR of the wmo files, save it and pack it up an mpq file, but whenever I get near the zone where the changed wmo files stand I get a wow error.

Could it be that the WMO files off the MoP client are the problem and they're just not compatible with the 1.12 client (even as they already existed back then)? Or is there some other issue I didn't plan with?

I can't find a way to get it working so I wanted to ask you guys as you may have more experience than I have. :)

If I could find a way to solve this problem I'd be glad to share the end product with you.

Thanks in advance for your answers

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »